i rie GanaduWn Chiampion, uesaay ecember Z, 2UU-3 Spînit of Shazring You can drop your donation off at the Milton Mail, A & I', Loblaws, Canadian Champion or local fire hall. OR if you would like to make a cash donation, ask your Loblaws cashier for a $10. 00 Donation Coupon. OR Mail your donation to the Salvation Army 100 Nipissing Rd., Unit 3, Milton, Ontario L9T 5B2 This wilI allow local food programs to purchase food as needed. Christmas Toy Drive You can drop your donation of a new unwrapped toy at: flic Miton Mailnh front of Zeflers, Local l'ire Ilai or flic Salvation Army 100 Mipissing Rd., Unit 3 Milton, Ontario L9T 5132 VOLUNTSUR NEEDED Any volunteers- that would like to help out at the tire hall or have a vehicle available f0 help go around door-to-door and do pick-ups please show up at the Steee Fîre Hall at 8:*30 a. m. on, $aturday, December6th. Volunteers are also-needed for the afternoon ____r M* IAC IÀ -E biv food Halton Heaitheare Services Milton District Hospital 30 Derry Rd. East Milton, ON L9T 2X5 (905) 878-2383 www.haltonhealthcare.com CONTRIOLSSO Johnson Controls Ltd. Automotive Systems Group 8205 Parkhill Drive High Point Business Park East Milton, Ontario L9T 5G8 Johnson Controls is a World Class Manufacturer of Automotive Seats A H.itage of Roke Teholg Formerly RockweI International Suspension Systom Company 150 Steeles Avenue Milton, Ontario L9T 2Y5 aEWDWAL CGVTNRACTOW 400 Morobel Drive, Unit 1, Milton, Ontario L9T 4N6 Tel: (905) 876-2519 Fax: (905) 876-3909 M~~wIuj~f* Fire Fighters Food Drive aSaturday, December 6 1 ÀW 1 Sentinel Automotive 342 Bronte St. S., Unit 12 & 13 Milton 905-878-8066 "High Teck Service, 0Wd Fashion Value" Robert (Pie) Les Life Insuranco Agoncy MM FIM 011131.) - I eed44uivt 297 poea4 cw 344e«44 Bob Lee bobO robertleelnsurance.com Kim Mil i â klmOrobertleelnsurance.com 245 Commercial St. MILTON LGT 2J3 e Office 878-5786 e Fax 878-3692 Wheelabrator Canada Go. 401 Wheelabrator Way Milton, Ontario L9T 487 Telephone (905) 875-1662 Fax (905) 875-1675 àOàROYAL BANK 55 ONTARIO STREET SOUTH MILTON, ONTARIO L9T 2M3 (905) 875-0600 Fax: (905) 875-1780 DUFFERIN AGGREGATES Supplying HIgh Quallty Crushed Limestone, Sand &Gravel to the GTA and D#u Surrounding Areas. AGGREGA TES Serving Our Customers Caring For The Envlronmont Paflners ln Our Community INFORMATION & SALES: PHONE 905-878-6051 - FAX 905-878-,3442_