32-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, December 19, 2003 MACINTOSH G3 MýARKFTNG SPPORT A.NAIýyT Rle ie Trie $12. Career Opportunity cali 905-876-3019 Well-esrablished privute Oakvitle hased fisancial NIKKEN Magneur mat- services fires is expandion. A new opporoinity trss Padte. 1 Qasen, exives for you ro teson and grow with this highty $660.00. 1 rWin, $50.0e. 1 successful conpany. You have excellent compar- dama 29», $250.130. Plisse et akilis, are conafortable with numbens, pride Royal DOutton, Swaransd, Glass, Jswsh-ry aid tops, colsetliblea. states. Cell Johnltrayý 905-331-2477. 1893 Catass Sapreme, runelaws se $813 cafl 905-873-9359 BALES & LEAIIN NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A fiou*l> biaiss eUh rnm -B RnuMIN HUNT Chryol.r Jeep Purchasa or lue tisaI nec t0 pou car or truck. 5N) Brocts St. S. 905-876-2580 www.huntchrysltr.ca Make it RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To kase orprch.oe your cor or trsck Hvy 25 S. i Oîry Rd. 9"688-2393 *5478-8877r of cuaromer service. tdeotly your post-secondary education is either in business or economics. Starcing compensation iv in $30,000 to $35,000 range. Uperard mobilry outstsnding working conditions and great personal. potential is offered. lnteeaed applleans shauld torward thefr reaunea by emait ta: 1NewSaaree Management ebnednwere.ç Batfmnat MacKay Chartered Accountants STAFF ACCOUNTANT Dynamic, protessissal public accosnting tins speciai- izig in compleu tas isses requires an eoperienced staff accountant. Finsociai statement and Canadias tas experience essential. SRED & Caseware/Castview esperience an asset. Min. educationai reqoirement - taroilment in recognioed sccoutting progras. Mont ha flexible, a teasn player, persosable, fluent in Etg- lish and prepared to do what os necessary t0 gel the job dont. Reply witt salary topectatiots to: myndser@baiomanmackay.com Fax: 905-639-2285 SUNRISE. SENIOR LIVING Sunnise of Oakvifle We are currently hiring for the following positions: Room Attendants, Care Managers, Program Coordinator and Concierge For consideration please subesit yosar resume via fax 00: 905-337-1146. No celephone inquiries pIease. Buiding supply yard requirea Heavy liting involved. Drivera must provide carrent rinvers lecense astIs boom lnack expenence an aslt We pranete a competlve tarling wage andiolmpany bene".t paltne Building Suppoiae Lt 7449 T ~aale RoU5IAubmI Road (aoulhof 401) Hosby (M0) 875-0279 SECUflIY Qathousa Sprt Bar & GnillOB -Flenible schedoie - AVAILABLE Compet itve ages Lnok ng tor someone 10 Production work tnforct sur 'Smart sn tht MILTON ares. Serve poices. Experi $1141$îVsr. ence in the hospitlity Att shifis avaîlable. tndustry an asset. Calu and ask for Managtr Fax resame to: or send resome lu: 270 HCR Northi Service Rd. 416-622-7258 or Oakvilte, ON. L6M 2R8 Tel: 1-888-411-1660 Piasn: 338-5800 Fax: 905-338-5802 Durante's Auto EUREST DINING SERVICES LULTON CCFPC Service and MARn ST., MLTONi, ON TOW 1Cook cial fatllty la lookdng for: u~ ~,-General help, (Cleaning & Oantstltnl position avalable Plamae fax your reaume ta- Please las renumne Fax# 906475-2437 90547-9846Emaill 20oeo2onpaea @com help req'd by an Oakvilie nffice. Part lime postion availabla ta wankl eveninga " Sonu shippisg 5-%pWeek & ratating hours an ceekenda. & amhouse IomkowIedgS 0f hutiding maiteuials exp. rtquired an assoit, but wiit train. " AbiP to tiRt 7131bs Fax 906-878-4049 " Some cnmputer E-mail: ffmoshhepatcom.com % peete MLTON HOME HARDWARE Z&M33-1517 BUILDING CENTRE .1a 383 Steeles Ave., Milon GORRUDIS We ase luoling lu fli the fulloing key support positions: * Part-tise (eveningo and wetlitnds) " Vttricte cltang, isciuding but sotltimded lu: enlenior cash & wax, inlerlur vacuum & shamput. " Attentiun 1o detail an assel. " Part-lime (evesingo aid ceekenits) " Doues iectude: but sotltimiteit 10 nswnring phono, tact-tu-tame interaction cfah customnen, and narios computer dulies. " Costumer service toperionce and a passion for peuple, are definite assets. Pelaalamai- aili~ims k, faxing 905-875-1516 or by enuiiing arnployrnt@mitnuyuta.cum (Attention: Humas Resourcos) We cuuld tike 10 lhank ail inleret parties, but onif thuse being cossidesed ciii be cenfactod. FREE 1 TRAININAG Drive 4 Us. School Bus Driver's Wanted Cali 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunity Company Shipping/Inventory Supervisor Guardian Fiberglass, a subsadary of Guardian Induatries and a leading manufacturer of filberglass in- sulatiani, as accapting reaumnea for a Shipping & Isventory Superviaor for ifs plant in Estn, Ontari. This poaition invoives ait taska associated with toading and shippng of finlshed produot from the warahouae. Responsibllties includle mairitainlng inventary levais by physica and computer inventory and daily production reporta. Computer knowledge andt pravioua warehouse aupervisory experlenca as a plus. The candidate must hava an excellent sens of responibiliy atd bo able fa wort inde- pendeniy and as pat 0f s teeim in a fat paced aetting. If pou are intereated in being part of a faat growing, people orlented company, please aubmlt pour re- aume outlinirtg pour qualification, references and airy requirements to: Human Raaourcea Guardian Flbergiaaa 300 Main Street ErIn, Ontaio NOS ITO Fax: 1-519-833-9749 Email: cioltnata@guardlan.com No taluphote calis paa. OtflIma esefsdfor an fnternes enlîbe cottared. GUARDIAN FIBERGLASS We're Hiringi Whan s company ta experiencing succesa, the people that are part of that company are grawng as watt. TIsaIs exactp chats happening at tIse Guardian Induatries, Erin facility. Our employees enjay tise stability or their jobs and woro for one*oi the very basf filegis manufacturing business. Are pou a dapandlaba, dedicated andt safetp conaclous person? Would pou enjoy working in a fast pscad pro- duction environment? Guardian han an immediate need for good people tike pou fa jais aur TEAMI Iff you are eager f0 soin a winning tae we would like pou 10 coma in and complets an application: Guardian Induatriea Canada 300 Main Street Erîn, Ontario (112 hour uist of Guelphi on Hwy. 24/Counly Rond 124) -Na teleptians canas plesa. Onty tOss seleotet for an interview ssiI ha conlacted. "fOAKVILLE SUMMER 2004 EMPLOYMENT Applications are nove being accepted for: AQUATICS STAFF Swimmlne Instniclars Lffaguards Waiar Finias Insiructars Sie Aillînats/Cashiars Insîruclors atd lifeguards must have cuiront deck qualifications. Attach a phutucopy nf certification cards 10 cnspetod application fors. For further information, cal (905) 845-6601 eut. 3223 Ai applicanta muai ha avaliabie for June, July, Auguat and a i itraining sessiona. Submit Application Forma ta: Town ai Oakviiie Human Ansources Departiment 1225 Trafalgar Rd. APPUCATIONS FOR W1NTER AQUAIC STAFF ARE CURRENTLY SEING ACCEPTED SUMMER INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Harliaga Programmera Tennia Inaruciars Tlny Toi Inalruciora Skaa Board Insiruciara SUMMER PROGRAM STAFF Pragram Coordiemiors Sommer Siaziar Limiers Sports Camp Leaders Spatial laids Leaders Equipmaai V an Drivar/Malntenmnca Workar Ail applicanlo must have curront Emergency Firol Aid Codtification tins a recsgniztd pruvider. Ail Bace Camp applications must De compielod on-lino lhrough tht Tocs of Oakville cebsito ww.oalmvill.cuturpisymnf/curren opportusilios. For atoull îlot nf Sositions and roquiremets, pleuve ove tht tsptymttt/sludnt section and click on tht arks and Recrealion Sommer Pîograss 20034 espioysent opportonilies isk. Fan furihar Informatlion, cmii (965) 845-6601 ail. 3152 or jmigua@oakviIle.ca APPLICATION DEADLINE - FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 2004 FOR ALL SUMMER POSITIONS eow ef Oak l- LOOKING FOR WORK? Ws nsed ta tilt thasa positions ASAP: *Ciorical I Cuaiomer Service Shipping/ Receiving Ch Cidcars Iniernahlp *Resiurant Services *Retal Sales If yoa are 16-24 and ot of school/work, the Job Connect Progras can connect You 10 real jobs. CaI the YMCA ut 906-481-1140 A SHIFT ERVISOR Must be availabie on weekends and afiernoon shift. Aiso iooking for .. Pari-llme Weekends Ail Shifts No experience necessaryý wiiiing ta train. Great benefits package. Appiy In persan ta: 3 GUELPH ST., GEORETOWN SECURITY OFFICIER Required immediately for a position at an industrial environment in Georgetown. Ap- plicanta muat hava .previous security ex- perience, be available for shift work and posseas excellent verbal and written com- munication skilis. Please apply by fax: 416-498-9694 or email humanreaourcea@ppguard.com plicans shouid e familiar wlh ail aspects of if Iîuck repairo, have gond communication skills bolh trtet and verbal; bt sell-molivaled wilh effetive lme mna gement skilis; can demonsîrale customer service abilily, a gond driving record and a valid drivers' licttse a mast. We provide saperior wage compensa- lion alotg wilh ut excellent benelil and RSP package. Send resumne to: Reldîla-LI lau. 458ý Rnad Ca bride ae M3 4R7 Plh: (510)053-4713 Fx: (519)0853-8SSU KENNEL STAFF Urequired for H Redwood Pet Rescrt basad in Milton. Muat ba flexible for day/evening shits andt have sape- taence or a lone of doge and cals. Please aatd rasumne f0 radwood@RsdwoodPatRasort.com A 05-8of7he -4396' oarg amaitlin hi n Ofern Opotiisfr Gret commissions e Career advancement Flex. work hours * Solid benelit programn TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW, ploase cmli Maria ai 905-257-9750 Need A Job? Holida.ty help wanted special: ave 5OS/o On yourad ithe CareerslHeip Wanted sectionof any Mebnoiand Community Newspapec the secoind week you mun it flidl the 1 ight LOCAL eInployme "I1t's localt It works!" Cmii 905-632-M1 Fax 905-632-8165 Emai: clasoifled @haitonoearrh.cas Ciassihfet Department Bortiogtun Pnst, Gakville Beaver Millton casadian Champion Ptambornogh Restes ww.hltonsearch.com