Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Dec 2003, p. 14

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14-The Canadian Champion, Frîday, December 12, 2003 NOTICE 0F A PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING Official Plan by Central Milton Holdings Limited and 665497 Ontario Limiled (CMHL) You are invitedti 1 a Public Information Meeting held by tise applicant, Central Milton Holdings Limited and 665497 Ontario Limnited (CMHL), on: Date: Tisursday, January 8, 2004 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers, Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton Baçkgroua Tise proposeti amentimeni t0 tise Niagara Escaepment Plan and the Region of Hallon Official Plan is 10 inclade upproximaîely 63 hectares of landi owned by CMHL in tise Milton Urbun Area. These landis are! generally locateti between Steeles Avenue and Main Street immediately wesî of tise CN Railwsy. Tise applicanî's proposai was consideeed by tise Joint Bourd in 1999 anti early 2000. On Angusi 10, 2000, tise Joint Board issned a Decision, wisich was confied by Cabinet on August 28, 2002, tisai tise CMHL property, excluding tise woodlot, coulti be considered for Urban designation but tisai un ordinary subdivi- sion wonld sot meet the objectives of tise Niagara Escarpmnenî Plan. Tise Joint Board decided tisai a spacious, well landscaped plan would: *respect views t0 tise Escarpmentz *provide scenic wallcways; *access lise Escarpment directly or indirectly; *refleet tiensities existing on nearby Escarpmnenl lands; *be reflective of tise open landscape cisaracter; *evaluate tise woodloî for ils environoiental sensitivîsy witis proper setbacks; anti *dedicate tise woodlot t0 tise pubslic. The Joint Hourd directed tisai a tietaileti concept plan be preparet 1 addrrss tisese issues ant 1 guide developmenî on tise CMHL property Tise Joint Hourd defered ils decîsion to amenti tise respective plans pending tise completios of a detaileti concept plan process. On November 20, 2003, tise Joint Hourd ordereti tisai a Public Information Meeting be brid on January 8, 200410o rrview lise detaileti concept plan wits memrbers of tise public. Tise Joint Hourd intentis 10 consitier tise approval of tise concept plan ai a isruring sciseduleti for April 1, 2004. Tise Joint Hourd may approve tise proposeti anientinents if il is satiofieti witis tise concept plan or tise CM}IL application will be dismisseti. 'Me purpose of tise public information meeting is 10 provide an opportunity for public input on tise Detaileti Concept Plan prepared by tise applicant (retinction sisown below) pursuant t0 tise Ordr by tise Joint Board unter lise Consolidateti Hearinga Act. nre- - am lIn drveloping a sparious, well lantiscapeti concept plan, tise following development principles are also proposeti by tise applicant: *Unlike tise ordinary turban developmieni in Milton, tise CMHL property will be planneti an upscale executive isousing conmaunity, wisicis will provide predomninantly low density forma of isousing char- acirrizeti by isigi qnality bornes on large lots witis enisanceti strertscape designs, open spuce anti coin- munity fratures; *tise woodlot, tise former dlay extraction pit, prominent isedgrrows anti stormwater management ponds, sisali be integratrd into tise overali neigisbourisood design; *a strong, identifiable anti appropriate etige trratnent to tise consmunity in relation to tise Niagara Hscatpment Area will be provitird tiseongi opponounities 10 integrate isedgerows anti public open spaces; *a isigi quality urban design, architectural treaunent anti surretscape wili be incorporateti into tise fab- rie of tise commuiiy, wisicis will be expresseti irougs individual dweUlings, lisndscaped medians anti boulevards, village squares, open space, natural frautres, public walkways anti otiser public realmns; *a slrong communiiy idrntity anti neigisiourisoo cisaracter will be estaalisset rougs tise design anti placement of public ainenity space, pedestrian walkways anti trait systrms anti conmaunity enlry fea- tures; *tise neigisbourisoods elosesi 10 tise Niagara Hscarpmenî Area sisali permit single family detaciset bons- îng wiiis a minimum lot frontage of 15 mettrs (50 fret) anti np 1o 26-mette (85-foot) lot wits at a maximum densiiy of 15 to 20 units per net hectare comparet 1 tise Town's standard of 3010o35 anuts per net hectare; *tise neigisiouriootis along tise nortis-souts matil anti near tise railway shahl permit appropriate mix of isousing types ut a maximum density of 25 units per hectare. WitnSuhuùssians & ÀAdndanee eut the Public Iuafooaon Meeutint A copy of tise Delaileti Concept Plan reluting to lise CMIHL property will be matie avoulable ai tise Planning anti Developmrnt Departmrent Counter (locuteti on tise upper floor of tise Annen Building nexi to Town Hall>. Any inieresteti person muy muke a wrinten submnission, prior to lise Public Information Meeting, anti shoulti direct tise submnission lu tise attention of Colin Cisung, Glen Scisuare & Associates Inc., 10 Kingsbridge Gurden Circle, Suite 700, Missîssauga, Ontario L5R 3K6. Glen Scisnarr & Associates lue. can also be contacteti by dialing 905-568-8880. Any person may attend tise Public Information Meeting 10 obtain information anti make a verbal presex- talion anti/or wrinten submnission, 10 itiexîîfy issues of conee anti/or express vîews in support of, or in opposition to, tise proposeti Detaileti Concept Plan. It is tise intent of tise applicant 10 consider public input in refmng uhe Ortaileti Concept Plan for furiber submrission to tise Joint Hourd ut a isearing scisedaîrd to commence April 1, 2004. Co-workers win big in lottery t rom AUTO on page 5 Craîg H-arnill, Keîîh Uîch, Val Horney, Bob Feistein, Joe Paiero and Don Williams. Mr-. Churchill waited until he was ai work tise Monday ufter the draw 10 teli mont of bis feiiow ticket- holdern thse good news but aguin, no one beiieved hlm. "We were ail in sbock and we thougul Russell was joking witb us," naid Ms Homney. "Russell'x aiways a kidder s0 we didn't believe hlm." Added Mr-. Humili: "'Me generai consensus was, 'Thatns nice, now let'o get back 10 work."' Accordiuig to Ms Homney, thse group hua been buying tickets liat benefit a hoot of worthwhle chai-- ties for four years, including Heart îîî; siiol,î Priic. ho :] i, in. Thse roost the group bas ever won in the puat was $150 and a ccli phone. Event so, she added, thse group was always happy their tick- et money was going t0 worthy causen. Not on hand last Friday was M. Urch, who recentiy suffered a stroke but io expected 10 reliai- t0 work. Mr. Churchill naid tbe win in especiaily sweeî for hlm, "It's gobng to, help,' be naid, "It wilI put somne extra casb in evety- one's pocket." To top il ail off, said M. Churchill, tiaere wao no jeaiousy umong tlsose co-workers not bin on tbe win. "Tbey were just no glad people tbey know won something,- be nate I work witb really decent peo- pie.' Proceedo from thse 2003 iotlery wili go toward purchasmng equip- ment nol funded by the govemn- ment for Oakviiie-Trafaigar Memoriai Hospita; a van with a hydrauic lift for tise Lions Foundation of Canada Speciai Skiiis Dog Guides program; flumni- tiare and equipment for tbe chui- dren piayroom, and tbe cilbdren'o and women'n quiet iounge ai Hulton Women's Place; and 10 heip fund kido' and teens' programu in Oukviiie and Haiton Region through tise CFO Ontario Endowment for Chiidren and Youtb in Recreation. Food and toy donations needed Wby not pick up some extra non-pe-bohabie food Emergency Medicai Services (EMS) wiii coliect food items or a loy wben you're out shopping tij boiiday and new loy donations ai Loblaws, 75 Nipissing Rd. seuson? Donations wiii be given 10 tbe Saivatbon Armny for Tomnorrow from 10 a.m. 10 2 p.m., Halton'a distribution thi-ougisout Milton. Q IAN t..d0 . A. rÉta a 0Off LeaselMITower Piu. HI15 Im 128 MB RAM, 13 lGig HanlD9, Sound, USB, Kebod Mouse OflasellLaptmp IIM ThinkPad mm2 Notshook 128 MB RAM, 20 Gig Harffd Drive, Ethernet Modem wà Off Le Tosliba Satelit 4070 Off LaeCmaq Towr - ewoUMtz PoIÙm Ilol Mt 192 MBRAM,4 GigHard Dv, 128 MB RAM, USBi 56k Modem, Sound, NC poweonyEhent USB, Keyboar Reg $499,99 MURRY IN, OFFERS EXPIRE DECEMBER 19,2003 WNILE QUANITIiES LAST. AIL PRICES CASH DISCOUNTEO. 31O@M3L,4 IVOWV 2 GRVEAT M44FMw3L leoutm~ LOCATIONS TO M Mefl ERVE VOUI

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