26-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Octaber 11, 2003 r ~ The n pe uti c Coleage Sports Injury Therapy Regd Massage Therapy Diplomila Programs Cali 9"562-320 Burllngom Sfuare, 7N0 Shnt St., Budingte Financiîl Assistance Availîble (If Eligible) www.canadianthmrapeulicoilege.com FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. School Bus Drivers Wanted Cail 905-877-4448 Lavdlaw is an equal opportunity Company Drivers / Dwner Operatars Needed Immediatelpl * 711119 (US) > *2200-30060 mi/eek *Future deditated! *Paid base plates & persils * Ail bridge touls pnidl 96 or racer c/me- dem noie trater wi WANTED AZ DRIVER Expetiencein border crossing a plus. Steady year round work. Miton based. Home every nightt Phone: 905-875-7001, 519-794-4742 Fax: 519-794-4830 I-M -Aý IG ýE.ý S INTERNATIONAL Onkville's Premier Salon & Medical Day Spa is espanding again and requires the )olov_ ing personnel Receptonist Full Orne cith Keyhoard & Cornputer skiiin Caîl Centre Personnel 2 flltimre individuals dits demnsntele teiernnrkatieg ubils and compatir lfterncp Hairsldists 2 ful or part tins cith no loss thue 3 yes exporienc Emnail resume to: images2@on.aibn.com or Fax: 905-849-7544 Due lu cuntivued strong growth, wve have an immediate opening in oui Production eatment for an EXPERIENCED WELDER/ FITTER The rlght Individel cli have lthe followleg qalifications: " Must have soperience celditig Stuiniess Stsel " Must hasa esperifets e inMIG & TIG pressute pipe ceidieg " Must baventi lenot 5 peurs celdieg & fiOfieg eoperieete le a smniltfo mnedium size custom maeuftlstrieg environnaie " Able fo rend blueprints & assemblp dînciego. Lscted in Beriieglt, ce sffet a flexible colts et- virsnent and a comprehieesive benefit package. Il ymi a re Intersstsdà le the. alove position, planei ferward your raconte ta- lTe Peut Box#ftM2 5040 Mainway unit #1 Srltngon ON, L7L 705 MECHANIO ASOUIRED À4.eVýMV MLTON, ONTARIO Michanteqire for aflemoon shift. Mon. - Pet. =ttli ue preventatine Maintenance andi ranning repains. This Individuel muet bi able lu cork dIth minimum superrision. Rijtly 10, Bob Shac 9 -63;8088 Extension 4 Temporary Labourers U Two oppartunîties exist ta work under the diretion of public works suprvsor staff, M perfotmmng maiantenance aceivities. Your mechanical aptitude is complemnenttdbyprficencyà in the safe operation of powver andi hand cools, and the ability to work under minimnal 0f supervision. Guud wnitten, verbal and listessg communication skills are key, as amt demon- strated abilities woith public relations and customer inquiries and complaints. You must also pý bc able ta operate a single axie vehicie, loader, 4x4 pickup trucku and traceurs witb ' attachusents. This position requices a valid DZ licence, tht ability ta work outside in severe, disagreable weathec conditions, and tht willingssess ta work shifts, standby and ôvertime, 7 including weekends. A high schoal diploma ut equivalent, and winter contrai experiesice are dn assets.The hourly wage for this position is S15.47, as specifird in Schedule A of the Collective El Agreement betwetn the Taowa of Halton HiOs and CUPE Local 73. i Wt offer a highiy professional, progressiv and supportive work tnvitosnent. To be an integral par of ont gowing communisy, pie ose send a detaied tesume, including rtferences andi a caver lettr in yaar aw handwtiting, by 4:30 p.m., Monday, November 17, 2003, ta: Ms.Jacqueline Bowles, Manager ofHumin Resourese,Town ofHalton Hille, 1 Hilton His De., Hilton Hill, Ontaio, L7G 5G2. Fix: 905-873-1431. We thask a/i tbose wht opp/y, but advise tbat os/y tbooe appcas s o/oted a asn inervie oci// bc coortacted Persoooa informations is oo//ected uoder the autbority of the Municipa /Act, 2001 (S. 0. 2001,c. 25), and tail bc se~d to seet a candidate. We are an Equa/ Opportusiy Emsployer JO E: RHWT RSL EXPERIENCEO WORKERS' EMIPLOVMENTr PROGRAM Discover How To: ldcentify youe key steeniaths andi skiiis .Write effective resumnes and letters ,Use the internet and post youe resumne -Pramote yourself n an interview You Must se: ,45 years of age or aider ýUnemploi and seeking work ioace at 460 Brtst unia 12 îei:ninsso 905ffl-3356 ext 2l SEARS CARRIERS [Reliable indivduels needed for door f0 door catalogue deliver in Milton. Cali 905-873-0103 Leave message with namra, L phone and addres. Wflcox Bodies Ltd., a leai custom truck rbody manufacturer has immediate oppoutunitiles for experienced workers in the following positions: Clean & Prep 1(Truck Bodies) Clean & Prep / Painter (Truck Bodies) Instail Finisher (Automolîve wieîng & installation of parts) Positions require: . minimum 3 yenes experience le Automo- live Induslry . abilîiy le use and maintain shop tols machinery required for job Qualified individuals QUIv please... Please send resame 1oi: Wiicox Bodies 3 Alpha Milla Rd. Mississauga, ON L5Nl iH4 Fax: (905) 826-8426 Email: dave@wilcoxbodies.com Only candidates selected for an interview wil be contacted. Exeine Di *i a ke- -xeine Macin Build MATERIAL HANDIERS $11iMR Nec disibutboe centre localed ie Millin needs 20 peuple lortlemp. 10 penni. pofiions. Eeperenest csekieg in c areheune reteioieg eeoirsnmenl lsan ASSET. This lea 4 AM ta, 12:30 PM lihf Safely stos are a MUST and so is a GREAT ATTITUDE! The maximum lifing ceigr os Osiba Peane oeil Thre Recmtding Edge toi arraege for an nppeielrnens. The Ricrutidng Fdgi 25 Wadtln Avenue Mleateasga PH: 95-568-OM7 PART-TIME- CURVES Werfds largent fnens urgaizaian as lookeng for n part Ume empli teo tran A.A.P îfyoaeapeopie perses nseffrnolrnaled, energet and flexible witi day- Urne, eoernng, weeend hues, Pleine fax pane menaie la 90"57-3512. Perfect opportnty for nomeone renming ta thre isorlforce. We are seekung... MORTIGAGE SPECIALISI veho is highiy motivaied self starter for our Burlington office Muni have successfuly compieted FSUI01 and have working knowledge of IMAC/LSS software. Phease fax resume ta: 905-681-3300 Attention: Mortgege Departmnent A FOOT UN7 THE DOOR Gain expotisoce in uds./ narketing. Wo ou topandof, so 25 etltb lovol oponiego eeof 10 ho 11110f euth ado. b mgnl. Wo speçilize le culling-odgo promo- lions for the mosi pop- ular runos, wilh slroeî focus on sales! maret- ing/ cusl. service. FT, paid training Cait Miranda @005-338-6619 Nu teiemarketivg/ Desiges Positiuo Mion, conmral CR uTLild n- l te- daifr fee qaat on anen beu12909 For Wlndoc tndnetry,mOrgali Able to cots aW minimum Noc ajcpetngaippicatinns for supervision. Benefita. LUNE C OKS Courleey Park andi Toike lApprne 20 - 40 h1 Phone: (905) 790-2709 Ceean 8am-2pa Addreax Reaume te Lion or Kevin: Or fax: (905) 795-2708 189 Miii St., Millon, On EXPERIENCED OPENING SOON OPERATOR PAT & LARRY'S CHASERS DIGITAL OP R T R localed in White Qaka Ptaza as interciewing for Miaissanga based coplaho ana barfendera, kitchen staff & veait staff for 0peni for a aide formatldigi«talOperaor ful & part lime positions. MEsperienceti on Xerox, HP, Encad Renumes may be dropped off or mai 1oi equipesent, On ut mil. 237 Bronle St. S. Unit #9 Fax Resumoe to re 800 Milton L9T 4A4, 905-693-0523 JOBS AVAILABLE Production csrk le lthe MILTON area. $11-1 12/h r. AIl shsifts availaible. Fao resumne lx: HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 Telamarkoters EVEMU UIFTU Experiete preferred cilieg fs traie qunlified appliiaot. Cumpetitive startiel cuge plus excellent hotus pkgs. Fao: U05S-M or tai 9654li MI FRI MIE VON MALTON I HIRING Shift RN's & RPN's RPN advanced tootcare FT RN The Carpenter Hospice PSWs HCAs & HSW's Student Nurses as HSWs for holiday coverage Fax Resume to Cheryl 905-827-3390 DENTAL ASSISTANT Dental Assistant required on a part-time basis for family practioe in Milton. Must be experienced, HARP certified. Fax resumre 905-878-0557 RPN'S & Students Dietary Aides Ail shifts for Oak.retirement home. Fax resume:905-842-84l10 or M-MAIL to:lheresalandry @cplodges.com ()Ontarlo Ontario Eariy Years Centre ___ Faii Isarcme Centre Early Childhood Educators Pr-lime und supply positions *ECE, CIPR and Firat Aid certification -Minimum 2 years expenience *Able to work flexible hours, including sonne evenings andSaturdays. 5353 Lakeahore Rd. E. 118 Burlngton, ON L7L 108 or oeycburlIngton@belmnet.ca OnIy qualiffed applicants wii be contacted for interviews. Sales Protessionaîs Wanted Burlington Area Locations " Are you an experiencet sales consultant in a retail setting? " Can you contrubute ta the WUW factor for ose customers? " Can you ensure total satisfaction & loyalty of ose customers? * Are you inteeested in a besl in clats compensation package? Then we toant to speak Wth yos abcout a reuwarding career vvfli Oel Wosid. Please forward your resumne ASAP to stephanie.celinscak@bellworld.ca ATTENTION SALES PEOPLE! THE NEWOAKVILLE le iosking bo put fogether the righl sales fea! LU Weere lookieg for sales consultantu wîlb nuto- notise sales background but ciii alsu consîder teaining the eigbl candidate. Is tibl poui DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO SECOME SUCCESSFUL? Forard pour resumne Atn: Jin Rieger onleviilekia@lbelieet.ta Fax: 905-827-1564 FULL TIME C SALES ASSOCIATIE NEEDED 'g Cellular experfence is an asset however training wili be provided i Please drap off restane in persion at C Bell World 377 Main Street Est, Mîfton TRAFIC Tike? Fght5 jt mo.95% nattons rate. Cert ACCREDITE s f id oart Agent' We cen /ick rgBuage. o- for les Aeaid inaneance meattfrnten al. Free premu arnecreane. Frai witdrsbeapca daons. tonsultatiose 90&257-17811 Urgent lobs ceitome. (905) (aC i 829-1252. (&MI 111&1313 Hlonserchcoi CLS IFI ON 16- 1