0--The Canadian Champ onTueaday Dqecembe ? 003 MIL LO TO 'a TIESRVIEL Hiave your ,monosrceovor foa aseof gizak wnte tres frm equested narre by dtoe ir k 71 wnie i beys Tho WlMtoiter " Multicell'® Compound for snow and ice performance wilhouf studs. " UNI-T lechnology improves s00W traction and braking Un. OLUE for MIh-WPorrhmuo Coq. "MA high silice content tread compound enhances both wiofer and wtt performance. " For performance touring coapes. DWLIZXAKV uà.â mmu u-le The BUIHAX for MlIgh-Porfonnou $oMom " Prosides weII-balanced oserall performance both in wintor and wet or dry conditions. " For performance touring sedans. moea120MZ O-2 WIth UMi- l MFor 1Jbl Wucks oind SUVs " Delîsers suporior wînter traction and road stabîlity, " Unique Link Multiceli composnd improves ice performance. Martin is Habitat k 1,M à ý &k5L -l, b executive director Fund is accepnting proposais The Halton Healthy Community Fund is accepting proposaIs fromn groupe seeking funding for community-based projects. The fund pools mioney fromn local.part- ners 10 support projects that make I-lton a healthier community. One-year funding is available up 10 a maximum of $30,000, with more available based on the availability of funds and Une projecf s success. 'Me Hcalthy Community Fund is coin- prisod of 10 partners. In 2M1(3, the fund supported 21 community projects. Healthy comnlunity fund 2004 guide- linos and submission forrus are available froru Halton by calling (905) 825-6000. ext. 7163. The documents are also avait-, able at www.region.halton.on.ca/scs. Are you con nected to.your commnun"ity? Get ai the news from Milton, Oakville, Burlington and surrounding areas quickly and conveniently online and on your schedule. wvww. ha.Itonsea rch .com 24/7 I i By TIM WHITNELL Special ta The Champion Habitat for Humanity Halto (HFHH) flnaly haa a new executive direc- tor. Joanne Martin Joanne Mertin cornes to the fui-time paid position at HFHH from hier previous job with the Victorian Order of Nuraea (VON) in Hamilton. HFHH was without an executive director for 10 montho following the firing of Hamish Robertson in late January. A long-time Burlington resident, Ms Martin was originally hired as VON Hamiltonas director of development and communication in February 1997. Sbe was promoted to executive director of the VON Hamilton Foundation in Aprit 1999. She has been active as a leader of the VON national fundraising committee and acted as a mentor to development officers in other branches. During bier stewardssip, VON's donor base and total annual funds ralsed increased substantially. Prior to joinmng the VON, Ms Martin was director of community relations at the Burngoon Association for Community Living (now the Burlingoon Association for the Intellectually Handicapped) for twn-and-a-half years. Earlier inulher career Ms Martin and bier husband, ick, purchased five houses near McMaster University in Hamnilton. They had them renovated and rented theru to stu- dents. "This experience provided us with firot- hand knowledge of home renovation, con- struction, maintenance and landlord-tenant relations," sald Ms MàËin. -t feel like tru home at the ReStore because I'm s0 used to heing lu hardware stores," she said of the organization's used home-building supplies retail outtet, which is part of the organization's regional head- quarters on Appleby Line. "Operating the Halton affiliate is a diverse andi complex business, one Unat encompasses successfully managing a charity with a large and active volunteer base, a retail operation and a construction company,' said HHFH board Chair Penry Catnan. Habitat For Humanity is an international, independent, non-profit, Christian housing organization dedicated to providlug home ownership to low-lucomne workisg fanilies lu need of simple, affordable housing. As long as Une horneowner keeps up interest-free mortgage paynsents; over. Une arnortization period, usually 20 to 25 years, a emalter second mortgage is forgiven wiUn no extra payments; due. 'Me organization is currently investigat- ing build sites in Oakville, Burîlugton, Georgetown, Acton and Milton to accoru- modate waiting farnilies. The groupes goal is to build 13 more bouses by 2006. HFHH bas built two homes in Une region lu Une last two years, side by side on Plains Road lu west Aldershot. Said Ms Martin, "We're close to getting aone land and we intend to build next year. There are two or three sites so whichever cornes 10 fruition. - "In Une past we've done two single-farni- ly bornes. Now we're looking at a single- farnily home and somne townhomes due to Une cost of land lu Burlingoon. Sometimes Unat's a botter use of property with Une space available." She noted Unore's property for sale in Une four corners of Halton and she can envi- sion HFH-H doing simultaneous builds. "We need to attract more farnilies to let them know there are opportunities out there to afford a home with a zero interest mortgage<' Ms Martin said.