'High school bomb threat turnsuL L be [aise alarmi The anaian hamion, Friday, December 5, 2003--s By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Police searched the three E.C. Druiy schools as well as thse Milton GO Transit station after receiving a bomb tbreat Monday momning. Det. Brian Smnith of Halton Regional Police said thse threat was received by Peel Regional Police at about 10:20 a.m. "We sent officers to both loca- tions and nothing was found,' Det. Smnith aaid. He said teachers conducted a search of E.C. Dnaay High School On Ontario Street plus the elemnen- tary and secondary E.C. Drury schools for thse deaf accompanied by plainclothed officers. Nancy Syer, principal of E.C. Drury HigIs School, said police told berthie tbreat was very vague. She said she met with police and the three achools on the camnpus to discuss the danger level of thse threat, and whether students should i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i be evacuated. "Police suggested it was a low- level tbreat," she sald, adding stis- dents weren'î evacuated. Ms Syer said it was important to keep students' safety paramouso, while not allowing a prankater to get the attention he or she wanted. "You have to balance safety ver- sus the notion of harassment. It's a tough cail," she sald, adding that if every cail was treated as a high-risk cail even without pmoof of danger, prankaters would make tbreats more often. "You can imagine a tbreat in the msddle of exams," she sald. Any potential for danger seemed to have disappeared by about 2:30 p.m., Ms Syer sald. Shortly afler- ward, students were informed of the incident. "We told them, there was a bomb threat and Use achool was searched with police, and that they conclud- ed there was nothing suspicious," Ms Syer said. Students were sent home with letters to, their parents, explainmng what had happened. Bomb threats to schools certain- ly aren't unheard of, Ms Syer sad. lIn fact, it happened at a Halton achool she used to work at. 'Ifs not unusual," she said. Mamie Denton, apokesperson for Use Halton District ScIsool Bnard, sald as soon as Use Usreat was received, Use achool imple- mented its action plan with police for emnergencies auch as thia one. She ad students weren't evacu- ated because Usere were no signa of an actual Usreat to Useir safety. "According to our protocol, a building isn't evacuated until Usere's a auspicious package or somnething Usat could be a bonb, is found," Ms Denton sald. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiessen@miltoncana- dianchampion.com. i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s eukb . c sic 1982 e 4S - KTZ! W~ bly feature from the ro A new Counctilgo,, ffor a new 4èrm On December 1, 2003 oaths of office were administered by her Honour [ouise M. Sclisizzi, Justice of the Peace. We are pleased to introduce the 2003-2006 Milton Council as follows: Mayor Gord Krantz Councillor Richard Day (Ward t) Councillor Brian Penman (Ward 1) Councillor Barry Lee (Wards 1 mnd 3) Councillor Mike Boughton (Ward 2) Councillor Mark Curtis (Ward 2) Councillor Ron Furik (Wards 2 and 4) Councillor Cindy Lunsu (Ward 3) Councillor Jan Mowbray (Ward 3) Cousseillor John Challinor Il (Ward 4) Councillor Wendy Schau (Ward 4) Mayor Gord Krantz, Councillors Ron Furik and Barry Lee are also Councillors for the Regional Municipality of Halton. 2_1 ~iI jI j! !4 Meeting Schedule Milton Council holds its regulr meeting once a month in the Council Chambers St the Town Hal commencing at 7.30 p.m. The Community Services Standing Commirtee of Council and the Administration and Planning Committee of Cound hold regular meetings once a month in the Coancil Chambers St the Town Hall commencing at 7:30 p.m. Persons wishing to address Committee or Council are required to provide written notice to the Town Clerk by the Thursday prior to the Commirree/ Council meeting. For the schedule of meetings or a copy of the agenda, please contact the own Clerk's Office or visit the Town's web site at www.milton.ca. New Yeae's Meet and Greet Yout family is invited to join Mayor Krantz mnd Members of Council se the Annual New Year's Day Levee on January 1, 2004 from 1:30 - 3:30 pm., Town Hall, sponsored by the Milton Historical Society. Houes for tise Holiday Season Please note that the Municipal Offices, the Planning & Development Annex, Use Engineering Services Department, the Milton Seniors Centre, and the administration for Fiee Department will be closed from Wednesday, December 24th, 2003 until Thursday, Januaryl st, 2004 inclusive. For iany Toute ofMikton QOerational Service Emergency daring thùs trne please contact 905-878-714. For information on other facility achedules and related programas please contact Use appropriate facility, noted below. Leisure Centre John Tonelli Sports Centre Milton Memorial Arena Milton Sports Centre 905-878-7946 905-878-2671 905-878-4163 905-878-7252, Ext. 2602 New Yearls Eve Bell Ringing Tradition Gather around the hisroric bell at 11:45 p.m. in Victoria Park, Downtown Milton on December 31, 2003 and join Mayor Krantz in welcoming 2004. Registering for wsusser recreation peograms? Milton Use Mileon Online Registrations startmng December LJUOnline 13th (non-residents: December 17Us)@ Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. on December 1 3th (non-residents: December l7th). Use Milton Online Registrations ro register un Use Interner or by touch-tone telephone. Or, register by mail, fax or in-person. For complete derails, see your Town of Milton FalI & Winter Communiry Services Guide, visir www.mihlon.ca or call 905-878-7252, ext. 2440. For additional information, call our recreation heîp desk at 905-878-7252, ext. 2440 or send an e-mail to recreation@milton.ca NEED INFORMATION ABOUT OTHER TOWN SERVICE.S? 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