If aoa are curntly on course, rcently licensrd. considernu a change tramn your carrent broyer or Isokirg for a ras career, you ose i In yoorsoitfor attend Dhis semirar. o WOlR FdOut About *Who shootd corsider fai state (ard cira shouid rot) *Proincial liceesito coursu Rayal ePage traning, pertora deopment and support liow toge a quick start How tomaximueyour inconre UMW WwUz 7m MB181ý mumcaIm a pUitIk a Ck" It, au Sseafng is fmrtedct ow W areserae arseat! - Gboqetensa 90677-92 RMLLm Mitai 905i-07041011 IR.eabr n. sesed-.r.e MeideUVale 905-82143200 FERE TRING Drive 4 Us. 1School Bus Driver'sWanted1 Cai 905-877-44481 Lada san equal BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH is novi hirine fulltiome and parc orme 4 pm - l2pm and 8-4 fuîltcime The successful applicanco musn be fleuible, highly motivuord and able oo work the weekends. Your motivanionat skiffs could eamn you un averuge horurly wage of between rl0.00 and '16.OOIhr math a base puy of '8.00/be. Please apply ins person at 40 Cbisholm Drive No phone colis please Milton Canadian Champion ta tooktng for an onorgetio person wti good communication andteflephono alîls 10 help in a busy and fast growing circulation dopartmont. Monday - Fridlay daylimo/ovoning. Muat have own transportation & cellular phone. Drop off reaumne f0r 191 Main Street East, Milton Emait: scoteaOmittoncanadiancirampion.com No phono caîllo pleaso JANITORIAL MAINTENANCE Martindato Gardons Retiramont Reosidence, Milton, ta currenhty seeking a fllitlime energotic porson who ta service orientat and able to manage multtasking watt. Responibilhties: Preventative maintenance, mincir repaire, heavy ctaaning snd supplies management. Fiease sont reauma 10 Ato: Human Resourcos Submil by amnati 000000OazIOc-nOt.oOt or fao: 1-905-693-9362 (no phono catis pleasof IIELP WANTED EUREST DININO SERVICES MAPLEIIURST CCFPC MARTIN STREET MILTON, ON COOK< CHILL FACtLîTY IS LOOKING FOR GENERAL HELP fCleaniog & Sartationt, 0001<5, ASSEMBLY UNE WORKERS, Sbipperireceiver Fleaso fax pour rosumoe ta: Fao # 90D-75-2437 Omait: 208020compasa-caoada.com Career pomn wanteci ta Mirton as CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT approt. 25 boums par oie Witt train. Fredtp, cooidceel & ablta e oo wift lot of people. Ptoaao fax resmre ta (905) 693-1601 ASAR Doadtine eocnoday, November 19 noon. Milton location SHIPPERIRECEI VER Vaniety of tasks Experienoe required Please fax resumne to: 905-875-4637 Telemarketers EVEMU UIFTS Expetience prefertet wiiiing 0 tain quaI ifieri applicanf. Compeliline Startiog mage pies excellent bionus piego. Fao: U5-M0-8 or cati 965-0 4-103 AS FOR ROIE JOBS AVAILABLE Prodaction more in tbf MILTON ara. $1 1-$12/rr. Att siis anaitairlo. Fax rosame to: HCR 416-622-7258 or Toi: 1-888-411-1660 UNICCO FACILITV SERVICES le looking for light/heavy duty cloanors and laundry personnel to mork at the Extendi- care Faclty - 9 Undaay Ct. Please fax a resumne to: 416-369-1418 or contact Joe da Costa 416-369-0137 Ext. #187 Loekieg for MEN, WOMEN, TEENS & KIDS HiGH DEMAND FOR 20-50 YR. OLDS (3-7Oyrs) for upcoming Film, Commercial Frita, Runwap, Talent (Acting, Principle, & Extra Werkl To Bock Appointments cail MtM lac: 905-848-6731 Toli-Free: 1-866-623-3429 *Momber of tIhe Casting Workbook* CË'ACERA Meaubers Wekcme ; WELDERIFITTER Required for both field and shop work. Weekend work required. Fax (905) 335-6881 OAKVILLE INFINITI NISSAN limmediate Position Available *ONE USED CAR SALES ASSOCIATE* Preyerabiy wîfh uoed car saies experieoce Stale of the art laciIil featurng up 10 65 spilort usod Cars noodo pou. Emali or tax resume In confidence ta: PAUL SADOWSKY paul@oakvillenissan.cam fax: 905-827-2349 3 for 1 Optical Part lime Solos Associales wanled Seoking eno rgotic, beas ployons fot a new oplico t ore opeoing in Oukvîie. Refait eopetieooe an 0000f. Pleaso 100 tOsOSne 10: 9mO55M3 on e-moil ltouronco25@bolsoii.com RPN'S Martindale Gardena Retirement Residence, Miltion, le hirinq a frienstty team of fult and part lime RPN'S wrirh correct registration ond med certificats. Please send rosame to, At: Human Resources Submt by ornait mç aze-ne.o or fao 1-905-693-9362 (no phono calla pleasef DENTAL DetlASSISTANT e satal ssant mequired on a part-Ume boots for famtly practice in Milton. Muat be eapenoenced, HARP cortifiod. Fax rosumne 905-878-557 BRUNELLO'S RESTAURANT Full timne Dishwasher wanted. Ask for Cosmo 905-875-3305 The Canadien Champion, Tuosdayx Novembor 18, 2003-21 i3uardtan iras un imrnediute neet for a goot pemuon lîke you lu loto our TEAMl If pou are ouger to lure a mvinning oa in a gromtir positon, me mouit uie pou 10 came in and comptle an application. This a a "banda on" position tirai pronvidea support for lire maintenance and operation of etectri- celietectronic equipment on a continuoua flow procoas tins. Good mode experlence and backeground or education ae necessary in ordor 10 assiat and quicely teamn inatalling, troubieahooting and main- taining oquipment in an indutriei manufactuing onvironmont. This position requirea a mechanica aptitude, experience in etectnical achemaic design uaing CAO and bond drafting, good moite roter- onces, a 'cao do" altitude, abiiity ta efiectiveip mare miir maintenance and production. and a under- standing of production urgency. Fr01001 management and mechanical engineering expenience are definte asaota. Our emptoyees enjop lire alabiity of thtr jobs and mode for ana of tire very best in tire fibergînsa moni- ufacturing business. Are pou a dependlable, deticated -and safety conacilous person? Send reaume midir refemonce information and aalaiy requiremnents ta: Guardian Industries Canada 300 Main Street Enin, Ontario NOB ITO Fa: 1-519-833-9749 Esnai: cioirnaton@guardtan.com (112 hoer eufaf Guelph on tory. 24/Couniy Rand 124) No tetepirone catis pitas. Only Onose setectet fan an interview aiti ire contactet. Truck Mschanlc, ?railu Mocbanlc, Shop Laboure A small truck sales company iocaled in Aberfoyle (minutes froro 401), soutr of Guelpir, is Ioeking fco tilt 3 flitime day positions: one tîcenoed truck mechasîc and CLEANER one geserai labourer 10 work le the shop. REQUIRED Truck meciranic lob entails meciranica knoatedge toaussist in upkeep/maintenance Milton commercial of vans, f lots and ireavy equipment floots. Class D ticerse necessary. Ciaso A tîceose building, weely or and/or knealedge ef transportation industry un asset. bi-weekty beginnion 2004. General laboutet job entailo ussistiro rn day 10 day operutiors et truck deatersirip. Repy te. yard arnd sirop mainterance. Mer.iscal knowlenige an asset. Class G liirense neces- C/0 sary. Boe 1002 Please fax resuimes 10 519-766-9044 Canadran Champion digital i-dora > direct D3 Manageno PCop oLion is an fnfetaOaer Ce Asarasuf of conlinoei go wut aiae Iooing for *manir and MM&gfi profmssonals to oin aOur festn. Intermeiate Accomntant Peantent FuIl lime Reportngo Intie Finonciot Conîretiet, the intîviduot wiii be responsibte for Accouns Payable, Accounf o Receivobie, Poproit, Banke Reconcitllialion and Monîti End Reports. The succesofut candidate aujl bave a pool secendory degree nt diptomo in Accounling, a minimum ef 3 pears relted business eopenience and a sonit untet- standingof a101 curteef basic accounling principies. Slnong ungonizalioa, communications, ond compter skitis round ouI pur profite. Quatifieri candidates are inviledto1 sutimil Ibeir resumne 10 Ifuman Resources by Wedoesdop, November 19th toi. Fax - (905) 842-5041 e-mail --careers@d3canoto.cem We lbanti ait applicaols for Ibein oltereol, boweaer, onty e>ualiiied candidales witi te conlactet. RECEPTONIST SECRETARY/ FCEu lIme I RECEPTIONIST Full lme fr bosy Requined for tango Cirpster Deatersirip in Ookeiie. ctirupracic office. Saccesofut cadidate wii i posomos o professienai Part-lime bouns: M-F, tlepbooe mooner, excellent communication skitts, monning/ evening oSaI- and knoocerige et computers. Expenience wilr lire undap am. Must tie F00old adReole nR confie n 10 et cotrp ff rae Repno un i cnids tr eoto enpem on Dropl comfule eto Judy Hunt ibHMlte 905-845-9109 ~ floretoIac LOYAL APPLIANCES We fix f ridge, freezer, washer, dryer, stove, microwave & dishwasher. One January 2-4, 2004 year warrantee. No extra for evening / National TaeCentre, Exhibition Place Cali 416-94-1363 or Name _____________ 905-78-1821 Address______________ 1 City ___________Postal Code_______ r - - ~~~~~~~Phonoe______________ fWedding Date_______________ Fax ________ Emai _______ 1 _: THI FO Send to: National BridaI Shows iOR2 O c/o Premier Consumer Shows IS O COUPO 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON *f , *ý1.20 L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5571 A DIVISION OF METROLANO FRINTING, PUBLIOI4ING & DISTRIBUTING SEN FOR ADM B Y F. ýZ 1