12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 9, 2003 Who Doer iff.W ALUMNUM INDOS ~ Specializing in d~~±EEEEEE~Custom Pitted IlDELREX lVinglI Windows and SALUMINIUM LIMITED Entrance Sgstems Also YInyl Si'db Seffit, Facia and ÀIM L Seamless Afiuminum Trough qCa877-5383 between 9am & 9pm 5 YEAR WRITTE\fflXRRANfl ONVAORh iNSIP PKitchens, Baths and Beyond nc. New Showroomn Supply *, Design e Installation Comnplete LUne of Productsw 18 Thompson Road, Mîo (CRore 0f MaunlThompson) 9ý05-878-66 ww latýinumhomeimprvvemenî o Professional Cleaning Service GUARANTEED Resîdential & Small Commercial Cai tell free 866-327-5522 or cell. 416-575-6248 <MAIDJ *Professional concrete wnrk dnveways, flors etc. *Stamped coloured concrete driveways & wa nwys *Interïocking and retaining wae systeres *Flaîstane, decks and fences *Walkouts, onderp nni andi waterpnofini *New additinns with drawinîs and permite *Custom finish basemnents *Kîtchen and bathroon remnodelîng CONTACT MIKE BOOE: TEL: 190518979-3749 FAX: [905) 87U4393 Emeil: boenhcotrucdoehotai.com HOMEWORKS COMMITTED TO QUALITY RESTORATION R EPAl R R E NOVATION (INTERIOR/EXTERIOR) TEL: 905-627-3752 EMAIL: HOM EWORKS@SYM PATICO.CA GARAG DOOR R&R Gamaj-i Doors - Electrié Openers Sales, Service and Installation Wmdlows, En»rrne Doors, Storm Doors, Patio Doons TrEL.: 519-853-2114 (AcTron) 781 Main St. E. Units 18 &19 Tel: 905-875-4247 ý-h - ,-g Oeil: 416-984-1237 s :o ', s s a$~terprises Fily Insured to do your wor " Repairs & Renovatlons te Your Home " Odd Jobs a Garden Work CA u NOI " Painting - Interlor & exterlor 905487".751 concept Cainiet5 S150 Kitoheti & vnrty Cabinets EE Arrtrtel Cabinets -r Acceosorlos Stom Fixtres * lIafo Cuetomn MIwork 785 Main St. East, Unit #3 878-9177 Milton Palntoft kOup Interior Huuu Painting Jusi p.rchasod a n., Milton homo' Thon is timo tead miimre colour, stylo - & wannth te your room' ya%ffordable - Rellablo - Guarantoi www.MlltonPaintorsGroup.com__ coq W &W~oe~ hoUsk MUR"M PF a aM. Wu* Prusý bapveimmt mu a Uow Pm *kff p 40ft ag. a pvg Licenced Master Plumber wîth over 22 years experience Cali: 905-659-7415 Fax: 905-659-4367 - RR#2 Campbellville, ON LOP 180 HEM MAINTENANCE SERVICES Pubing & Electrical Repairs Re1na4 Rae Seniors Cai Pat Di5-co5nt,7 Ceramic Tules * Hardwood Flooring a Re Room Steel Studs e Dockse B athom Remaoes e Drap CeIIiugs 1(905) 876-4023 Stan Robert Noble Ltd. .SEPTIC TANK PUMPING 180 Ft. of Hose Foi Crossing Lawns High Pressure Drain Flushing & Repaîrs Same Day Emergency Service 2 Trucks ta Serve You -Radio Dispatch (519) 853-0500 Acom Answering Service 9058786869.î~ P.0. BOX 773, ROCKWOOD WA IIA TO &: FIT ATO Core's Piaap Service fg Weil Drilliug " Well Rehabilitation " WeI Cleaning * Flow Rates * Wator Treatment * Reverse Osmosis Drînkîng Water Systems a UV Sterilization Systems *Complote Pumping Systems Rtod Tel: (905) 854-4515 Coire Celi: (905) 691-6118 1 WHO DOE0I Are you searching for a better plumber or a more reliable electrician? Are you looking for home improvements? Whether you're building or remodeling, the WHO DOES IT bas it ail. From air conditioning and heating to painting and water purification, you'll find everything you need in the WHO DOES IT. Put the WHO DOES IT to work for you, and inch even dloser to your goals. To ador-se in thî.eis.ctiones e cali Zbe Canabian Qbtjjapion 905-878-2341 x224 i et, Frjee Estimates