2-Tse Canadian Champion, Friday, December 5, 2003 Ct 'New town J LOOK AT BUVUNO CARS IN A WHOLE NEW WAY. officAi, %U 20"l ANNUAL DI SâL swornfi US ON NOW. TeCapo Mayor Gord Krantz pledged to the 40,000 plus resîdents of Miltoi next three-year terni of office, say he anc defmed by balancmng capital projecti with acceptableL In bas mnaugural speech Mond Mr. Krantz - who has asaumnedt Ilcrc's lest a kew ol our fine motor Vehiocles. top pltclps ic 90 e one ftelnetrin nOt a potential new lîbrsry and arts ai al centre, Town Hall expansion, t 2M01 lasl. S' 250 M.i. 414 é S2 *905 gestion and transit needi wlll don upcoming counicil and likely bey MS %gg Wn"Some of these have veey hea -n costa and hesvy operating costs 200SPItIEMuItOIEXT SW295those thinga have ta he weighed ured," the 66-yesr-old told the we 2003 SE NOV $22,995 crowd, compriaed of smiling fan friends who packed Coundil Cha 23Cilo*NOV $10 995 M ati. Mm. LE - u, support their respective councilo rosww.iý"I promise to run tii municipi >~t 20020GMC Jay5L414 V$195have ta the pait - like a business. New $1,995The capital projects Mr. Kra tioned in lii speech won't be tie itemsato prioritize. é 1 i, eý»t202 utic Tn"d «tauMS1A new arts and cultural centre, and Town Hall expansion com estimated to cost in excess of $40 te2U021 RAY i*mwa-aIums mo4x There iin't a typical bus s Milton and the cost to purchase 201 unvutfflbus rians sround $100,000, not tc hiring drivers and the need forman 4d2N11Fwd F-5 Lumx-cah NewV$111595 of the buses. tàý4ý* puc4af?" I the lead up to lait month's 2081 OMc ilM 511 414 NOV $19995 residents peppered candidates w tions about ittroductag a form of 09*0 Trii cob CE M $1,995Deliberations for the 2004 bu 2001 touai "iÉ OIE NOV $15 995 - erNaK take place December 16 and 17. W Milton's new counicil wasi 2001hoUs mm Prx S NOV$15995swom in during an hour-long c dripping with pomp and circumît 20J 1 Viv Vim. AV 10$2999 The i 1-person counicil, comp -jý 200 WuYliCru 4wbý L AD N S 95four new faces, were led tato s Council Chambers by a bag piper. 2000U Chaza i - LS 4X4 10W $15995 After singing O' Canada, the p 2000ký ioda." ,a 1ase. took a declaration of the oasIs 281 NOV $9imMWs 995 M W m ulàbefore Justice of the Peace Sclisizzi. 2MI n S*tu L 4x4New ».9-5-They also had a chance to speak a M ISî Wl: 4K mu N $ minutes. Some expressed thes 209 lias. ras SE li. mb à0V $1t1995 thas this new counicil - with the ri bination of new blood andI experie 200 Fard w"ms SEL NOV $1 à9 the ability ta leaI the rapidly- Milton trough what could he on S*w v iiimore influential tiinei it has seen. lr1L1 '11 s02PO.Ii i K M 812,8u la accepstag the chaln of offi used ar dalerhips Iro consecutive tne,MNn ra We're one of Southern GORR UDSSý 410 SI[ELES AVENUE, IN MfILTSN Hwy. 401 corridor being servic Ontario's largest 9O 5av875 2277 industries to set up, shap, helpiùigc ca d ae PNSIJNDAS 11:00N1 11 :4* Pli of much-welcamed induatrial1 taxes. He also alluded ta the patentialc flan of the Eco-Techs Village, a K lie t? (eck UI ww . Wojmoup.co environentally-auitainable How many"more cars do weJihave on our l 1otV A lot. 1I1n t'act we have over And, Me. Krantz spoke of how t wans quality services, noting ina' 350 automobiles and trucks wîth more arrtting each, and every day. were out clearing streets Monday The 2003-06 town council is: A * * A £ aCouncillors Rick Day and Brianl MANYOF UR C STO ERS AITALL EARWsrd 2 Councillori Mike Bough FO OU ONE AN O L SALE Mark Curtis; Ward 3 Councillor work for noverthe ing it will expeniive x levels. aynight, lie town's rsenting oa - sald id cultur- sfi con- tiate tii )nd. vy capital and all of md meas- 1l-dressed sies and imbers ta r. hty like I nzmen- easieat Of a library Lined are Imillion. ervice ta s single imention intenance election, 'ith ques- adequate dget will )fficially eremony ance. [etc with id out of oliticians ta office Louise for a few ssurance ght corn- rice -lhas growing îe of the ce for a afzalan a of the cd with llow for reate ail- payment property enstruc- leading- subdivi- ixpayers wploss during a Waird 1 Penan; ton and sCindy La-1 f.,