-McTavish left disappointed after board refuses recount By JASON MISNER The Champion Unsuccessful Milton public school board trustee John McTavish is disappomnted he won't be gettmng a recount, but he vowed to run again in 2006. With 6,000-plus votes cast for the trustee's position in the munuc- ipal election, Mr. McTavish asked the Halton District School Board for a recounit after losing by 20 votes to Paul Tale. The board Wednesday ruled 6-3 againat il, citing money as the main reason. The recount would have been conducted by the Town of Milton, but the board would have had to reimnburse it for the coats, estimnated to be between $2,000 and $4,000. Mvr. McTavish wasn't able to attend the board meeting because of out-of-town business commit- ments. But ini an e-mail to The Champion, he thanked the thou- sands of people for their support, and said he will vie again for Uic trustee's seat Uiat narrowly eluded hùm. 'mr sonry Uiat the board was flot able 10 grant Uie recount. I wish all Uic bcst to die new board members, and I exhort Uiem. to aiways main- tain quality education for our chil- dren as theïr top priority. 111 be back in three year to try again." Mr. Tate said he's relieved a deci- sion has been made about a recount and Uiat he knows where he stands as Milton's new public achool board trustee. "I'm happy Uiat I know exactly whal's going to be happening in my future," he said, noting he attended Uic board meeting last week. He said he hopes Uic public does- n't question Uic resulta, as close as Uicy wcrc, given Uicrc will bc no recount. 1I didn't mind Uic Uiought of havmng a recount if Uiere is any doubt Uiat I shouldn't be there," Mr Tate said. 'vc donc some research on il and Uic history of clection results being overtumced by recounts are extremely rare. 1I Uiink if somne (at Uic board) thought il would change, they would've votcd ycs." Mr. Tate is already off and run- ning on Uic job. lIn addition to field- ing steady phone cails from par- enta, he bas a number of meetings set up over Uic next week to dis- cusa school issues. The ncw achool board will be swom in December 3. Jason Misner can be reached at jmisner@miltoncanadianchampi- on.com. The Canadien Champion Tuesday November 25 2003-6 Itfs Timie to Winte ri Buili in Canada to endure our harsh Canadian winters. Win Minimum of $750. or You Could 'WIN YOUR VEHICLE flIi.0 TO $..ISS CEITVILB WIN~109000-: $5,0 YOUR VEHICLE OFF YOUR PURCHASE OFF YOUR PUORCHASE 12,500O OFF YOUR PURCHASE: $29000 $1,500 OFF VOUR PURCHASE OFF 2003 MODEL il ~u n b-. l'il i~ i 0.U NI Waen .J * Alidl ulf o uto aig lbyu MCr onsServing Milton [jimooi qaliy oifuth r avng wih ou G Cad oitsFor Over 3 Main B R IC H A R D SG Nsensible way to buy a car or truck CIE VROLET-OLDSMOIILE h11o Dr RtHVVY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON «onhselectmodulas- se dealier tor dutails - I - 1- 1,d 'iàf # /0 $750 OFF 2004 MODEL