w-1 The Canadien Champion, Tuoaday, December 2, 2003-25 IHIGH SCHOOL REPORT ',TEE ROYAL REPOBR' j6"DATE161NE DRUJY99 Lacey DaSiva Seth Fergoson DISNOP REDINS ISE SCIGOL ",MUSTANG MESSENUER", E.C. DRURT MISE SCMO1 Astetemperatures began to decrease outside around us, the spir- Wt h niiaino h hsmaBekloîgo h 6:OOam: Yonr aeam sounds it wtthin Bishop Reding was on the contrary. Although flot many Wthoeontiipt io 1fwoe that MDritas reay li on the oeio 6:Ohm: You hit the snooze bution activities are taking place this week, the anticipation for upcoming hrzn tinow deta M isledyntepocsof 6:30am: You wake up t0 the sound of the phone ringing, and aftee answoemig in yoar evnsan rpaain o he ae enbuzn truhotte making plans to prepare for this year s food drive. usuat moming daze, you hear a voice that resembles your hockey coachi. evets ndprearaio fo thm avebee bzzig troghoi tse Clasaroomas around MD will be getting ready 10, fill menu 6:35aio: Apparently you are now laie for your finit season gaine against Milton halls. Senior students are waitmng eagerly for the coming of the boxes intended to aid those lesa fortunate tbis holiday season. Disrct Snowflake Bail, Bishop Reding's annual Christmas semi-formal. Any donationa collected will be sent to various organizations, 6:48are: You arrive ai the armna, and bogie gettîng deesied "qaick limte Ms. Fontania and the cosmeîology depariment's books are being such as thse Halton Women s Place and the Salvation Army in 7:00aec The faine heeins. 7:3Oare: A solid gaine bas been ptayed so fae aid as the liors aie swilcbed np. yoo tilled wiîh appoinîmenîs, as student goverument rushes 10 gel the lasi effort to help support the community. To augment the drive, lake a break te walch the suspenseful gaine nom lied ai 3-3. minute decoraîjons they soilI need for nexi Friday. 'Me general feel- MD will also be running a variety of fundraising events, 7:59an: Wjth 1.9 seconds lefi in a lied gaine, your leammate Laura Lighthall scoes ing arosnd the school is that il will be a night to remember. including a raffle for a $100 gifi certificate for the prestigious the wînnîne goal. 'Me spirit around Bisisop Reding could also be contributedl 10 the Auberge du Pommier restaurant in Toronto (just ask the 8:00aos: 'Me crowd goos wild! (Well, ai teasi yone teain does.) two ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~8 p1ne civie das5 u col hsTusa tdnssee FecsImrinsuet bu ht.ISi: You arrie îweaîy and laie (aegh! li stais ai 7:50ai) for yoae concert band two plarined ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rbera aid hegini or chol 'Menînsdy tudnp wr1FrechImraionlice fobutrha).re16ealannpcomingig p e paChrifrstetinasg Crit conon given their monthly civies day, and nexi Tuesday ocitI be permitted If that s not enougs go pump your veins full of adrenaline- cort. You cai fiel the exciiement as yeux feltosc band memboes piepaee for to ea thirowncltiss rovdig leygîv adontin. Ilof he rushing Christmuas spirit, may we remind you of the upcomning the big evening on Dec. 3ed.* to war hei ow clthe prvidng heygiv a onaion Al ofthe8:20a: The iefeeence t0 Dec. 3rd nakes yoo lhink about SAS' Pop Rally whicb donations collected soili be given Io the United Way; just another Christmas concert on December l5th at 7:30 pm, wisich will will alsoitake place. wayB.. s elin te omunty Wththt ai, hi wek ech be sisowcasing somte of MD s most acclaimed musîctans. 8: 3Sain: Oel on trouble for day deeaming about the pop rally. wayB.R ishelingtie cmmuity Wih talsai, tis eek esis Speaking of performances, if you re a parent lefi squandering 8:4Sain: You stop for O Canada, and lîsien t0te inoing annouincements. It seoins first period class was given the lisi of needful families ihai they are in the dark regarding your teenager n academir achievements thal the boys wreillîng ean leaselted t0 Htaggaesvilte (Boy, do they know planning 10 help during the Christmas Season. First period classes (or mishaps), you shuuld be aware, letters of concemn silI be grtaai te pace ownoon esspee Ronai as nockt ie Chai, Wîcon were eager to receive their families and the involvement froisi thse mailed on December I 2th. Any students with a possible dan- Orohcer and Diew Evans. studenîs wsea astounding. ger of failing can expect to receive a notice. For tisose of you 9:53ain: DEAR Deuey bogios as yen D3rop Eoerything aid Read. aid dien pick ap y ose anineesily/college info book t0 continue decidîng inhere yon anai t0 Bishop Reding's most talented performers are warming up their intending on applying go college or university this year, tise appy. voices, and brushing up on thecr acting skills as auditions for the Guidance Departtnenî wiIl be running workshops until next lfl:Sfarn: Yoa'ne decided achere yon wnt t0 appty and yoo head t0 16e Onidaice musical gear up this week. 'Me studenîs are nervously anticipating Monday, to, facilitate your application proceas. Office Io pick sp your pin numboe t0 appty online. the casi list, which wiIl be posted the first week of December. Best If you, or anyone you know may be interested ini free child day I h:38ai: Theu vanurht boîl son ls an pher)te uchbel of luck 10 aIl who auditioned! care services for approximately one hour during the moming, t:56pm: Yo ie achbmply sunpds n 6e lwayb e.Hle, oenleb Toa, .ý' klldRec ta acdof ntheir own turf in 1hei for tise next 14 weeks, look no further that MDas very owit coach, inho infoomi you thal the beain is laking part in a Beach Volleybalh Toda, BR.' skiledReah taru ace of onpîsyscisool. Next semnester grade 11I students taking part in tise loamaisent on Tbarsday, and bad a blast. first tourusment of thse season. Mr Kujtan's teain Ibis year is rom- liigadwrigwtscslrncus1el otts ano :05pm: Yoa aise reahize duat the înlennodiate scbool mach louaamoni tank place lifn seve brigist young students incuudin Geoff Zer, th ia1 di day.. prised ofsvnbih on tdnsicuigGofZn, Pîsysehool, nciseduled 10 begin on Tuesday, Februaiy 24, 1: lOpin vois break dcen crying oniside of Gaidaice bocaase yen realize tha yaa Katelynn Johnston, Ryan Morreira, Emily Przybyaz, Avs Kewley, PJ 2004. inissed the inteemediae meach louaamnt, howeser yon ieaiomboe yoa cai McColl, and our own seriter, Liana Pressé. Results fromt Ibis tourna- MD s two hockey teamn might be tisinking of a litIle remedial attend the senioe toninamntib1is Fniday. ment ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 15pI e pstd ienxt eek'sreor. bopthesevessfer osngeher ame ImtwekeBuoper ofl5m: Reninyor bx f Keeosa0nbo opofyon lcke ad gneyonsefa ment ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a on 16oosedinnetbacksreor.for maiaging yoacig her anesths ee. ulimer ptonthso ofoffoctivehy.ie e ffctvey NexI Tuesday, Mrs. Doyle, Ms. Caruana, tise Choir, and the is no reason 10 panic, as tise season s juat started. There seema t :23pim: You anive taie 10 yoac peiod 4 chais, aid aie gison n pop qniz. Students of Living Life (S.O.L.L.) group seilI be traveling 10 10 have been a mix-up over in tise EC press-room, as tise Girls h :30pn: Yountr Io 1 youe Iseker foe yoac bon of Kheeses. Allendale 10, Christmas Carol. The students will be visiting each o~f teamn han not yet met the EC tearu yet this season, contrary tu 2:45pis: You aie staold hy a ait minuie annoanicemn ovoer te PA, whîcb ieminds the bouses and spreadmng Christmnas Ciseer throughout. wisat wsea reported. Hmm, persapa a little twiiting of tise news yon 10 cbock out Dateline Doîey foe their 2516 annioersay trmmi qnestions. 3:l1spm: Yon fiish wonlînI yooe homewoek in youe orgaior aid inail for the fisal On a fmnal note, tise students and staff are delighted t0 have our in tiseir favour? In any case, bots teams are forming nicely boîl t0 soaid. prncpa M. ajwsi ac a shol ndingod eathone gan. and tise aquada should be contenders for tise post-season. 3:t5pn: The boîl sounds aid yoa'ro off on yone way bome. Wbal a day! pricipl M. Gjesskibac 51sehol nd n god ealh oce g~ Next week, Prefecîs seul be collecting donations'of money and **1ns1 a paisint note megarding oue cooerage of the Draiy Remoinheance day comemony Quolation of the week: "No pessimist ever dascovered the secrt food for tise Christmas food drive, so please remember to be on Nov. 11. We inore somewha me-miss wi16 regards ta naiuing the cadets who forined the honoar gad for the cormony. Participants incboied: William bonis, Manbow Cook, of the stars, or sailed le, an uncharted land, or opened a new generous and bring some food t0 scisool, slong seith your five Matthew Osmorn, Nicole Whiiemood. Andncsn Henrey aid Jennifee Cbaehioe. Oue apolo- doorway for the human spirit." - Helen KeLler l essaya and twenty pages of homework. gies t0 Iboso dodicaîrd volailooers.0 Atter Heurs Cars on. a walk-in bais Hours Monday to Friday 6:00 p.m. toi 8:00 p.m. PKrflW Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.li 75 Main Street Eastr Milton Milton 's only Alter Hours Clinic is staffed by your own Milton Physicians