Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Dec 2003, p. 10

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1O-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, December 12, 2003 ,Man commits lewd act in plaza at Ontario St. arnd Derry Rd., Police are asking for thse public's belp after a woman at a local restaurant report- eti seeing a man commit an indecent act in front of ber last week. Police said the woman was eating in a wmndow bootb at tbe Pizza Hut restaurant as 550 Ontario St. December 2. Sometime between 6 anti 7:45 p.m., a black, four- door sports car pulleti up in front of the window andti e driver openeti tbe vebicle door anti began masturbating, police sari. He tben gos out of tbe car, stood beside it andi continucti hi> actions before driving away. Police are looking for a white man between the ages of 30 anti 35, with a beard. He was wearing a gray bat. Man spots trespassers Police are looking for tbree men after a treapassing incident was reportei last week at Uhe 420 Main St. E plaza. At about 7:30 p.m. December 4, a plaza employee beard noises coming firom Use roof anti spottei a man on the staircase leatiing to Use roof. Two more men were near Use secoast-floor front entrance. Notbing was stolen. Police Blotter Police are looking for tbr-ee maies. One is deacribed as non-white, five-foot-eigbs, about 25 years olti with a goatee, stocky builti, tiark bair andi a reti bomber jacket witb a 'B' on the back. The other two men are white, between frve-fo-eigbt: and five-foot-lO, with alim builtia. Gas station broken into The Petro Canada gas station at the cor- ner of Bronte andi Main atreets was broken into early Sunday morning. Juat after 2 a.m., unknown suspecta tbrew a rock tbrougb tbe glass front door, setting off the alarin. They then prieti open a cupboard andi stole $2,400 wortb of ciga- rettes. Car stolen from lot A car was stolen from a Millside Drive apartmnent parking lot liast Friday after- noon. Unknown suspecta stole Use 1991 blue Chrysler Dynassy from 101 Millaide Dr. at about 2 p.m. The estimaseti value of the stolen car is $5,000. Car window smashed The wintiow of a vebicle parket in a Woodlanti Crescent tiriveway was smasbeti laat week. Unknown suspects smasbed Use rear wintiow ovemigbt December 4, causing $500 in diamage. Window damaged A wintiow of a Stratbicoasa Court home was tiamageti by a pellet gun sometime between November 27 anti December 2. Unknown suspects causeti $150 wortb of damage to the baUsroom window. Tire siashed A tire of a vebicle parke i th Ue Milson District Higb Scbool parking lot was siashei las week. Sometime betwees 8:25 a.m. anti 1:30 p.m., unlmown suspects puncturethUe pas- senger side rear tire of die car, causing $150 in tiamage. Hoase broken into An EigbUs Line bouse was broken into last Fritiay. Sometiane between il s.m. ani 10 p.m., the door of tise nural bome was foret open by unknown suspects. No property was taken, ant Uere was minimal damage to Use door. .-u"& a uV uru "rqUII a "Membe-t.lare- for si Spinal Education Advsaory Caumlatee (SEACI. Tire Crssuffte, an advisry grosp tM the Board. wAI5l britg foar riflrirasse aid reoaaesdatiois segaingas progratas and services tir esseptiorad papils Tii reseees aid 12 rSiere represena local associa5ies aisre ona SEAC The arreatire at large" mist have tire filloiir qaificationa: 0 a Caaiacitizn ofthe age of18 yaor oder Il a rcsikae widrara thcjwisdiaro ofthe Hahon District Scirail Biart, aid 0 a puic seinai supporter A Board erplayee ia air eligîblefor appiaînien lintresed coarmuaiey inees shirald suna hacr application esamé) wita a leise taaahcariag mhir uereigha airey weo rvadhig ta ahis posii.u Dusry PapIe, Oirector of Educatios Maltai Oistriu Scirool Board 20150 Guelpht Life, P'O Bas MOO Baringron. Ontanio L7R MZ Dradlirrejor applitcionrs te Fr,, Decerrber 19, 2003. Chair of tie Board h Oasty Pape. FdL.. DirectorrofFÀkwsown cri~ ~ g ,gn tp es jHtti Police release picture of robber in village heist Halton Regional Police need your belp in identifying a suspect wbo robbeti the Scotia Bank in Caropheliville in the summer. On August 28 at 4:55 p.m., the suspect, tiisguisei lin a straw bat and dust mask, entered the bank, locateti at 36 Main St. N. The suspect. removed a black semi-automatic band- gun from a white plastic bag be was*caraying and tiemand- ed caab from. tellera. The tellers compliei, put- ting caah in the plastic bag ani the suspect calmly exited Police have the bank. released thia plceure ComncidentallY, the suspect of the robbery sus- discovered a Lincoln pect captured on the Navigator SUTV tisas hati been bank'a securlty cam-. left unattended and idling Out- e. aide the bank. The suspect stole the vehicle and fleti- nortb on Main Street. The S0V waa discovered a short diatance away in a car- pool lot at Guelph Line and Hwy. 401. The suspect is describeti aa white, between 40 and 60 years olti, 6 feet tal, weighing 200 pounds witb a pot belly. If you have any information that leads t0 an arrest in this or any other matter, you may be eligibie for a cash reward. You wi// neyer have to give your name or testifv in court. Crime Stoppers of Ha/ton doesn't subscribe to ca/i dis- p/aýv Ca/i 1-800-222-TIPS (1-800-222-8477) or check out Crime Stoppers' Web site at wwwu.haltoncrimestoppers.com. DiNNER, & DANGE At R<ockmnota Comnxunlty> WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31 , 2003 Music Bv MARIONS COUNTRY BAND q4 $40.00 a Person -* Ž (Ioo ) pcnced (;: 15 Pms 1)lnner 7:0<5 nn 1,)asctaeg 9:4)0 t,( 1:-00 *Joa-aN- 856 - 2599 Jam - 856 - 9650 The free flu shot. The smart thing to do. We have ail seen how serious infectious diseases cala be. But influenza, cornmonly known as the flu, is ans infectious disease we cam beat. Just get your free fies shot. Lt does more tsais protect you: it helps protect everyone arouni you, mncluding people who are at hsgh risk if they catch the flu. Getting your free fies shot has neyer been easier. Ask your doctor, local pharrnacist, your employer or cail for a clinic near you. 1-866-FLU-'N-YOU TTY 1-800-387-5559 www.hee.ith.gov.on.ca I 1 t 's 13(ial Ille FIII! ----- ------ Ontario 1

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