14-Tse Canadian Champion, Friday, December 5, 2003 T own says legal opinion on bike path is in its favour By JASON MISNER te C-&hamnpi on Residents are feeling pretty good about a legul Opinion thut shows the Town ha the power ta redesign or relocate a contentiaus puvcd bike palh in the rcluiivcly-new Hawthorne Village subdivision. "We feel, since there is some flexibility, that it ullows residents and elected officiais ta corne up with a possible fuir and sufe compromise that will be more suitable ta the residents in the area," said Rob Deulauriers, who hua been working on the issue on behaif of residents living on the four streets affectcd by the bike puth. He would like ta see, for exantple, a puth cre- land. Paul Cripps, Milton's engineering director, said an opinion provided lat month shows thc Town "hua more manoeuvering room than wc thoughî wc might have." He wouldn't specify any further about the Town's position on whut kind of bike puth il would like ta sec. A meeting will he held before Christmuas between Town staff and Uic Hawthorne dcvelop- er, Mattaany Homes, s0 Uiey "cao undcrstand cach ather's position in regard ta the malter ta make sure cvcryane knows whut options arc availuble." prabably in the second week of January ta get their fcedbuck on the bike puts issue hefore a reconmsendation is brought before council for a vote, likeiy in Febnaary, suid Mr. Cripps. Any changes ta the bike path require a council vote, he said. The bike puth hua become a. sensitive issue because Multamy hud plans ta build a $125,000 paved path that many residents vehemently opposed. It was proposed ta mun between boule- vards - open pieces of land in front of homes - and would cross residents'driveways. Homeowners have argued they knew noshing about a bike path, and when they did, they said 1&. type ut pain dles sued theit nomes and vas too unsafe because it wauld bisect drivewayu. The complaints eventuaily prompted the Town ta send a lerer ta Mattamy in mid-September instructing the company ta hait impending con- struction of the bike path. Residents have said they're not againut bike paths, but want a puth better designed compared ta Mattamy's cun-ent anc. The Town has said the bike path is part of an agreement signed with Mattarny, which awns the three-year-old subdivision, before housing construction wua ailowed ta stant. Jason Misner can be î-eached otjmisner@mil- Halton Junior Farmers Presents... Wednesday, December 31, 2003 Country Heritage Park, Gambrel Barn Milton, Ontario Cocktails/Appetizers 6:OOpm $4O.O0/person Dinner 7:OOpm Advanced Tickets Only Dance ta follow (9pm - 1lam) Semi-Formnal Prime Rib Buffet Cash bar Proceeds going te thse Canadian Beef Relief Fund aKids 10 and under/$12.00 Celebrate the changing of the years with yoair friends and family in a magically decorated country setting. Join many paît. and presenit Junior Parmers along with tise community ai large 10 support tise effect of the Mad Cow Crisis in Canada. Call 519-827-0823 for tickets before December iSts The astr Sal ociety, Ontario m ALL DAYFUDIE -- Monday December 8, 2003 Chapiers, Inîdigo and Cales and the volunteers and communty of Tse Easter Seul Society, Ontario cordiatty invite ail frtends and families ta a day of shopping while supporttng Easter Seaus With every pur- chase of regularly priced in-store items made ai Chapters and Cales, 10% of tise purchase wili be donated directiy back ta Thse Easter Seul Society, Ontario. Choose from a wide selection of books, gift items, magazines, music, and mach more! Join us for a fan day of culture and liteeacy and the chance ta support and celebrate wits your rom- munity as a whole. Ail you need ta do is bring ibis invitation s0 Tise Easter Seai Society, Ontario cas be credited for the purchase. If you need more informa- tion, please contact Dorothy Ward ai 905-639-9429. Pieuse note, in arder ta ensare tise masi successful and profitable fundruiser possible, ali discount progratus inciuding thse Rewards pro- gram, will not be in effeci during tise event, and tise purcisase of Gift Certificutes/Gifi Cards do not count îoward tise fundraiser. If you need ta retuen a fmidraiser purchase, pieuse note tisai ail prod- nets are for excisange anly. Please bing ibis invitation wit you t te fundraser! THANK YOU À - I n, 4