.,June court date set for trial in Milton tiree-cuittinig case Four days set aside ona property located near the Baaeline Road and straddling the Defendants facing more tdam 40 In addition to the 40 original nated as an Environentally charges stemming from the charges for cutting down mature Sensitive Area (ESA), as well as a destruction of 45 acres of trees in trees, two charges were laid fol- regional Area of ,Nsstural and an environmentally sensitive lowrng an investigation 51550 an Scientific Tnterest (ANSI). woodlot on the Oakville/Mslîon allegation that heavy equspment Until the cutting, the property border will appear in court next moving around on the p1roperty contained a 60-acre woodlot. Then June to stand trial. destroyed a numnber of saplinga. contractors using excavators Two days had been set aside for The charges were laid last June lae abu45crsolnd the trial this week but, after pre- againat the Iandowner uncier tise cleredl aot 4he reus of tand trial conferences in September and Region's tree-conservation bylaw lalgdly te qes f h November, it was decided that four for atlegedly cuttmng hardwood Aout 5r fte.0are r days would be set aside in June (3, t but5 o he6 ars r 10, 17 and 24) to hear the case in a Each charge carnies a maximum located in Milton. Milton courtroomn. fine of $20,000 under Ontario's The woodlot contained a numbes TJhe property owner, 1255732 Forestry Act. of species of trees in the 80Oto 100- Ontario Ine., and George Vastis, a The total amnount of fines could Year-old range tisas offeried interios director and company officer, each ie $W4000O. forest habitat for songisirds sucis as face 21 charges in connection with The property, located east of scarlet tanagers, wood warblen tise tre-cutting incident last spring Fourtis Line and soutis of Lower and Coopers isawks. Correction Y Tuesday's editorial stated there were no blood donor clinics sched- uled in Milton leading up to Chsristmas. However, there was a clinic held by Canadian Blood Services yesterday RiesalC Boers pclllt attse Milton Seniors' Activity Co ee aut bod and Centre. reiihngsrie We regret tise error and apologize for any incovenience it may have 15 Nî i s n Rd. eit) caused. - % -ý-Fr, ui- %- Someday, you'll be oftered a cigarette or be tempted to smoke. Betore yos stat, think about it: every drag you take strews Up your body. Smoking can cause permanent damage to your body. Once a person starts, it becomes extremely tough to quit. And dld we mention ail that cash you'll be blowing in the procees? So, if you're tempted to start, ask yourselt, "Whata the point?" This message brougbt to you by: lEt Canabian Cbampion The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Deoember 19, 2003-3 TRUCK CENTRE T-I $1 t I MILTON q TPYO 0 N T 0 Y 0 Tm fA-%'ýj