The Canadient Champion, Friday, December 12, 2003-27 a r I tala lia ANNIVERSRY Thre Fay of Tom andi Hel en rrae Mr & Airs. Alex Arold ofMsl and Mr & frtts Yss tom « Aira Fouir Kwa/ Tao cfk4crenragbt are iqWt ofdd A- e/rPre plaased te, annace tire S*wway »mào 2,2035 nrqae cf tie cbwidren, 19r I0p d4to 3 3/11 Mieml Robert avadLi"d. len soeDpuabinonS, Tir oredd/g toci plao Septeenher 13, 2003 C oiu fqN#aLnsq J-<- el i!S0 " Tie&Jp coal noe eake tier Mirila Ontele bnn geM/i/os. But was on/y DISTRESS SALE Bank Foracloeurer. Fee Il of Foredlosure lp mPeries in Milln Oakvfls,Georeown Boetlisgton aresi. Receivs ohmi coraput- erizeet printout. \Vist HanFoaetsures.m or col 1181111-266-M49 1001042 toto, arue Springs flOUSE for sale by mener. Pool, bot/tub, pond, gIsl ho. Huge Lot, deck, canara- Il Slocng. $279.900. 905- 893-9348. IMMACULATE 4-boras ex- ectime boras, 2400 reroodesisc 2001, quiet cramcent in Millon, 639 Ciover Park. $329.900 Open Hoase Sun.Dec.14, 2-dora 608-878110 FOR lasse 8000 sqbt indlus- trial bidgloril offices & teading doses. 15 rais, rora Miles, $3,500/mtb. 906- REASONABLE Industtiel Units for oent 1,600 - 3,200 sq. bt. Losdisg docks & drive-in. Phone t 905-277- 9347 ont 1905-275-681 NETWORK raarketing boras basalt business. Istereet pensons caIl 905- 878-3882 SSOEY $$.15loi Ilt, 2nt and 3ret §mragee. Badt credOK . CaI Ontaio Widl 1-88-307-7799. to uo ol(mt main filt lut in o circo ment soitable for mature Casin oof~~ 1860 Stone Home. pemson or couple. 2 appli- jPnss cefl=av a=esî areatl o drai n t a tcon nt rases. Cls tnd bail w Iroadlonm mial Filif rnototion. Wood Siconng, coble inciodeet. loondry prfe lmi et, tcet, gos Fireplace, /swdpaoo cltis aaia on so ew Acton mi Asing amenities. Avoiloble W#7-02 $950/raonth incioding ati- îmmedîotley for tunther -ties. First/ tst raonth information cai 905-510- requireet. References andi 8152 or 905-878-2755 andt credtl check reqoireet 519- leste message 853-4366 CALL SOFS 905-84-1245 - MILTON Io bedroom 1-yr 3.65, 5-yr 5.25, ARM 1BRIGHIT, dlean, opocieus opailment ovaitable Feb. 1 3.8. Ais equity mortgage twe beotroora besement $900l0 ablies inci orith progromo, regardees of apartraest in a quiet area of bailny 908-876-462 iscomne or crai Georgeteown. Ail niot ren- MLO er ovatet 3 new oppIionces. ITN ero No . smoking/ pes apsarment. parking anet $950/month inclueting utitities includeet. $825. hesdbydm, cabte. irolst an Olean asnd quiet building. les Oeurd vial alt Mary 905- 299-62 Atoittey.rfeeeand Avoulable immediotely credif chede reqoiret 905- ONE bedroom $865 month WITR 702-7644 plus hydro. Modem builet- SPIJECIL GEORGETOWN 1 bt-i itg, centrai Milton, te- mcmil n basement apartotent serveet porkîng S750./month inclusite, otove/fnde . N MILLSIDE TOWER isprte enronce, raer Pets. References 82 MILLSIDE DRIVE iences. No pote/ omokera. __________90-878812 Adolta onit. Avaiuable ONE bedrooro apartment, 1 &2 Bedmora Apte. i mmediateay 905-877-2993 domntemn locution, suit- Clos to Doorntoorn. iable for single pereon, ne Bus stopte l GLEN EDEN pets, nu smoking, NOC. FronURoT $700J/month, drst and 1001 CUT requirsrJ. avoulable (905)1876-1249 APARTMENTS Januory lst/2004 cati 122 Brsote Street 905-875-8081 South, Millon _______ ROCKWOOD by purk, vile ors noor accsphing bnight t -hedroor aspart- applications for ment on second filr est- 2 BEDROOM basement 1-1 badina in kitchen $700/month in- apartmrrent betg tivingrooro Avait. Jan. 15 cîuee appîionces/aîii- est-il kitichet herber cotpot 2-2 badroom ispntn 1-% 9 $895i/mont incudîng utili- Avalt Feb. 15 leprig598640 tien parking andJ use of 1-1 boitilemn ROCKWOOD, 2 bedroora bachystet. Jas 1. Non- Avait Feb. 15 apartment inapper avnal of soker 416-418-M24 For mtore InoaS on 4-pies. close 10 conserva- ancrorta alt an tion area andt shopping 2-BEDROOM opartment, " rIma an 1$70iraontb plus hydre 1- jamuatv lot. $835/raonth. I p 59-85-421 G buiblding in Acton, Os P" ali 519-8 __6-4213 pet, 515-53-4386 90-7-35 WINTER SPECIAL OALL S ufld~xiq mumqa NOWII Frais cal o ok~ pets. Januory lot. 519- IMMAEIIATELY 2 bedroons toundry faciltiîs, No dogo 853-4721 aybras apartment test GO station, 519-83-4374 open 7 ACTON large 2 bedmrol Georgetown. $780/raonth etpo/oreek sera day ap- apartmient $750/mm plus; pis titlles oei 519-853- provol. 1 beetrocra apertraent 469 9550/rm plus. Georgetoorn Main St. Village- 3 beet 1-bdora (567 mS plOs mcm 3 bath serai on large hydre. (6-6592 556 tenceni lot. Single garage, MILTON- main levai (51) 83-652 large dsivemay, inldes 6 iramaculate 4. bectroora ACTON spocîvus antd esplîances anet central air. backsplii Approu. diem apamtonent wiffi baicl Available Dec. 15 1-2 year 1860lqh sot-n kitchen, ny, grest building, close to e l sus 1500./vutilities. IRO F/R fîreploce, amenities, parking, tausetry, Non-omokers. Cai Bath C.A. 2 flt baths, parking 2-bedmora $890/raontb Latcai at Royal LePoge for 2 cars. Avoutable ltn 1.- Janssry 151. 519-853-3309 905-878-8101 for lurther $l3sturaonth ,416-832- or 519-863-0719 information 3072 MAIRRiAr.F MATURE- woelsng woman requires tempo ry fumiohe accommodation from January lot for 3-5 months in the klioolooaugla, Etobicoe or Brampton ares, oeil 519-853- 1906 or email: NEWLY renovotet mcm, share beibroont, large koitchen, laundry parking. Working gentlemani preferred. available immsdiatety. 905-878-4604 MILTON - Shared accommodation for qilt ieln nin toking ternali. Parking & utlities indiuded. close to mail and Go. Oeil for more dataia 905-78-4977 2nd floor et centory brick home dewntown Milin ocroos frera psrk. 1 bedroora sot-in kitchen wit 2 appi- onces. lrge oaity roor aondt babroora. Non smoking $800/montb inclulsive. Ansitable Januory 1/04 905-878-6430 or 905- 875-4217 FIRST l1ME BUYERSt Wby rent orbes yoo can on orith zero dome? Frse lot of homes avil able ortth no mine doorn unie $1300mnth in Millon, OaIttile Burlirgton ares. Visit HelonSstlesano.ssm or Cali 1406-266-SU I001061 Slmo, Blue Springs NEW 3 bedrocra bosse, Millon, 5 appliances, NOC, tory destn, $l4SStnnont + utiites. Oeil Femando 906- 878306 1ot & aest re PRIVATE 3 bedmoom home orth Hory frontage. pavle tteoroy Oit hast. F/P.5 appliances. Satellte dlo. Ingroont pool, overail double garage. locatet on Ioy. Puslinich. AvoilableI irarediately. $1600. plan I otîllties 905-876-0505, 905- 467-1556 1 SHORT TERM Renta. Oison, spsa, 3 beet- rom hoose, 4 - 6 months, minutes 10 doorntomn, 4 opplianes, parking. 51,200 + auttes. 416-725-8342. 4 betr 2 otorey loornhoose, garage, NOC, eocellent con- dition, let + aof Avoasble Jan. 10, $130000 + sSili- lies. 605-676-2215 LARGE, sril ranivte 2 & 3 bsetmcm. Firpioce l3bedrooml 4 opplimeces, baretrocet Iloors, parking inciodeet. Availobie immedi- aiey Decil/Jantl. Close to ait omrenites. pork-ike oetting. Arlington Bivet. Burlîngton 905-681-0070 LARGE, NEWLY renova- set 2&3 beetom, tirepace l3bsetrooral 4 appliancea, hardwovd fil parking inciotet. Anailobie immeti- ately, Dec.1/Jon.1 Close te ail ameniis, porh-iibs set- ting. Arlinglan Bivet. Borlington 905-681 -0070, MILTON 3&4 bedroomo avoulable irareetiatey, plissas oeil 905-876-2581 MILTON- 3 bsetmmon foot- home, 1-1/2 bath, garage, finishet bsement, rcelo renonoteli Close bo schools, shopping. Anailoble Jant1, 2004. $1200/month + autes 416- 435-4054, 905-7-83 MILTON- 3-betnn toien hlouoe, garage. 5t250/month + utilities. 906-6789130 GENTLEMAN preferset. $395 utlime incluod Mil ton 908-78-3632 iSelf Si toia in the Cartabiait CIbaIIIOB. -VNDR - RA Sunday December 14 1:3Opm - 4:OOpm Boyne Community Centre Britsnnia Rd., Milton Ba ar SaM. Decl 13 8am-2pni Baked gooda, del table, tea mcm H-eId et 14 Ste eea Avelkn Cu 14 Step ees Avecn Cuc (Betwee VWnton Churchli Il and Trafalgar Roed) METALSCAPE STOCHRISTAS SALE Suz nefan em eaSo arts cardes, ramt and more Ailîson, Haroil1TH M ehlt .- eceut ot hu. reidn Loeenorgetotn an Adrylion th Mela. 17 Sst msedb hoganecilte 85 en& e PosnKllyJboeMEOSnd Mr DitmsnDebi Jboen Jso Lwmce Hoe 4Mi t, Mfnon $5 rsoy 00 e fuine Hrold ec el hi hernera bora cMaoe o Fndy, Dece ber 2 th, 2003pr. e e aahyrsmra l eof n th e la e M ear t &lis streke fande or ffe n Jespf Brn Cacaro Otington w euld be d ap recialed.oge Johnono Mry At te Crant Cr Nur ob Holmse b hin Homot n drn S acrer 7ct, 203Pary Whelly Jono asi y et Mitn rbkev Diai D b e Jo ryWhnoy, Jasn Larohernc, Shlirey&A ron O'ucNell D aste e A I rnasd Merrie Streeone.M alI breatraniss en e grcasblîdren Debbi, Gleanna andt Duaye. Predeceaseet by 3 isrthero Edn. 3 brobers. failynds vnnt isit he et otStcer McKeral KochmFnlHne, 114 Main StMlino hrc. MTe 90-7-4fh unemi service vilas heldith uet nom Dcm rlh23.Interment folow e ett N S taa ey Mrseito n vergree Ceetery. As-xrsin ClitIIE ROU f4740 CLASSFIE ROUIS: Monday to FRidy s 90.« 5:0 pzn Classi fil ed--fe dsapera C lass~~~~~~ rf e aI r tncaa Ilhmio. FORBES - Big brothier Riley sa thrifled fo annooince te amlni cf fos Il8 ailtr Abigmyla Eftzath. Bom Jase 27, 2003, oreigling 9 Ibs. 6 ozs. AtIIe angel for James and Karen (ses LaPes) cf Cambridge. Elated grandparenfs are Gerry and trse LaFee of Motlaf and Hery asd Nancy Forbes of London, On. Sfho- ered witn hago and kisstes froro aSf of hersaints, onie and cousins. Specàal fbonks to Dr. Sfnenna, Borts Nathalie and et te nommet OTMH. REEI3 Stephen and Kelly-Anne (Diamond) are thrifled andi delighted f0 announc te safe anmoal of their firt-boro, Roman Robaeit Weighing 6 be., 5 oz., he amniet on November 23, 2903sfi Stomen anet tInf- sots' Hospital in Providence, Rhode Islond. Also thrilled and delighted are hmrt-hime grandroother Diane and tosrth-time grsndffatfer Bob Dîsmonit of Millon anet ismt-tnre gmandparents Barbare and Louis Reset cf Hampton, Virginia. Aunt Meliss and Undle Rob are also very plesoset vilth eir niw ner.a POND HOCKEY. SHINNY. STARTING THIS WEEKEND Anyone. Whest Millon Prioste pond. - Call Bob 905-878-836 (Kilbnide) JEAN CESCON ln leeing memory et a ment gracieus wite anet mothor wht loese as moto thon lifo utsel Docembot 11, 2001 Eyes raîsedl te Heaven Soarching tor tiges et you ane mbracing thom. Cemmencating nar etlorna loefo tr you. Wishing wo ceeld louch yoar beautitel tace. Eyes raised te Heaven Romsmbsring year kindnoes anet warmth. Romsmboring yeur courage, sfrongfh andt deformino tion. Romombering hem yoe liacet andt cetsbratod fle. Eyes raisedito Heaven Irsasureet meoesof et0r tîme o ethot hero on Grotetut tor the cotsons yoe have faeght yoar chitetrel And ter ;yeer ondless loe asea metht anet site. Eyes raile te heave Knewing y00 ate with the Lord in a very patl place. Keewing yoe ara happy andt tree et yoer pain terever. Kneming yeu have eeer Ilh us tot yoet spirit lItes mithin as terceer. We miss yoo more milh oach pasîng yeat. Wîlh ail est love. Year hushanet Ross, yeer chîldetrn Jet, Geerge, Melîssa, Jockîe andl yeer mite granetchlen.