The Canadien Champion, FRiday, Decemnber 12, 2003--87 Are you con nected toi your community? Get ail the newvs from Multon, Oakville, Burlin gton and surroundina areas ýJÀY K1 uu"ý'eïýký ý!Y e eý-4319I. X i - ýd e ! vvww.ha Itonsea rch .com Someday, you'l be offered a cigarette or be tempted Io smoke. Before you start, think about ft: every drag you take screws Up your body. Smoking can cause permanent damage ta your body. Once a person starts, it becomes extremely tough ta quit. And did we mention ail that cash you'Il be blowing in the process? So, if you're tempted f0 starf, ask yourselt, "What's thé point?" This message brought f0 you by: Canabian Cbampion Smoko Alarms Itfs The Law. The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working smoke alarms. Instai them In your home or cottage today! 24(7