1S-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Navember 25, 2M0 Float entries sought for Campbellville Christmas Parade Santa Claus will becoming to town December Crescent to Guelph Line, and then tb thi' entries front hîdnesei omti, ttt Tbc r t t t ~t d ipttivikLions i-li service clubs and even individual households. deemeti layor of Cainpbellville'. Starting at 1:30 p.m., dhe parade -with ils Kids and parents are mnvited to the Lions Hall The parade la sponsoreti by the Camnpbellville To enter dhe parade, volunteer or make a dona- themne of Preserving Wonder - will start at Reid sfterwsrd for refreshmnents anti to meet Santa. Parade Commnitee with support from the nion, cali Glenn Goltistrsw ai (905) 854-2213 or Sideroati andi will snake along Crawford The psrsde la a commrunity endeavour, with Camrpbeliville Area Business Association e-mail hlm ait goldstra@spectrset.ca. Reion looks to start cold w eather plan @y JASON MISNER 1; The Champion * < Recogmzing the dangers of extremely * I colti weather, Halton Region's health *department bas reatiy a program bo alertth public 10 bone-chsliing temperatures. It was passed at st week's health anti social services commnittee meeting ant i sIo go before regionsl counicil tomnorrow for t ratification. Ibe preramse of the seven-pomît cold alert bulletin is similar to the heat alert progrsm that was passeti by council anti put int effect in May. Illhe objective ils bo let the public know this winter when it's dangerously colti anti what they can do lo protect lhemnselves. Other municipalities have atiopteti extremne colti weather response plans mncluding Toronto, Hamilton, Waterloo anti The relatively mild weather of late msy not have many lhinking about colt emper- atures, but they must be taken seriously when thcy do arrive. Prolongeti exposure bo the colti can cause 0 p froat-bite or hypotheminia anti becomne life dutheatening. The mott vulnerable tend to bet 0 the elderly, chiltiren, outtioor workers anti L_ sports enthusiasts. d n More than 80 people die in Canada esch year from over-exposure 10 the colti, 0 $SOM according to Health Canada. a ~ se tI. r "The purpose of bringing this 10 fnsition this winter is to ensure homneless people anti others who are vulnerable are protect- eti," said Beckie Jas, an environmental health specialiat with the Region. Burlington Councillor Jack Dennison voteti againsl the prograin. He saiti he was- vin' impresseti that staff time woulti be useti I~rn.-on the programn when the kind of informa- 7, tion the public needa it can gel elsewhere. -Anybody who bas a radio knows what's going on," he told commuittee members. "Staff is not being fully uiized." t Halton Chair Joyce Ssvoline aiti there "isn' a huge outiay of timne or rooney" 10 t contiuct the programn. "Our responsibilily is 10 disseminate information and 10 do sone co-ordination - - in the community 10 make sure die entire comimunity is appropiiately looketi abter." Iebnhrnarksto alerting the public to t' extrerme temperalures will be when dhe air hits a base reading of -15 C, or when the winid-chill reaches or exceeds -35 C. Regional health staff will monitor the Environinent Canada Web site, anti consult the local weather office 10 diseusa the J Hslton-specific forecast with a traineti A meteorologist. If die criteria ss met, Halton's medical officer of health woulti issue a colti alert. Chilti care centres, long-tenrn-care facili- 655 AINties/hospitais, anti local shelter sites are STREET EAST.aong the agencies that would b contact- g ~ eti if a colti weather alert has been issueti. ORDIO LIC L ndiinoRegion educaing the e gpublic about the dangers of cold weather, it will urge residents to check on any vulner- ww .alnerod*t A Trdf fV le &. Trs *c 16 able neighbours. Jason Mimner can be re&ched at jmis- SA E E SI G S R IC A T C L II N E T Ener@Mi îna ainhmion.com. >,