26--The Canadias Champion, Tuesday, November 25, 2003 gb Irkiisrum wsiiq. Tihe Ontario granet Screenrng Progroim providme wil develo breoot esoaînnion and n unumogmîs it no BRIAT CACER Mmii. your appointaient todoy.1 ast tha (aotsu chus ar# (cil a ed. a ea oe .21Aei. --6--68-9304 4 United Dental Clinic 805-257-8182 SBerto1i, Titans picking things up ECHL veteran rolling afier slow start j Orthodontiste* Denture Lab General Dentists "New Patients Welcome " Weekends, Evenings & kEmergencies a' Dentistry WhiIe You Sleep4 MIL TcOWN TIESRIErTol EC AHA ti 1 liar e " tue-sRtcAdve Mor Ae hif Bhlzaj contentiread ompon oehesot ter and Bridge lor ne. zkoS M For performnance touring coupes. " Provides weII-balauced overail J performrance both in winier and wet or dry conditions. " For performance touring sedans. Fu Lht Tmb ran SMV ýZDolivers supenior winter traction and malosuiity :* Unique Link MulticellP cornpourrd Inuru ice peeformane. r Wat Ch for UNIthei3BAG" and fi11 it with non-perishable food items, during the Salvation Army Food Drive. Bags wI be inserted in CI (n Wmaan (bamÀi on Fridayi Nov 28, Bags wiII bo picked up by the Milton Firefighters on Saturday, Dec. 6, 2003. VI Vil I By JON KUIPERIJ The Champion After a slow otart, Scott Bertoli and hin Trenston Titans are now on a roll. Milton's 26-year-old fonsser Ivy Leaguer was held pointieso in his firut several gameo. But followmng this past weekend'o home-and-home oplis with Atlantic City, the ECHL mainstay now has a dozen points in bis last 13 contests. The Titano have compiled a 9-3-1 record over that span and sit tied for third in the ECHL'o Northemn Division - deopite beginning the season with three srraight losseo. "Other than that opening weekend, thingo have beeci good. Starsing 0-3 and being where we're as is presoy sasisfying," remarked Bertoli. "We have about 10 or 1l rookies in our lineup so, il takes time for them, so adjuos from, the college garne, and we juos didin't play well thas Furst week- end." Alsbough the 5-foos- 10, 205-pound sniper hua racked up the assista this oea- son, leadmng Trenton with 11, he didn's manage bis fîrst goal until the Titans' 1 3th game of the year - a 2-0 win over Toledo November 15. Bertoli tallied 21 tlimes and added 38 assiots in just 47 games with Trenton last year. An elbow injury kept hlm out through the early pars of the season. 'It was gettiosg frustrating. Pucks Usas should have gone in weren't going ini," he ssid, noting he was still getting plenty of scoring chances. "You stars grippmng your stick a bit and you pass up somne opportu- nities Usa, if tse puck was going in, you gone lin werent goig iu. You satdgrippiug your stick a bit and you pass up soue opportuuiftes that, if the puck was going in, you wouldn't hzave" wouldn't have." Now Usas Use season's ferst goal is out of Use way, Bertoli bopes Use floodgates wiIl open as he seeks anoUser crack with an AHL oquad. The fonner Princeton Urniversity star- who's had brief stmnts with Use Lowell Lock Monssers and St. John Ranes during bis professional hockey career - was going to be called up by Use Milwaukee Admirais last season before Use club leamned he was sidelined with a hyper- extended elbow. "Hockey bas so many injuries and cati- ups. If im playing well as Use rignt time and teains need left wingers or forwards, I don't see why I wouldn't gelthUe opporsu- nity," said Bertoli. "Last year was bad tim- ing, so hopefully that won't happen again Usis year." Jon Kuiperij can be reached aI a à