-U The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 25, 2003-Ill HIGH SCHOOL REPORT Alicia Visconti John Petorson E.C. DRUET BIie SCHOGL 6:00-: Your alai sounds.. 6,OI 1am: You htt the snorze bulton 6:3Oam: You wake up to the sound of the phone ningtng, and afler answer- ing in your usual moming daze, you hear a voice that resembles your hockey coach. 6:35ana: Apparentty you are now late for your first season game against Milton District 6:48am:; You arrive at the arena, and begin gelting dressed "quick lime." 7:0Oam: 'Me game begins. 7:3Oam: A solid gamne has been played so far and as the littes are switched up, you take a break t0 watch thae suspensefut gaine now tied at 3- 3. 7:59amn: With 1.9 seconds teft in a tted game, your teamimate Laura Lighthalt scores the winning goal. 8:OOam: The crowd goes wild! (Wel. at least your teamn does.) 8: tOar: You arrive sweaty and late (argh! It starts at 7:5Oamn) for your con- cert band rebearsal and begin setting up to practice for the upcom- ing Christlmas concert. You cao feel the excitement as your fellow band members prepare for the big evening on Dec. 3rd. 8:2Oam: The reference to Dec. 3rd makes you think about Student govern- ment's Deuey Idol. What witl you tmng? WHi YOU be the ncxt Drumy Idoi? 8:3ttan: Gel in trouble for day drcamning about Drury Mdoi. 8:45ant: You stop for O Canada, and listes t0 the momiog annouincements. Il scems that the wrestling teain will be travelling to Haggarsville (Boy, do they know how 10 pick thte towns!> 10 compete in a tour- nantent. 9:53am: DERDuybinasyuDpveyinanRadad then pk up yortvrit/olg if ok1 cotnedcin whee o att ~y 10:08am: You've decided where you want to apply and you head t0 tic Guidance Office t0 pick up youx pin number t0 apply online. t0:38am: You venture t0 youe next clans and anticipate thc lunch bell. 11:56am: The lunch bell sounda. (phew!) l:O4pm: You arc abruptly stopped in thc hailway by Mes. Holmes, your volleyball coach. who informs you thal thc teain is taking part i a Beach Voleybail toumnament on Thursday. I :O5pm: You realize you aiso have an intermediate sehool reach tourna- ment that day. l:tOpm: You break down ceying oulside of Guidance and decida that inatead of actually paying inUtheintermediate reach tounsament, you will attend Uic senior one on Friday, Nov. 28Ui. 1:l15pm: Reues your box of Klcenex te Uic top of yeur locker and give yourselfa pal on Uic back for managing your lime se effectively. 1:23pm: You arrive laIe t0 your pcriod 4 clans, and are given a pop quiz. l:3Opm: You reltuen te your locker for your box of Klcenex. 2:45pm: You are nlagtled by a lant minute announcement'over Uic PA, which reminda you 10 check oul Dateline Dmtry for Uieir 25Ui annivesaiy trivia questions. 3: 1lOpm: You finish writing your homework in youx organizer and wait for Uic final bell t0 sound. 3:t5pm: TIhe bell sounds and you're off on your way home. What a day! Last week's question: What famious rock and coller came te Dntry in 1988? Answer: David Wilcox This week's question: ln Uic year 2000, where did Drttry's Arts Department take a trip t0? 6"THEa ROYAL REIPORT'P, Preston MacNeil Liens-Dane Pressé DISDGIP REDIN DIe SCIGOL1 'Me week brmngmg tome of ltse first sighlmngs of shbow has been a relatvcly quiet one ai Bishop Rcding, presumably as a resait of thc report carda sent home lasI Tlsurtday. A week later, parents sere given tise oppontunily t0 mccl in an interview wiîh their cisildren't leachers, mach t0 the dismay of many studenîs. During the inter- views last nighî, Students of Living Life, the tchool's social justice group, isosted Ibis ycar's Sharing Falr in the piazza, greeting Uic guesîs as Uiey camne. During the Sharing Fair, gifts made by womcn in developing coantries wcre sotd t0 the public, tisas giving liser a chance t0 expand their consumer base. AIl of the procceds Uhi were collected yesterday will bo going back t0 lise womten. The gifîs werc beautiful and cxquisiîe, and fortunatcly, jut in lime for Christmas! Thank yen t0 alI who contributed and hclped t0 make il such a tac- ceas! On Taesday, Uic first of four Grade 9 retreats Uhit semester took place ai Uic Hiltsburgh retreat facilily. Localed on beautiful green grounds, students participated in gamnes, open and group discussions, and skits, ail focassing on Uic Ibeme of Friendthip, witie keeping the question in mmd, "wisal if God was one of us?" TogcUier, Ms. Camuna, Ms. Olivicri, four stadent group facilitators. and Ms. Doyle, Uic scisool's Chaplain, iselped te make Uic trip an pleanurable and informing day. As la customt during Uic fail tessn, Uic Isallways begin 10 bazz wiUi rmeours and excilemnent over Uic scisool play. Thts year, Bisisop Reding lias chosen Uic fartons work, "Tise Little Sisop of Hocrora" an thcir annual musical. This ycar's perfortmance will be written t0 include a cast of thirtcen. Whtile Uic date for their debut is not until May, auditions are set t0 begias nexl wcck. Part of Uic audition requireients include a song t0 be sang by Uic actor/actrcss, an well an a cold reading from Uic "Little Shop of Horrors' script. Christmnas spirit seemas 10 have begun 10 spark aI Bishop Rcding an wdll. Tisoagi Christmas lies still more Ihan a monUi away, Snowflake and Uic Christmas Concert prepacations are underway. Tickets for Uic annual semni-formal, Uic Snowflake Bail, have cndcd loday, afler 10w patient weeks ofsuccesafal selling. Thse Snowflake Bail, organized and decoratcd hy Stadent Goveroment, is open t0 ail senior students in Grades 11 and 12, for only $20. Hopefully ail stu- dents have boaght Uder tickets, because tisis year's Bail looks more promnising and enjoyable Uhan ever! Quotation of the week: "Men of the nohiest dipositions think themacilves happiest when others share their happinesa with them." Barry Duncan LaCey uaoalva sari rergusa M1LTON DISTRICT sie SCEGOL "1MUISTANU MESSENSRaz" Beat the drains slowly, and play the fifes Iowly, For MDs Iost its custodian f0 retirement! It is with greal sorrow that wc announce the moving on of our beloved custodian 10 a bsppier side of life foul of relsxation and carcfree sleep. Ron Haywsrd wan wclI known by many staff members and students aI MD, and could be countcd on 10 solve an assortment of problemos front kicked-in lockers 10 tbirst. When many ex-MDHS studenîs were told of bis retirement, reaclions included a brief fainting spel, a bout of fcrocious cursing ansd across tbe specînint 10 amazement and disbelief. Everyone wisb- es Ron a very happy relirement, and at tbe samne rime wclcomcs Rob Bryant 10 our bumble sociely. The bigb sociely of Milton will be out in full force 10 sec tbe îwo onc acl comedies After Magritte and The Real Inspector Hound being performed ai MD on November 27tb and 28tb. Tbe tbeatre bas ail ready been tranaformed froin ils normal vapid atate int a most bomey living roorn. From arlislic green wallpaper 10 a miniature television, tbe set designers bave donc tbeir work. Now il's jusl up t0 tbe adtora, wbo are busy rebearsing for tbeir debut next week. Tickets arc IIow on sale. Contact thse main office for more information. There bas been a lul in sporting evenla at MD tbis week as Use scbool is 150w in transition mode. Front football t bockey, bas- ketbail to volicyball and vice versa, Use only news bo report is Usat Use regular bockey scaaon started off on tbe wrong f0o1 for Use Boys teant, being slaagbtered by Pearson 6-2. The Girls teant played Wednesday opening Useir season against Alderabot. Stay tuned as Use seaaon unfolds next wcek. Thse most inlcresting story Ibis week 15 001 talcing place on a football field or in a rink, but in our own ballways. The 'no-food, no-lounging' raie is Use bot topic of every conversation and indeed Usere are many views on Use subject. Since ils implemen- talion Usere bavc been numerous confiscations of foodstaffs, as many as eigbî an boar in one bailway. Out of thse massive oulcry, a few valid points bave been made, sucb as stadents fmnisb work aI Use bencbes apstairs t0 gel away fromt Use noise of Use café. This il usually donc during Useir lanch, and Use students are invariably bangry. But, due te impartiality reasons, we can nei- User say 'yay' nor 'nay'. Finally a Usank yoa to ai Use parents wbo sbowed ap aI Parent's Nigbt Tharsday and 10 ail Use volanteers wbo belped make il as easy as cbeering on yoar favorite MD teain. Jaît a bint...