4-The Canadian Champion, Frnday, Doember 19, 2003 Miltoni Online www.milton.ca -e, Comrnlttee Secretsry 905-878-7252 Ext. # 2315 of Management for the Downtown Business Improvement Area as icil, in accorttsncewith By-law No. Il12-77, is for the* tiprovement, ance of municlpally-owned tands, buildings and structures lni the area évn Business Improvemnent Area and to promote the dsignated area as )a. )et on the Boad of the D.B.1.A., the memberashat be assessed for busi- t of landln the Improvement Ares, or aaailnees of Corpoations so For chmnp»or wtthd 15 9Ma prier to th. r P.WoeM Aîn administration tee by your financlal instftm gram enroilmrent imme c rnnhit M 1 'DR CL mii rl,Lsuu uy iutu uuJu%4 ogran, wrlttn notie le r.qulr.d ur accountfor payfments flot cleaed reserved thie night to cancel your pro- e non-htonored paymnent. tIn addition, day of each month on the outsand- Tax Arna at (W3) 78-7262