24-Thýe Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 2, 2003 /Milton racers go the distance at Ironman Florida I Ai/ 10 locals complete grue/mng challenge HA<ON SPORTrsMEN'S December 5th, 2003 8 Pm to lam Shuftle bus from the Canadian Legion every 1/2 hour Buffet lunch Club Homas Location: 5155 Steeles Avenue a 905-854-2641 United Dlental Clinic 905-257-Si182 General Dentists a New Patients Welcome *Weekends,. Eveninga & Emergencies a Dentistry Whlle You Sleep4 F.fcft Je 200 M200 ndSpoolgun Iwm25O8 alumfumAlumlnrl Air Liquidle b 1Ulu 1101000g 310A Steeles Ave., MiltonPakg .905-69-1211 $8 Whlle cluantttles lest. Partlcipatlng locations only. 6 Z ý IE ndustrial gamm www.aIi l in 10 womeni wiII develo B REASEF CANCER The risk introasas with ago. The Ontorio Broast Scraaning Progra.t providas broust axaminotion and o *om.ogrom aI no cost ta wotan whc ara 50 pîars cf agi crevai. Moka your oppointmant today.1 For thé centre nearasi yau ceii: 1-800-668-9304 By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion T' his time around, everyone Iwent the distance. Tht Milton Runners have sent sizable contingents int îronman competition before, but usually triathlon's ultimate endeavour dlaimrs at lest ont or two vic- lima. Not so in Panama City, Florida November 8 - when all 10 Milton racers successfully tamed tht grueling 3.8kmn swim, 180km bikt, 42kmn mn course. 1I think tis was only the second time everybody did il," aaid Calvin Snow, who completed bis sixth ironmnan in a personal best 11:07 to lead tht local group. "Lt was grtat to sec tveryont finish. We were ail really happy." Most had personal bests Among eight ares racers to setsa new PR, Snow knocked six mninutes off ia individ- ual record - established last summer in Penticton, British Columbia. While no straniger 10 ironman races, he strtsstd that they'rt stiil nowhert near routine. Ht sald, 1I don't think they rtaily get any tasier, you just start to understand whaî to do in case of a problemi. Not that there wert any tis time. Everything went quite well." Echoing those laat commenta waa Sue Trentse, ont of two fu-at-timers to tht tron- man scene. Despite ber rookie statua, ase fared much better than expected - and crossed tht wirt in a solid 13:26.36. "I waa prttty nervous at firat, but 1 fin- ishcd probably a good hour better dha I thought I would," sald Trtrise, who trained about a year for tht daunting taak. 1I owe that to good coaching and grtat conditions. Tht awim waa whert I did a lot better than exptcttd. 1 stayed way off to tht aide htcauat I didn't want to get hamsntrtd." Cathy Hall waan't quitt so lucky in tht water - getting poundtd by armas and legs during tht chaotic mass start. "I got beatto pretty bad and was a littit worried after tht swim. 1 feit tirtd and thougat I'd used up a bit too much energy," she recailed. But Hall's physical reserves apparently outwtighed htr poat-swim confidence level, as she lssmed in rock-solid bikt and mun portions to finish her second ironan in 14:50.05. Husband Trigg Hall was particularly impressive with an 11:21.38 performance, while Nancy Cole-Hryciw, Gary Black and newcomer Mark Hurtig all broke tht 13- hour barrner as well - clocking in 11:48.38, 12:28.06 and 12:42 respectively. Milton's other ironiman finishers were Julie Anderton, Anna Morris and Courtney Wamner. Steve Lefilanc can be reached at sie- blanc@haltonsearch.com. -Locally-trained pacing filly wins Breeders titie Ben Wallace made il 10 tht winner's tir- cIe at Tht Meadowlands Salssrday night- jusl not with tht horst he expecîed. Tht Milton trainer's beat hopes for a Bretdtrs Crown tille rtated with three- year-old colt pace Pronger, who, headed into battît as ont of tht odds-on favouritea to reign supreme. But it was fellow trainte Pans Culottes who did s0 - capturing tht $470.000 Two-Year-Old Filly Pace by a neck over prtviously unheaten Kikikatie. Driven by Quebec's Daniel Dube, Pana Culottes stopped tht dlock in 1:54.3 to anap Kikikatit's 14-race win strtak. Meanwile, Pronger - starting from post thrte - offéed an early challenge, but was ail but dont by tht midway mark of tht $542,500 Three-Year-Old Colt Pace and fmnished a disappoinîing sixth. Fellow favourite and Pacing Triple Crown winner No Pan intended prtvailed, edging out Escape Tht Wmnd to win for tht 17th limne in 21 starls. With tht victory, No Pan hsttnded has ail] but guaranîeed himatîlf hamnesa racing'a horst of tht year honoura. Amnigo Hall - tht 2003 Hambletonian winntr, traintd by Blalr Burgess for own- ers Robert Burgess and Karin Olason- Burgess of Caropbeilville and Wainuî Hall Limited of Kentucky - finished third in tht $585.000 Three-Ytar-Old Colt Trot. Taking top honours by a couple of lengths over Mr Etro was Mrn Muscleman. Woodbine Race Track wiil play hoat to tht Breeders Crown two and thret-year- old races next year. #oAnothp.r imnrpuççivia Ca Ta"Mi effort for EC wrestlers E.C. Drury's championship wrestlers Rookie Joey Arsenault earned a bronze beieve... enjoyed another hefty hardware haul in in his high school debut.Drydmiae i Building on an impressive season-open- with five golda and four silvers. helping ing performance in Hageraville, Larry Fifth-year Spartan Jesse Ronan went3- -IIlg Jaroslawski's Sparans amased 13 medals for is second consecutive gold tis year, Anyone. in their lateat outing - eight of the golden wliile capturing tîseir firat of the season An wh re vaniety. eeKvnTrrGayFriCon SThree of those were secured by rooîries, Kvnh an rer GaryMogn For, olian ail of whom won tiseir firat carter titles umand BynMra.FrMra S with undefeattd campaigns. Mac Filiman adBumbani, Thursday marked the fsrst pinned diret straigat opponients to dlaim open tales of their carters. p first-place honours, while also reaching tht Silver-medal efforts were delivertd by top of the podium wert feilow frealamen Kyle Shermet, Geoif Morgan, Peter l u -J Kevin Iwasa-Madge, and Mail Lalonde. Leaman and Jobnny McMahon. llquldo.com P E S 1