20-he Canadian Champion, Friday, Docember 19, 2003 SUOF DOVUUWN MI ILTON' Parking is FREE, the shops are delightful, the service is friendly and familiar and you won't have the long lies and hectic .pace that you fmnd in mails or the big city! EVERYONE WINS WHEN YOU SHOP LOCALLY! For a complete listing of available shops, refer to Your Guide to Downtown Milton (available in Downtown Businesses), or call 905-876-2773 for more information.M <oidy esan e~ eFREE Gott Getta GUND Tolus PIG and Telus 2004caledar ithactivation. Extended Christmnas Hours: December 1-20/03 Monday ta Wednesday 8:30 arn - 6:00 pm Thursday ta Fniday 8:30 arn - 8:00 pm Saturday 12:00 prn - 3:00 pm December 21 - 24 Sunday 12 pmn - 5 prn Monday 8:30 arn - 9 prn Tueday 8:30 arn - 9 prn Wecinesday Christrnas Eve 8:30 arn - 3 pm OnIy at the Milton location. WhiIe quantities Iast. Motorola T731 Sameung A540 LG 4600 KyoSmr KE4e Camera Phones f rom $99.99 393 MAIN ST. EAST, SUITE 1, MILTON, ONTARIO LST 1 P7 905-875-2352 Audoavax 8900 COMMUNICATIPN INC ELUSI lu 0ý0 molity- à 015 S es % rM t5d Wflim. ses ln-store for datais. 0115 oRW apOica ln tar antead Qaea ta outenta Ftaa cacasem tra adig W Rda 01ans SIM derd, btery ad Rda avalas daed Sfrth tihe da 60 dava RdaO InVeala reqdriraf amen a tpa d criatarrisi ffly. New &Mmeaseen aria -T*Ir Mtrlat rai matcht testrae is rat e fleraa. italads mWeaSe and 1nak oie alas ; foera seleated Rdao pastped rae pleIas A attaer lae ae sis for prepod Rida aaaiaaisia Ses "aes reratie a fosra detaila iBasaS o Maçi Ino Profsoari oo¶Waa i p iai çi iesdgI caorme resues Ofa Octabse e, 20W. Rdao la a tradomatio ai rMiae Salatier Sic 02003 TELE-MOBOLE COMPANY .1