20--The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 9, 2003 r i e PRO M P vt qy Quality of life ffiissue rie ctisto .iL-n-r-erie-e n toy u AUTOMATIC DELIVERY 0F FURACE & STOVE 0Oi. SERVING HALTON & PEEL REGIONS PETROLEU MS palities better address their pressrng needs. "There must be real mnvestment by the senior levels of government and a willingîsess to, reassume the full responsihility for social services fundiasg," Ms Savolmne said. The pooling systemn is the creature of the former Tory govemment created to help Toronto pay for social services that had been downloaded when the city was amalgamated in 1998. The issue of quality of life was a heavy theme in Ms Savoline's address, which referred to it seven different times. "You told us we created a great quality of life and that our quality of life must be maintained." She said Halton's pace of developmrent has caused residents "some fear" and council has to strike a bal- ance with growth and tse needed services. Milton and north Oakville, in particular, will grow rapidly over the next few years. "As in Use paat, we will continue our tradition of bal- ancing future needs wiUsout (sacnificing) quality of life," she said. Mfter Use ceremnony, Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale - who has been vocal about a new deal wiUs Use two upper-tier governments - said she was encouraged to hear Use cail Usat Use pooling system needs oUser part- ners to contribute. "They (Use oUser levels of govemnment) have sus- tmable revenue streams far larger Usan Use revenue streamas created by residential property taxes," she a stanl. Halton council represents Use four municipalities of Burlington, Halton Hilîs, Milton and Oakville, wiUs a total population of about 400,000. 2003-06 Halton regional council Joyce Savoline: Regional Chair Rob MacIsaae: Mayor, Burlington Rick Craven: Ward t, Burlington Joan Lougheed: Ward 2, Burlington John Taylor: Ward 3, Burlmngton Jack Dennison: Ward 4, Burlington Mike Wallace: Ward 5, Burlington Carol D'Amelio: Ward 6, Burlington Rick Bonnette: Mayor, Halton Hilîs Clark Somnerville: Warda 1 & 2, Halton Hilîs Jane Fogal: Wards 3 & 4, Halton Hilis Gord Krantz: Mayor, Milton Barry Lee: Warda t & 3, Milton Ron Furik: Wards 2 & 4, Milton Mnn Mulvale: Mayor, Oakville (subject to recount) Mike Lansdown: Ward 1, Oakville Fred Oliver: Ward 2, Oakville KeiUs Bird: Ward 3, Oakville Allan Elgar: Ward 4, Oakville Jeif Knoll: Ward 5, Oakville Janice Wright: Ward 6, Oakville Jason Misner can be reached at jmisner@milton- canadianchampion.com.