Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Dec 2003, p. 40

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B4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Deoember 12, 2003 Psychotherapy and Counselling in Milton The PCM has opened its door in the heart of the city It is often assurord that psycbotlîerapy aid counselling is similar ta psycbiaury. That it is limited aid exclusive ta Uiose wiUi emotionai trauma or ta Uiose wbo suifer chemical hubalaice in thc brais aid necd medicai attention. This misperception aid fér of buig labulrd ai sncb oflen prevents idividuals wbo have difficulties deaiing wiUi life's obstacles aid overbearing cbailenges fromn putting ai end te thc cboking feeling of belpiessneas. Psycbothcrspy is non-medicai, like a chimpractor pbysicaily guides youc jointe in a eumfoetable position; psycbotherapy guides your feelings. It belpa you addressing often latent, underlying or repressed feelings aid moadblocks, identifying them aid ultimately taking ownerabip aid contrai of your life wbile develorping the needed clarity and strength ta live fully, tie best you can be, happily. If you ever sougbt services frein a counsellor or psychotberapist, wherever you ceside, you would know they sre cemote and too few. More challenging, is ta find. one a client can ruly connect with and sec the benefits of a session. Ttis service, non-existent and unavailable ta our community until now has generated great interest aid curiosity., Psychotberapy aid Counselling in Milton (Thic PCM) bai finally opened its doors in the heart of Milton. Modelled ta create ai auinnspbece of wsrrntb aid well being for clients ta fort welcome aid at peace, it is also conveniently locatcd at 192 Main Street. The PCM founder Dominique Levai is a master practitioner in Neuco-Linguistir Prograsnsing (NLP). She is Registercd in Humai Relations (RIHR) by the Caiadiai Board of Health Care Practitioners. Her extensive experience helpimg people of ail walks of life encompaises having wodced ai a counseilor with tise Rape Crisis Centre, for the Aids Commuttee of Toronto (AC T) aid ai a therapiat pcoviding bolistir treatenents ta patiente at the Peuple with AIDS Foundation. (PWA). As a volunteer co-ordinator for tie Holy Blossom Temple in Toronto, Dominique bai lrained aid supervised a team of more thai 50 volunteers aisisting aids victiens aid their fantilies in coping witb i tihiss, Uic finaicial strains, aid the final transition stages. la tbe '519 Community Centr-n Toronto, thc largest of ite kind, she is aisisting for maiy years, straigbt couples aid Uieir familles, peuple who face cbalnging work iasues, suicidai peuple aid Uiose with life chaiges. She counsels gay, lesbiai, bisexuai and traisexual couples, aid Uic victints of homophobia, poverty, alcoboliant, rape aid violence. "My vocation is ta lead peuple Uieougb Uic discovery of Uieir inner strengUi aid potentiai aid belli Uiem deal wiUi stress and aixiety wiUi ai absolute respect of confidentiality", Levai says. "Who tbcough Uic existence. ducs nos face difficuit tintes? My mile is nos ta give peuple a solution, but ta help thent reach Uieir muner resources aid their unique potentiai aid intelligence, in order te diseover Uiat ail solutions are wiUiin Uiemselves. 1 help thes use Uiese wondecful inner qualities for their benefit aid die benefit of others." "Wben thc mind hs quiet, Uic heaet listens.' she says. Dominique rai bu reached at ber Milton office ai 905-876-2203. She aiso, bai a pnivate practice in Toronto on Coilege Street aid takes appoilmente on Tbursday eveninga. She rai bu reacbed ai 416-929-1816 ext. 225. PSYCHOTHERAPY & COUNSELLING in MILTON (TheP CMI DOMINIQUE LEVA IHR Individusi, couple, fasnily counisellmng Life trsnsition work issues -anxiety -self esteem. les/bi/gay positive 192 Main St, Suite 8, Milton, Enls rnh Cali 905 876-2203to book an sppointmnent mahakanmna@sympstico.ca Dsy, Evening Appointments Sliding Scale Customers are #1 at Bailey Heating & Cooling Ltd.Z "A satisfied customer is aur goal," owýner Shelley Kidd comments. Bailey Heating & Cooling bas beys serving Milton & ares for over 40 =er. Their services include ntaling & maintaining gas, ail and electric furnaces, fireplaces, beaters, raoftop units, infrared heaters, unit beaters, gas and propane barbeques and air conditioners. As well as selling, installing and servicisg top of thbe lise praducts like Colemas furnaces, Napoleon fireplaces and barbeques, tbey service ail makes and models while stockisg a large sumber of parts te essure emergency repairs will bue competed quickly and efficiently. Bailey l-eating han bighly traised staff - tante have beys wîtb the company for oser 15 years. The tecbnicians work efficienlly t0 complete the job aI band and lesse your home as dlean and seat as wbes they arrived. Our highly trained staff aiso take a refresher caurnes in osier ta stay in tosch RUSS SHELLEY EVELYN GORD BARRY CLAUDIO with new prodsct updates. affens a yearly service castract that Part of Bailey I-eating and Coulisg sncIdes an annual maintenance Ltd.'s service is having educated service. The majority of parts and staff t0 assist their custanters in labour are cavered under the making an isformed decision. "We contract want the custonter ta feel that they For service and/ar sales drop by have received the mast value far 103 Steeles Ave., Usits #6 and #7, their bard eamed dollar and are Milton, or caîl (905) 878-4821. happy with the final ressîts" Shelley Bailey l-eating & Cooling Ltd. is states. definitely a custanter ariested Bailey heating & Cooling Ltd. also business! Quaint Italan Ristorante La Toscans - the very namte makea you think of a quaint ristorante in Ilaly. Wben you walk mbt La Toscans Restaurant that is exactly how you feel. Located in the heart of downtown Milton in the building originally known as "The Thompson House", La Toscans bas been beautifully renovated witb gleaming pine floors, rustic brick walls and elegant light fixtures. Owner Tony De Gaetano wanted to preserve the heritssge of the buildsng and when you arrive that *Tony emphasîzes that customners are #1 at La Toscans. 1I want tbem to feel very special. We offer the higheat quality cuti of meat and we specialize in fresh fish & seafood. "Our chef is excellent". La Toscans offers 31 roomi for private parties, seating up 10 35 people. Tbey alto caler to that romantic evening with someone apecial. Reservations are recommended. So, if you are looking for a tertiftc place lu dine, consider La Toscans. You'l be more Iban happy you did. e<ita.& «60e ow- DI.nerm Mon. - Sm. Spen. - 10 p.Ms CLOIS&O SUNDAYS 165 main st, M..,F Milteis "Glow" this Festive Season! Nohiing cai make a womn fort butter about bemseif visiting a place Uiat cai baidie ail ber beuty nords in one trip. At Glow wiUi Spa One, their customer's comfort aid satisfaction is aiways their nombur eue goai. Glow with Spa Ose is a full service salon oifering bair, make-np aid esUictics services in a rclaxed sctting nsing bigb end, qnality products. Owner Zara, bas bes a qualified estheticias foc aver 10 yeaes, aid prmfessionals are Jenni, a licensed stylist since 1997 aid bas worked at Spa One for six ycars. Shainon is a licensed stylisi since 1998 aid bai bes worlting there for 3 years. Lhsa, wbo is originalty fromn Cape Bretan, Nova Scotia, wai licensed tn 2000 aid joinedUi teaii in 2001. Ail Uic stylists have been traincd by Joico top colour terbuichiais aid frcqucntiy npdate Uieir skiils. The Saion is a menther of thc Platinnm Joico Artistic Guild, aid Uic styliste speciaiize in fouls aid corrective cotour, asing Uic Tracca make-up tine, Uiey specialize in make-np aistysis, application aid calour consultations. Bath Zara aid Jensi arc aiso ccrtifled fout care specialists, traincd by Gebwol Tecbniciais. They cas cxpertly case thec discomfoet of coms. ingrown nails, fungus pmoblems aid other fout relatcd issues including tresunent for warts. la addition, Zara is a registered Acomahcapist aid offers aromatberapy massage, car caadling aid faciais using Algologie producis. (Algae based.) Sa the next thne yon wait ta pamper yonmcelf or s friend, conte aid visit the friesdly aid knawtcdgeabe staff as Glow with Spa One. You reaily witl bu "'glowing" wben yon lesve. "'I k

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