Ç,"'9dmO-~9Ciybeu ~ r sibsrs,D eçiT S-Th. Ganadien Champion, Tueedgy, Doember 9, 2M0 Milton Jaycees celeb rate 25 years witsyl By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Twenty-five years of building the Milton Jaycees into a dynamic and respecteti grop cul- minateti recently with a silver anniversary gala. Fromn the eye-popping ice sculpture bearing the Milton Jaycees'logo to the silent auction that includeti an original painting of the Mill Pond, the 25th anniiversary gala event was a resounding success, organizers said. "It wasnt low-key," saiti Milton Jaycees pres- ident Lianne Krane. The event was held November 22 at the Mohawk Inn anti Conference Centre. Attending thse festivities were current andi past members anti dignitaries, including Mayor Gord Krantz. Entertainment was provitied by blind comedi- an anti motivational speaker Gord Paynter. Ms Krane saiti mucb of the evening's success was due to the coiporate sponsors who donateti items anti were generous in their support. Describig wbat the Jaycees organization is anti wbat it does isnt a simple task, Ms Krane said. Althougb its members are involveti with belprng people ini the comnmunity, its more than a local service club, NU Krane said. "Its a teaching orgamezatio."she said. "We teach memrbers how to be better citizens in their communi11ties."1 Training nins the gauntlet frons studying the Dale Carnegie course to learning sign language to serving anti leamning througb various charities. "Our mission as a chapter is to develop our- selves as individuals anti take anti use that i our coimmunities," saiti Ms ICrane, whose husbanti, James, is chairman of tie Jaycees boart. As thse 2003 president - soon to pass tise torcb to next year's president, Mike Luzar - Ms Krane said its rewarding to se "wbat members are domng witb their new-found knowledge." She gave the example of Christina Gotiboît, a Milton Jaycees member who co-orgnzt tbus years Tenry Fox Run for tbe finst time. Laura McKee, who was a member of thse Milton Jaycees for 13 years, agreeti that the gala anniversary event coulin t bave gone better "T'hey titi a great job organizing it," sbe said. "It was packeti. I dont think you coulti bave fit one more table in there." Althougb Ms McKee bas graduateti frons tbe Milton Jaycees - members are 4l0years of age anti younger - she saiti sbel always ha a part of it in some way or anotber. Mis McKee, wbo recently won tbe Milton CIamrber of Commerce's Citizen of tbe Year Awarti, saiti she owes a lot to thse Milton Jaycees. It was tbrougb thse Jaycees tbat abe became involveti witb the Santa Clans Parade anti Canada Day planning cominiîtees, anti volun- teering was one of tbe main reasons sbe was cho- sen as Citizen of tbe Year, sbe said. Tbe Jaycees provideti ber witb tbe training anti confidence to taire on roles ase wouldn!t bave before, abe saiti. Ms McKee encourages Milton men anti women to becomne involvei with a Milton coin- munity group, wbetber its dbm Jaycees or anoth- er organization. "You become part of tbe town and take pritie i it," sbe saiti. For more infonnaton on tbe Milton Jaycees, visit www.miltonjaycees.ca. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiessen@miltoncansadianchampion.com. k~1 ~ i Programming Schedule - Tu&sday, Dec. 9t - Monday, December l5th, 2m0 www.c@geS.Ca pr ppkw PsdE&Wt 5p,. Op, Rugoe InIy 59 pm Pted hI Fml 5prm Ops PI.dt SPIM Eipm P*IngdI 5, 6 & 7:3Op Ptgg.d In Lalo Eps, OpM PtggEd &70p m èm &70p w din &7:30pss W..t E!EES. & 7z3pm Lab S..tESLE & 7 3Ops Lat@ WE EMSo WOM EdEo & 7:30pm W* Edidos NMRI IIAION STUOIO0p Sopo Shtf 5,3Opm 'A Lbe Ohssa S 3Eps PeopbISpt in HEEso ecapn *AUEM Cpoikm EOEps 'A LNf Osi*5 5:3Opm Be WMOM 5,30pos ' h Ois EOM 0oPEsHTV Ow (U>-> ESE0ps Be wmpwwd 6caps MaIn Skeg soe0pm p.o*#Ood sohs ESH Sais. SIas... Co S». s.s& .:Oopm h oai wau. xa 7a0p s w S.T*k(W *0m fo ab huui Pa" Of Q<IVU 7:OOp. 'AUIE CHEs. 63Op *A Llt CMESs. Launer Plaza 8.Op mms bWA" onl- sES «M pdS pa ,OM c mo 500 Lauer Avenue CýOEE-nu. l Cosaps D-y " Mifton, ON 191 4R3 410m MO "C 905,8789306 IA Litie Christmas- fNa w«ek cm Cq9oo 14f. u i M au