4--The Canadian ChamDlon. Frldav Novwmhar 91 9Mtfl -Andrew reflects on many years of5 educati on servi 0ce By JASON MISNER The Champion Two weeks before sbe was to retire front teacbing in 1997, Erica Andrew receivcd a phone cal] from a former beloved student, Scott Sievert, encouraging ber to make a speech at bis class reunion in Etohicoke. "He wanted me to talk about my experience and wbat it was like to tcacb them," sbe said. Ms Andrew spent moat of ber tcaching career with gifted stu- dents, and Mr. Sievert was one of them. Then site paused. Gazmng out the patio door of ber Wilson Drive home, tears filling ber eyes, site remembcred the cbill she felt wben site beard on the radio that Mr. Sievert and bis wife bad died in a bouse fire on New Year's Eve tbree years ago. The pain of Mr. Sievert's deatb bas stayed with ber. But to know that site made a dif- férence in students' lives is the kinid of rewardmng experience that, too, will forever remain. "To see wbat a former student is domng wben tbey're 44, 45 years of age, is truly something," Ms Andrew took timne out from packing last Friday aftemoon to refict on ber time as a Milton pub- lic scbool board tnsstee fromn 1997 until this ycar. Sbc's moving to Strafford by montb's end. Ms Andrcw, 66, said sbe's mov- ing because ber daugbter lives there, and for a change. She aid Milton bas been good ta ber and her 22 years in town bave been extremely positive. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Erica Andrew remembers her teaching days while hold- ing up a clase reunlon photo from her lime at Norseman Public School. "I love Milton. I've been very happy raising my cbildren (son and daughter) here in this town," Ms Andrew said. "It's time for a change for me." Ms Andrew's terni as Halton District Scbool Board trustee for Milton officially ends November 30. She said she chose ta firat mun in 1997 to belp bring stability and a sense of togethemesa ta a board she felt was "dysfunctianal." 1I didn't sec things were bappen- ing for the gaod af students," said Ms Andrcw. Her six years as trustee werc anc of the more tumultuaus in the bis- tory af scbaal boards in Ontari. It was higblighted, she said, by the tben-Tory govemrment's deci- sion to ensct controversial educa- tion legisîstion that put achool boards and the Province at odds many times. "TMe last six years were the worst possible time to he a achool tnsstee," Ms Andrew said. "It was very difficuit to bold the systemt together." But sbe's proud of what she's been able to accomplisb through it ail, like steering the introduction of junior kindergarten to tie board, helping reinstate recognition din- tiers for retiring board staff and aid- ing in securing the fate of Martin Street elementary achool. "In spite of the difficulties of those years, our board bas mari- aged to achieve a lot of good things for stuidents," Ms Andrew said. "It bas been an bonour and a privilege ta serve as a trustee." As for the future challenges fac- ing the achool boatrd that handles a $300-million plus annual budget - like funding and tie necd to build new scbools - Ms Andrew said it wiil be crucial that trustees and staff "work together, collabora- tively as a team." Mcanwhile, ber future plans include spcnding more time on ber consulting business and wbale watcbing in Nova Scotia's Bay of Fundy, a passionate hobby of Ms Andrew's for 17 years. And, sbe'il try ta fit in teacbing ber nine-mantb aId standard pao- dle, Soleil, bow ta pîay fly bail. Jasaon Misiter can be reached at jmisner@miltoncanadianchampi- on.com. »WM au «iSBLfLO FOM 'YOUM CHANC TO wuN or I,0-, IMAL MMUU TOi M*oralnd Carparate Sales, 10 Tempo Ave., Wilbwdale,Dntaio M2H 2N8. N»M ADDRESS: POSTAL CODE: -TEEPHONE :____________ EMAJL U Ye I'd lîke ta subactibe ta the MDG's e-newser ta raceive specal affers vis e-mal U Yes I'd lîketa subscribe ta te 1-lnY's e-nwsleterto r8cev. special offers via e-mail newepWteuukdflJUxy5,.2Em Tt0eeeofMetIn'tk t*thrg ih*inuDOWvbinL, udid r &M-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C99 U* mbae arpan IMilton's CHIRISTMAS STQLE ORI ($25 value> 3 Vaniettes to choose from s Fraser Fir - Spruce - Balsam 4ft & p 28~~Wr Brnt"t.N 905-878-2391 www..untyd.pt.oe Z7 Propane www.countrydepet.com