Ladies apply to teach Boers in Afrîca concentration camps extracted from past issues of Thse Champion and other publications in order to provide a window into Multons past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided to place the situation in context. March 1902 Four of Uic lady teachers of Acton have applieti for appointmient on Uic contingent of fifty Canadian tcachcrs who wiil be sent to South Africa to educate Uic young Boers in concentration camps. The four arc Misses Ailin, Currie, Howcs. and Young. Miss Young is an ex-Miltosian. Col. Evans commantiing Uic Canadian Mounteti Rifles, wrote from Cape Town on Feb. 14Ui juat upon bis arrivai Uicre wiUi bis regianent on Uic Victorian. He said Uierc hati been somnething of an epitiemic of meailes, 18 cases on Uie vessel anti four cases of smallpox. The Victorian is beived to be in quarantine ai Durban. KenneUi McKenzie, of Milton, a member of Uie Field Hospital Corps is on bier. Mrs. W.F. Brownridge, of Oaland, Man., wrote lait weck to renew bier sub- scription for Uic Champion. Oalanti is 12 miles norUi of Portage la Prairie. Crops lait ycar were hcavy, but wet weaUicr did aone damage to fail wheat before Uic farmers coulti get it Uireshed. On Uic Brownridgc faim 325 acres wcre in crop anthUi yield was 9,000 bushels of grain, including 6,500 of wheat. 4,000 bushela, loaded on Uic cars from ic hUiresbing machine, grad- cd No. 1 bard, anti anti for 60 cents per bushel. On Tuesday cvcning Uic Joily Puils openet Uiir five mght Milton engagement under Uic auspices of Uic Fire Brigade. There was a fairly gooti bouse andi a larger one yesterday evening as a result of Uic excellence of Uic entertairnent, Uic feature of which is Uic wonderful mind-reading feats of Theodore Pull. His hypnotismn is not leas wondcrful andtihUi antica of bis subjects provîde plenty of fun. The pro- grammne is varicti cvety cvening. The comn- pany bas perfonneti to full bouses evening after evening in other towns anti indica- tions are Uiat it wiil do an here. April 1902 For aone ycars G.S. Bowcs bas had charge of a young men's dlais in Uic Milton MeUiodist Sunday Sehool. On Sunday hie was presenteti by bis dlais wiUi a hanti- The Canadian Champion, Fniday, December 12, 2003-7 OUR REA4DERS WRITE M3ilton ~ Time ~' xtenalng voting hours may help increase Capses voter turnout for next election, says reader somely framed group photo 24x30" con- taining the photos of thirty tbree members of the group, his own portrait and also a view of the church. W.F. Dewar returned to town on Friday. afscr spending five months with the 48th Highlanders Band on their tour through the United States. J.S. McCannell, manager of the Milton Presseti Brick Works, says that bis compa- ny, the Toronto Presseti Brick & Terra Cotta Co. and Uic owners of the lime-kilns and quarries nearby pay out among Uiem about $75,000 a year ini wages. Ail Uic above worka, kilns anti quarries are on Uic lime of the C.P.R. just west of Milton. It is expectedti Uat the new Ail Saint's Church, Terra Cotta (Milton Heighss), wiil be opened on Sunday April 13th wiUi an aftemoon service. Yesterday evening as a Grand Trunk freight train goig souUi was crossing Uic lie of the C.P.R. here a car loadeti wiUi manure jumpeti Uic track as Uic diamonti. It tore up Uie rails for about fiùfty yards and before Uic train coulti be stoppeti seven cars werc more or less wrccked and most of Uiemn completely an. Ail but Uic one, which firat ran off, wcre loadeti wiUi lum- ber. A large gang of men worketi ail tught removing Uic wreckage and restoring Uie track, wbich was flot ready for traffic until after 8 o'clock thit morning. The county counicil of Wentworth. bas passeti a by-law unader thc Toi Roada Expropriation Act, 1901, to have Uic toila abolisheti on Uie Hamilton andi Nelson Roati, part of which is in Halton. Officiais have been appointeti to confer wiUi Halton in ortier to reach an agreement as to Uic amount to be paid or offereti to Uic owncrs of Uic road anti to appoint an arbitrator to act on behalf of Uic two municipalities. This material is assembled on behaif of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilis, who can be reached Dear Editor: I agree wiUi Greg Nelson Uiat cxtending Uic voting houri for future municipal elections might hclp increase voter tumout in Milton. But there isn't juat one reason why Uic voter tumout in Ward 1 was 50 low. Mr. Nelson raiseti some points as wcll as Mr. Medeiros. 1 think it wai a combina- tion of many reasons. I believe a good portion of people didn't vote because Uiey didn't know who Uic candidates were. I'nm a ncw resident of Milton in Hawthomne Village (at Thompson anti Denry roatis). Given Uic fact Uiat a majority of us are new Milton residents anti not familiar wiUi Uic issues in Town or Uic Uien current coundil members, I founti it surprising Uiat Uiere wai a low can- didate turnout in our areai. Over Uic election campaign, I had only reccivcd information on thrce candidates anti only two knocked on my door personally. One of Uhim wai Mayor Gord Krantz. WiUi an many new people mov- ing to this great town, 1 was aiton- ished it Uic candidates in our ward - including incumbents Rick Day anti Brian Penman - tiidn't make more of an effort to introduce themacîves to ncw Milton residents. I know The Champion titi a wondcrful job outlining Uic plat- forma of ail Uic candidates in Uic election, but a lot of Uic new homes don't receive delivcry of Uic loca paper. Cogeco alto titi a great job ailowing Uic candidates to cxpress Uieir views to Uic voters. What's most important though, in my opinion, is door knocking. Now 1 realize not everyone can be reachcd at Uic door, but it's important for candidates in an elcc- tion to kssock on as many doors ai possible. Reading platforms is fine andi secing a Uiree-minutc prepared speech helpa give us anme idea of who Uic person is, but I believe meeting Uic candidate face-to-face is vital. This way Uiey can answer ques- tions directly so people can msikc thc decision on wbom to vote for. Maybc if wc had had a highcr candidatc turnout Uiere woulti have been highcr voter nsmn out. Howcvcr, I don't agrcc wiUi Mr. Medeiros' commenta Uiat Uic loca- tion of Uic polling stations is Uic reason for low tumnout. The Milton Sports Centre is quite accessible, ai is Uic Trafalgar Golf anti Country Club. 1 have a bard Urne beieving Uiat Uiey're ai iso- lated ai hie describes. The Town of Milton titi hold two advancedi poila ai Uic Milton Mail - again, quite accessible to ail Miltonians - anthUi opportunity wasi mdecd Uiere for people to get out anti vote. Low voter turnout at ail elections is a problemn anti one Uiat should be discusacti. Why don't people vote anymore? I would like to be part of Uiat diacussion. Michael Clueit Vates Drive Annual House Tour another big success: chair Dear Editor: The Town anti Country Christnmas House Tour was succesaful in raising $35,000 for Uic United Way of Milton's 2003 campaign. TIhe tour bas becomne a community event. Hundreds of individuals - in addition to Uic tour comm-ittee - were involveti, wbich demonstrates Uic Uniteti Way's campaign slogan of 'Ncighbours Helping Neighbours'. Tlhe Unitedi Way of Milton is grateful to Uic six homcowncrs who ailowcd six dccoraissg companies, four floriats anti six exterior dccorating anti lighting companies ant Ueir belpers anti staff to invade Uieir homes anti ives. Poinsettia sponsors andtihUi many businesses who loancti producta as tiecotating propa also contributei to making Uie homes spectacular. Other participants iclutieti restaurant owncrs, who provideti foodi for Uic bomeowners who couldis't use their tiecorateti kitchens, as wcil as meal tdivcry volunteers anti tour day bouse volunteers. ek The Friday night bus tour ailowctheUi ticket boîtiers to view Uic bouses wiUi Uieir Christmas ights ant Uen attend a reception. The reception boss anti hosteas, volunteer servers, committce event planners anti bus sponsors' involve- ment made thit evening a succeas. The ticket boolet production involveti many comn- munity individuals who anld or purchaseti adas, proviti- cd artwork, anti printeti Uic booklets. Staff as local stores anld Uie ticket boolets anthUi luncheon tickets. Other community mnembers were involveti with ticlivcrig new cars to Uic tour bouse driveways, tionssing a raffle item anti seing Uic raffle tickets, as weil as servig 250 scrumrptious fundraising lunches. Ativertising contributet theUi succeas of Uic event. Milton businesses allowed voluasteers 10 post flyers in thcir store windows, compames with signs displayed our event data anti sehools anti companies includei tour information in their newsletters, as did Uic local ncwspapcrs anti cable station. One bundreti anti eighty people enjoyetheUi Friday tour anti 1,171 people purchaseti Saturday tickets. As you can sec, Uhit ccrtaisly was a community activity. Thank you Milton for your support. If you would like to participate in Uic 2004 tour in any capacity or to tionste 10 it, cail Uic Unitedi Way of Milton office as (905) 875-2550. Chrlaty Babcocç chairperson United Way Christmas Houa. Tout