*àI The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Docember 2, 2003-27 - -U The speci yesrs wîlI sot return, wheni we were aIl together Bot wîth lxving memanes in aur hesrts, yos wîll be with as loreser. Love atweya, Trace, Shanh, Jnety andd Brittany The Fsmily af lPercýy Barr wîsh ta express their ais- cere gratitude taF relativea, finds, cx wsilners, The Eastern Star & St. Clair Mxsanic Ladge far ail the gifts of Ilowers, meels, phase calis, carda, charitable dona- tions, prayers & kinit wsrds. Opeciai thanks fa Rovs John Benhem & Gerry Hoîxtetter, Judy Hanter far ber beastilal sala and the Kacher Iamily far their sapport. Ges, aoug, arb, Craîg & Grry Bath1, Sean. & Sammer School Bus Drivers Needed For the Milton Area For more information cail (905) 877-2251 Laidlaw is and Equal Opportunity Employer COMMUNITY LIVING NORTH IIALTON Resource Consultant: Fuli-Time teni- porary tramn December 2003 tai May 2003 with poeabliy ai extension. ECE diploma and RT certificate (or equlvalent). Support Workera: Peat-Time in George- town "n Milton, valid Ontario Drivers Il- cerise. Fax resume ta 905478413 Jeat. iüec. 6th, 1UAM, Proview 9AM Hume's Auction Farm, MILTON Collection of 23 Swaraoski crysta & 8 Doultan figuries: China & Crystai Sets incl Shelley Dainty Blse, Wedgwood Westbsiy, RA Trillium, Watertard Lismere, Comtlower Cedar Chests & China Cabinets; Jewelry; Collectables. OVWII unOnoms; SO's hockey gamne, New Gîft & Househalit items, New andf Old Furnîtare; Gîht Baskets, Canities. Complote hest et auctionsfind.com/kenny Kenny &Sons Auctions 519-827-7253 B(si Real Estate Agents Buoy oopanding reel ontele loam requîtes liconsed Roaltoro. No cxld calling, AIl loado sppliod. For more Info cati 1-888-266-346ID# 2003 Patrick Betty HomeSelling Teem Remas Blue Spings n oglon Pot Sspp oe eq's Pifîsta Need aJob Musi bo axe lable Are you 16-24 7 days/. Days, 1V 1 Eenings, Wookends Not saiteitîn lor sladns. Pleese aend resmre & coset leffet Fis: 1-905-822-3457 or E-mtli: 4deugliasêpath COM.COt WE CAN HELP! Cali JOB CONNECT at SHERIDAN 905-878-4956 affl- éLine #àýà%cV1Ne Looking for MEN, WOMEN, TEENS & KIDS Hir»H DUUND FOIR 20-50 Ylt. OM (3-70m) fw upromirig Film, Cmnnwdcd Prints, Runwey, Talent (Adi% Wuidpb, & Extra Work) F--I-fo-gency sees potentiol, we caver full poetfolio (osts and udiiiin- fees. Ta ý" Appintmonts ccllrmtm ïnr 905-848-6731 Toll-Froo: 1-866-623-3429 - me"w eli the Cutbg Wwk"* Acru Md. weau Two tempontry positions avaintille for manufactumr ln Milton. CMMM MM have AW&ld TIG both vértcà ard ho&mW weilling and lie s= ating a Hft tru& Ordy candidates wfth aprience and sale- ty boots rieed a* Positim $» irnMý Please emâ restow ta: noello.mMna&wmlmm or fax to (9015)-87641151 Seio Infnrmation quality Analys iKwwtchehdrfer.c ascojagn a...tyEibiïiigCag oequeokyn:lao ÏIi ýim'i'l ýi led k7 miOimCHOICES * ouLL 1 . mSnini soin COMINQ the week of January21, 2004 ADVERTINO DEADUNE: January 8,2004 i( coeiuoNwnp For moie~ hfonnaUo, contact Ro»s Scapn, Mumud Copoiraf. Salu Office 41&4-130%4 cort 33 wwwtmo LANO DEVELGPMENT ENGINEER Contiosed growfh and expansion itos creatcd lthe oeed lot a Land Deselopmenl Engineer wititin oct itead office et Reid's Heriloge Grosp. Reporling bo set Land Acquisitions and Developmnl Meneger, yoc will be insole in a widn tangeo0f octielties ioclsding; liaison wilth legal, engineeriog, planning and landscope consultants, revinor and odmisislor coireci specificelions lot site snreicing, confraclor liaison and sclsedulion, on-sitn buder liaison and coordi- netion, obtaininig grading, subtdivsion and secsnily deosil teless, roxiese and implnmenlaionofa subtdivision agreemenfs and oetviciog cootocîs. Tite seccessîsi candidate will be e resslls-oriooled prolosolonol seiit e mnimum 5 yets of similer, prnsios oxpetience in lthe iomeitsildiog indsry. Yos hase excellent otgaeizelionel skilîs, work well sodon pressure, and are known for your superit cormmunication okillo. Thte Reid's Herilagn Grosp of Companies le onn of lthe largesi itomeitsilding and devnlopmonl sperotins in Soslthwnsemn Ontario, mth projocis oclisnly soder- wey ai a nsmitor oI ailes in Guelpht, Cambridge, Kitchnenr, Waterloo, London, Colliogwood, and Huntsville. Ples fox a coering 108cer end ressr by Decemiter 1918,10o 519-654-9746 Attention: Huront Resoarces Depettmool - Please o0 Phone oeis OnIy those applioenx seleid forean intemview ai be contacte Hg p,,Lso9,St0rdg0( L)G mestic/intemeational. Free wsrdrobespicture cartons. Urgentljobs welcome. (905) 629-1262. imet 666-1313 Technisai Support SpoolIst Thte Lmar Bolier & Jandy Pool Prsducts se"nt of Wafeî Pik Technologies Canada, snci la nfor Ioa dynaloi indiedeal to fill te oewly creaInd position of Techoica Support Specielist. Repoling lei lthe Casodian Sereice Manager, yos will pasntes Gos FlUter 2 licenise, be comrputer liferofe & eager to wotk bo18 itands-on & le an office eniresmeudt. Bfnl an assoit. Offnring competifîse samorafi lts, advancemen potenil pies lthe opporey to joisoa am ef lthe loduofry's leeding lnnevaoro lMns mailifax tesitanue : Walur Plit Technologies Caumi ic. 4u0 Seot Sarvice Ruai Wat Galillo, ON. 1.8K 24 05-844-2635 Ato: Herni Ruseurcus Mumfier AutoMoe Painter Fu-Time nop'd poinfer BCICC knowledge & 5yeors minimum exp. mondalory. Great woges & fuil beneits. Fully eqoipl bosy collision cenfre. «Excellent Working Condition' Cati 965-U-912 a situ 7 p.. sli W05-77-3177 We beieoveto. in helping. Anyone. Anywhere.