26--The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, December 2, 2003 CL4SSIFID ROX: 90547M40 CLASSFID ROUIS: Monday te Frday & 9:0 amn* 5:0 p. ife d BOU!Al lssfe Asapera a s ',iltocaainhmionc ONE bedroom $865 month 4 brir 2 stsrey t plus hydro. Modem baud- garage, A/C, esc ing, centra Milton, reservei dMon, It + lest parking, stos lrige, Nov. Jan. 10, $1300. 1. No Pets. Reterences. lias. 906-76-221 FirilLsi.90676423 MILTON 3&4 RIOCKWOOD &50 oqit. 1- aseilabia im 1 birmospen concept spant- ment. Large & bright with iaasdry hooiî-ep, pris enliassa $7501mno. + uiii- dea. Cai 516-85624511 UNIQUE, spacou 3 hari- moom apt avaitabie Jas. 1. Aboya profeasional office in hisiodic home, Milton. 51200/mo pies ulitias. Nansmokaere, suitable tor prolessionat couple. (91%> 692-1601 YWINTER SPECIAL CALL NOWii Fr99 sable hock up. 12 habdroomn apariment asaitahie Now and for fsture. Fridge & Siosa, laundry facilites, No doge 519-883-4374 open 7 daye/ek semae dsy ap- proval. S1OWiIR. Eam incredibie Friige, siose, atitie as - income trami yoar homet cieded. Asa 1010e Decem. 1 BEDOOM B PT/PT job spporisnity. ber imrediaiely. Apartment. No Send S .A.S.E. 10 F0 Box 5753/man stl alleS 516- no pets. Asailable 21148, Jasa-Fisch Mail. 853-3996. 1/04. Firetilas, 3975 Jane Streetic.959Ge DoseIe M2N M13 ACTON epacises an c i. 959 et clam apartrrent wM ba.o Cemphallia ANOTHER Vear? Semae oid ny. great buildieg, dlose to 0504. __ Job? Eem US$20,000 par amanites, paring, iasdry, 3-brr hengaoN mosib frore home. Par/fuit- 2-hadrosm $890/mosili close 10 schostis Ume. Sarios Cppoitusity. Jassary le 519-883-330 $1250 montly Cai 1-888-554-3313. or 519.853-0719 Asaimbia immadia 4-BANM, 3 bllr 100 famlles aai 10 ha GLEN EDEN t 10 acf5O0i5 $1 involva in me Canadien CUTass( ) 7-6 dehi freedom progrant. APARTMENTS Muetbas riei &meS 122 Bioala SIeut COUNTRY Mitai gagt av et&mr- SutMh hy/Derry- 2BR 1-00-7203 OSt 3384 aplclin o etave,wa&¶er, d BUSINESS Finance sber, air cosn alait. Busine ioass leIe . tst- for ait perposas. Prom 1-1 hadrooro becks onlo cons Prime + 1%. 905-890-9075 Avait. Dec. 15 Niagara Esarpin 1-2 hadror siac oser The Cunadian Assit. Jas. 15 $1,100/haihydr Champion t.elCi Christmas Bureau 1-1 bedrooen O.loCai93- Fund Avail Jas. 15 COZV hrigt - Fud1-1 hadrooro 0f Casiary Punis for Avail. Fab. 15 woodb stos The Salivation Arsy, For mora in»f18111101 Jas 1/04. $925 Pl» a MILTON 3-bro 90878837 2-haihs, finishadh le ~ *e stk uflr garage, close 10 Tihe Casudias Champion Leonrd à Penny GO & eboppir office $1600+, 416-25M- is 50w accephsng 1NEW 3 hadrasn donations ai Miiton, 5 appior 191 MAIN ST., MILTON, aseitabie, 1 heri- aey dlean, $1450 MIILTON moeground dos w/paiosOtes. Cai Fema lm*k Ibis $ 849+, ais 1 haroor 9 79-3067 181t & la spedarîeren' (MIata79v Cati 1Rent t today aseroant smokimg, Jasaary $775,00 ph Lise, 905-854- e, ean, 18Wly 905- aise. No 00 + a8ili* n- Apple- mal coi- tridge, fer, diab- please sal 0- MILTON- Wils ward, 3 hans,, ta 4 sppliancee, nea stie parking $12 bas. Avait. Dec.. 80392 CARFET i hase seseral 1,000 yrda. et nec Siaismaster& 100% nylon carpet. Wiil do livingroomn & hall for $389. n.i dadaes sarpet, pad & inotallaioas (30 yards) Stase, 905-639- 2902 i3INING ROOM l3pce. Cherry, 8 chair, bottai, hotch,WoknHadrtaiyl semver, dosetail conotruction. 5h1l in boxes. Cosi $11,000. Sacrhce $3,000. 905-587-9459 FIREWOOD $250 a busosrd deliserei, $130 for hat. Ail bardwood, motiy spit. Ras Newell 906l-8-251 060 PREMIERE RESORTS MEMBERSHIP for sale. Beasitini rasorts to siei. For more infornaion sali -906475-3426 ROXTON il plae dining set, siid maple 40 sinc round fale the. el.kill.da Samv Lima table clOs 2 16 sinc lases, 4 Captits chaims 2 siraighi Ouia te lu MMa by haci chaire, 2 pc. bettes hotch, $1,799.00. 905-875-2949. 3090»O< pa.opia BLUE HERON WOOOWORKS CHRISTMAS FURNITURE CRAFT SALE Saturday, December Sith41090 9:00 amn- 5:00 Pm 4TH ShowA 11998 WlnsOon Churchill DUvet., Cadieh8 & r ftS o .Geargenaran, 1 1/2 Miles N. anFatrn Myflad Rd./River Dr., Georgetonan Fesre New ready 10 finish handssaftad furnîlure PARTY LITE CA NOLES & ACCESSORIES. * and novetie. dransers, armoire, war- Excellent Christmas gifs, honrimade tree drobas. nighi tables. bianket boxes, deske, deacon banchas. booksases, plant stands, s kiris & stockings. qat recks, huish & buffts, TV stands, TV - ~Consultant g0159 0u1 of business. armoire, drysink. wash stands, haroes table . vessie bina, spoon racks, ooiiee & ownhouse, end tl s, anorner cabinets, soia tablas, St&Sn e ,20 a est con- magazine tables, taliy culpboarda, CD cabi So LS ,Dc8I ,20 Aseiable nais, dressing Van ity 8180o cabinets, mi-11 -4n 00+ Oil- cowav sandmrrs magazine racks , 0 t and much. much more.149Uue vGmgtw 5 Drng TDCK ed Ske 0 cmi yu! km est ot James Snow Parkway bedroos iidV wIae Kim Adi s, Party Lite Cosultant mediaely - 76-2581 ~vriigm s . oniWood- eGO, ou- 50 + utii- lot 906- nuVm F04 RRNT, Gentleman preferred, $400/month. ROOM for rent in Millon country home at inclusise, use of full bosse. $575.00 monih 905-864-3756 LOST black maie cet, litue white haire os ihroai & lait eyebrow. Lions CtiMai- son area. Recard. 90&- 693-9624 LOST CA1X Grey & white,' long haired. Steeles/Tre- matrie arse, geeaity mesaît, sery fniendly 516928-2806 RAINBOW VILLAGE Day- cae bas spacas asetlabe for didras 2 1/2 yre toi 5 ce. i birdis, Sel. Nec in plastic. Cn emvaios, $1800 Sacrifice $450.00 ......... ani, S.E. 905-567-9459 cas detiser. Tor./Oab. o Avail BED Amazing hargats. 16-2928 qaeee oithopedic piowiop sel, sec in plasic, carrany 1d at$5.50. 905-567-4042 cii house, 4 doulves. e, porcS.BERO se.lp cr + hydre, rycRoori et. c cher rwo.B, hsdress- er, mirror, sight stands. tetacheri, Doaeai coneirucit on. Nas- asameni, er openeri.. Casi $8000. scboola, Sacrfic $2400. 905-567- g, A/C, 4042. 11 DINING ROOM I3pce. rhoasa, Cherry, 8 chairs, butft, e, A/C, 1hutch, semver, doseai cas- /Ostb + eirociiss SSII sn basas. lido 905- .Cosi $11,000. Sacrifice 5reqis $3,0X0 905-567-9459 lin the CRilSbiai (tiam io rWAREHOUSE Eý C hristmas Inventory Clearance GA.tngmCardas OIft Wrap & Bags Christmas Tableware 11see and Decorations Santas, Angels, Snowmen Many More Great GIft Itemai N0U 27 -30 &-DEC4-7 T1HUR-FRE - 10 AM - 8 PM SATURDAY - 10 AMV - 5 PM SUNDAY - 11 ANM- 5PM BASSO, la Suddanly, at his hoe as Thursday, Novambar 27, 2003 Elso Bass in his 82nd yaar. Loving bmithar ot Angelo Bass and Lucy (Richard) Glbet. Elso wttl be missed by his naphew Gregory (Suzanne) Glbert and fil nieces Karen Gilbert and Marna May. Surviveri by his grasdnephews Maithaw Glbhert, Richard May and grasdniece Jassica Gilbert. Friands ware received ai Mie J.Scoti Early Funrail Horne, 21 James St., Miltas, (905) 878-2669 as Sanuiay, Nosember 3»1. A Funera Mass was held hrom Holy Rasaiy Roman CaihohIc Churcb as Masday, Decamber ist. As expressos ot sympaby, dasatias o 1 te Milos Distict Hospital Foundation woutd ha grealy apprecaied. InmnaMmoriadonton 10 The Allendale es5 OntiBo St S Foundation Mifsn, ON L9T à14 are truly apprecîated.I STARIÇ Edma Ai thre West Oak Village in Oakeille on Friday, November 28th 2003. Edea Stark (Kereell) fasniety of Miltas. Beboved wite of the laie Meldrsm Starki. Loving mother of Mary and her hssband Bob Thomps, Gloria Brows, Grant and his cite Betty Stark and Glana asd her huobasit Bruce Nickersas. Edna wili ha missed hy her 18 grandchiidren, 32 greai gradchil- dres and 3 grei greai grasdcbildren. Pmedeceased hy a dasghter AMens and a granrisas Gletn. Family and tîtends sisiled ai lihe MoKarieKocher Funara Hoana 114 Mais St. Miftas 905-878-4452 as Masday. The Posera Service ii ha held ai Bostas Presbytenian Cherch on Tsesday, Dember 2sd 2003 ai 1 pm. Inierien 1 toiolow ai the Miltas Evergreen Cemeey. as expressias of sympathy, memonial doaoso 1 Bosias Preshyterias Church coald ha appreciaei. REMEMBRANCES in the foras of donations to The Mfiltos District Hospital Foundatson are appreciaied ] 6$$- Wanted -ali china, sîlver, crystal, tea cups, Royal Doukas, SWarovski, glaiss, iaellenj, old toye, collactiblas, asiates. Oai Jolinrrracy, 905-331-2477. BIRTHDAY REASONABLEIindustril Usits for rant. 1,600 - 3,200 sq. fi. Loading docks & drive-in. Phone 1-905-277- 9347 or 1-905-275-8834. *aW1NR SPECIALas MILLSIDE TOWER 82 MRISIDE DRIVE 1 &2 Badrooro Apis. Cloe 10 Downtown. Bas stop ai Front Door. (905) 876-1249 wwew.reaistar.sa ACTON 2-bedrasia country 581 14cceachie Drive. tluit #4, Miltoil Ist street east of Court Ilotise olu Steeles Ave. -> Harrop Dr. First 1 e ft îi -> McGeacliie Dr. ou Harrol) -à INTERNET PC $24.99/month. Ranti 0 se. Complete internai ready Penium 111 computer. No credit check. Cal re- Compote. Toil-Frea 1-877- 795-9430. 1991 Ford Temps 180K mens greai $1000 OBO As- is 906-876-3613 1992 BMW mini, 190K, re- huilt $7500080. 90-875- 6890 1992 Ford Mercory Topez, msns goori bot neeris some cmli. $700 as is 0.B.0. (519) 826-7802 1992 Nissan Masim, V6. asismati, 4 dr., sec brakes, sery dependabie, 282,OOOkms, as is, $3,800. 0.8.0. (905)877-1 991 1997 Jeep TJ Sahasre 6 cyl, 4L, 5spd, hardiop asiy new tires, 100K, al service records avatabie. $11,500 obo 90&6-54 1999 Pastiac Grand Am GT, V6, 75,OOOlons, black, mini condition. Asking $9,000 obo. Ceul 90&-702- 976 ILCOME*ê *New in town? *Getting marnied in 3 months or more? *Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? Please eaU us Coffunlty Welcomo Linda 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0313 hi,, Wmlooms Michelle 905-332-8634 Urlial Wsloome Lasrie 905-878-0126 Bus/Prof Wslcoeu Laurie 905-878-0126 In Memoriams in the form of donations to The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciated.