r 0l-The canadian Champion, Fniday, November 28, 2003 -/New councillors say they're ready, wi*lling, able il -peti uînicuai counuli, îniciudîng Jour newcomers, w/I be sworn in !Vlondlay nighlt Boughton says he can't wait to get started Sbarply dressed in a dark blue dress shirt with a tic, siceves rollcd up slightly, and in pleated black pants, Mike Boughton metbodically snips the hair of one in a long Iist of customers that have graced bus Main Street East barbcrshop. He says bis 37 years as a hairatyliat bas given hlm a unique perspective on Milton, of wherc's is been and should be gomng. "Sitting bere in the barber- shop, 1 bear people talking about whst's happening in thc comimunity," said Mr. Boughton, 58. Having a broad scope of Uic issues is Uic kind of experience Mr. Boughton said be hopes to bring to council. He said he's cxcited by Uic opportunity of reprcscnting constituents' interests and not juat Uieir bairstyling demanida. Tlhose intcrcsts include addressing Uic Town's urce- bour parking bylaw, kceping Uic library at its Brown Street site if plans tu build another proceed, and an arts and cul- ture centre. "Mhe main Uiing is to work on town coundcil as a tearo. t don't think Uiere should be competition betwecn Ward 1 and Ward 4and Ward V" One more Uiing, be said with a laugh - no free haircuts for fellow councillors or staff. It's strictly a business decision. XCurtis says he's committed to his new role Father Mark Curtis's passion may be singing, but he says bc's just as committcd to bis ncw role as a Milton politician. Known as Canada's singing pricat, Mr. Curtis travels thc world, performing in large music halls and in front of inti- mate church groups, as a singer or motivational speaker. Hc'il be cutting back on dic number of appearances to devote bis time to Milton counicil. As Uic newcst Ward 2 coun- cillor, bis bombastic voice will only be heard when speaking to political issues. "The only singing lIl be doing at counicil is singing Uic praises of Miltonians," he said, Uiough be won't object to lcad- ing a round of 'Happy Birthday', if askcd. Mr. Curtis, whosc base churcb is St. Simon's Anglican Church in Oakvillc, is one of two ncw Wani 4 councillors who will bring Uic conccms of residents from Uic cstablished, older part of Milton to council. Throughout bis campaigning - wbicb be said involved knocking on 4,000 doors not once but twice - Uic 47-year- old was struck by how many were abrest of issues. That will keep hlm on Uic political bot seat. "People were rcally up on Uiings," Mr. Curtis said. "%by arc vcry educated votera." The issues include develop- ment, Uic need for adequate transit and a movie Uicatre. Jan Mowbray, Ward 3 Wendy Schau, Ward 4 Mowbray says she's ready to work with honesty and integrity An avid golfer with an impressive cight-bandicap, Jan Mowbray was leading aftcr two rounds in a 1999 golf tour- namnent wbcn, as home resting, she felt a pit lodge in ber storo- acb. She bad mistakenly marked ber score card wrong, awarding herself a birdie instead of a par. 1I bad to tell Uicm (golf offi- ciais) Uic next day," said Uic native New Zealander. "Your word is everything. If you don't have Uiat, by golly, you'vc gos noUiing." Honcsty-and integrity are Uic two balimarks she bopes to bring as a counicilior for Uic vcry large Ward 3. Ms Mowbray, 59, bas been doing ber homnework to ges caught up on Milton policies, bylsws and committees. Her dining roomn table is drowning with documents and tbick bindera to hclp ber along. 'vc got an much to larn," she said. "It's an cxciting." The camnpaign was an excit- ing yet exhaustive rime. Ms Mowbray knocked on ail but 80 of Uic approxiniately 2,100 homes that dot this rolling ward of mostly farm properties. Tbat's nos an easy feat, cither, considcring Uicy arcn't exactly located right next to each other. She said she vows to knock on Uiose doora over Uic ncxt fcw weeks. It will bclp in addressing four key issues - road safcty, rual garbagc pick- up, watcr quality and roadside litter. Schau says she's bursting with ideas Wendy Schau owes a lot to ber grade 12 Milton District Higb Scbool teacher, Mis. Dcaring, for wbat she saw in ber years ago. Ms Schau, 16 as Uic time, was picked to travel to Ottawa to sec Uic inncr-workings of Parliament, as part of a citizen- sbip worksbop. But Uiere was a problem. Born in England to a fanning fasnily, she wasn't yet a Canadian citizen. Wi Uic bclp of a lawycr, ber citizcnsbip papera wcre fast-tracked and abe was able to accept ber cer- F, =jZE M tificate for participatng. The worksbop gos ber hookcd on the gravity and effectiveness of polities. "I was a citizen un a buny," Uic 53-ycar-old laugbcd. Now she'Il be a councillor in demand. Ms Scbau, a retired elemen- tary scbool teacher, is bursting wiUi ideas as Uic ncw coundil- lor for Ward 4. And Uiose ideas wifl be put to Uic test as a host of issues face ber ward. Thcy include transit, activi- tics for youUi, and Uic push for Haiton Region to build more affordable bousing. Ms Schau said ber focus is to hclp create a Milton Uiat works for everybody yet retains a small-town flavour. "It's a master of attitude, but we necd Uic infr-astructure to support that," she said. "Evcryone I talked to said, 'I reaily love Milton.' Wc need to remain a town and flot a sub- uirb." Stories by JASON MISNER ANNOLINCEMENT Robert DiGialionardo and the management of Paston Auto Sales Ltd./Thrifty Car Rentai are pieased to announce that MARGARET NOVA Corporate Accounts Representative has joined the Thrifty Teamn. Margaret was born in Glasgow, Scotiand, moved to Canada with her famiiy when she was seven years oid and made Milton her home. Margaret, her husband Terry, chiidren Amanda and Tara, have also decidedto be a part of the Milton community. Margaret brings with her 15 years of vehicie rentai experience and an excellent knowiedge of corporate, retail, and insurance based business. Her abiiity in deaiing with the public and providing a consistant level of customer service has aiso proven to be one of her strong qualities. Margaret wouid like to weicome and encourage ail her friends and M loyal customers to contact her with their future rentai needs. 1 i~ q jI SMargaret invites her 1 -800-THRUFTY* friends and associates 88 Ontario St. N. Unit #5 to drop in or cail Milton, ON 19T 2M7 905-875-3738. 905-875-3738 Mike Boughton, Ward 2 Mark Curtis, Ward 2