6 - The Canadian Champion, Tueoday, November 25, 2003 *COMMENT Please give generously toi our Christmas fund Donations started rolling in this past week for The Champion's Christmas Bureau Fund - amazingly enough, before the annual fundraismng drive was offlcially launched. The generosity is nothing new around these parts, although contribu- tions have corne in a liffle earlier than usual this year. Hopefully that's a good omen for things to corne and that we can equal or surpass last year's total of $25,68 1. We've set the goal at $26,000 this year - and feel confident that local mndividuals and businesses wiil collectively meet that mark. The Salvation Army fundraiser is aùned at ensuring needy familses enjoy ail the holiday ftrinngs, including gifts for dhe kids. It's sad to think about, but rnany Milton households won't have those things without assistance. F~ Lfnrg We donate to the cause ourselves here at The Champion, but our main mnvolvernent in the fund is to collect donations, ensure they're kept safe and forward thern to the Salvation Army. Credit for the success of the fundraiser goes to generous citizens who take action to help others. To contnibute, please make cheques payable to the Christmas Bureau Fund and drop them off at The Champion, 191 Main St. E. -O UR READERS WRITE Wied Cddkto ay Oflis o Oqbdy Fatality raises serlous questions regardîng whosupor" hm ùdnmunip'»Mim school board's transît system, says women THE AI)DIAN CHAMPION Box2M8,l191Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editotial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Poblisher JM Davip Fdinor-in-Chief Karen Smsith Edutor Wendy McNab Advertising Manager Chuerlene Hall Circulation Manager Teri Casas Office Manager TIra Colos Production Manager Thé tamadise Chauplon, publishei evey Tuesday and Fridsy ut 11 Main St. t., Miltn, Ose., LIT 4N9 (Boa 24t), is ose of The Metrsoad Printing, Psblishlsg & Distrlbuting LM. grsup af suburban compasies which includes: Ajatlcbering News Advertlser, Allistor Herald/Couier, Barde Arivarce, Bohes Eteerprise, Brampton Gusrdlsn, Burlingtsn Post, Burllngtsn Shopping News, City Parent, City ut York Guardian, CollingwosdlWasaga Connectian, DaM York Mirrsr, tris AdvscatelCounery Routes, ttobcoko Guardias, Plambsnssgh Reoiew, Fsrever Young, Georgetown lndependeot/Actso Free Press, Hsftsn Business imes, Huronla Business limes, Undsay This Week. Marhm tconomls & Sun, MhtsandlPenetaoî- sishene Mirrsr, Mlton Shopping News, Mississassa Business imes, Mississsasg News, Napanee Guide, Nsssagaweya News, Newmarlat/Aurora tru-Banner, Northumberland Neom, North York MInror, Oaille Bosser, Oakvlle Shopping News, Oldtlmers Hockey News, Orillia Tsday, OshawauMhftbyltlarlngtsonPsrt Penny This Weeh, Peterborough This Ween, Pictsn County Guide, Richmond HillthornhitNaughao Liberal, Scarbsrsugh Mirror, StouffMlelattidge Tribune. Adventising sa accepted on the condtion Chat In the avant of a typo- graphicul enror, Chat portion of the aMivtlng spuce tccupled by the errs- resus Rtem. together with a reasotabo allowance for signature, wll rot bu charged for, but the balanceof tthe advertlsement ait bu pa for an the appli- cable rate. The publioher resenvea the rlght ns categsrbu adventisements or decline. N5 Milon Canadien Cheorpon sea Recyvhble Produt Dear Editor, On May 14, Alex Bonchili per- ished in a horrific car accident. Alex was a nmne-year-old boy whose smile would light up a roomn in an inatant. He was full of life with a bright future ahead of hinm. Hia birthday would have been this mnonth. At the timne of the accident, Alex was attendiag a six-wcck programn as part of hia school currculum. This programn was located in Milton, with candidates limnited to a miaximnum of six studenta. Includcd in the programn was trantportation co-ordmnatcd through the Halton District School Board. On this day in May, there were two childrcn being transported by taxi. TIhey werc on their way home from attending the programn when the accident occurrcd. As a resuit of the accident, the taxi driver was charged with care- lest driving. With the tafety and well-being of children being trantportcd via taxi to the school pmogramn, one would expect that prudent policies and practices would be implemented wiUi respect to contracting of such taxi companiet. As Uic mother of a child who has alto attending Uic programn, I have the following unantwercd ques- tions: What do Uiese policies and prac- tices entail, if indeed Uicy do exiat? Are parents informed Uiat Uicre's Pud no conaiatency with Uic driver of Uic taxi and Uiat any member of Uic taxi comnpany may be tranaporting their children? Are Uiesc taxi drivers tubjected to Uic samte testing and traininag as achool bus drivers? la it timnply a mnatter of fmnancial rettraint causing Uic use of a taxi vertus a regular school bus? WiUi the lives of children at risk, one would cxpect the Halton District School Board to enture Uiat adequate policies and practices are implemented and cnforced. The safety of our children dcpcnd on it. Karen King Georgetown by Steve Nease i h