li-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Novomber 11, 2003 BA»AÀtA Me STARR B.A. (Hons.) ILLB. BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS NOTARIES PUBLIC 104-13 Charles St., Milton, ON L9T 2G5 Telephone: (905) 878-4653 Fax: (905) 878-4437 (S.t. Nov. 22/03) ~ - MILTON ~~ Country De pot _ I V'I' 28 Bronte St. N. ME I __~~~ 905-878-2391 s"" ROSEAT MP LuE 3NSURIANRE AGENCY L Lite - DisabIIIty - Critical Ili1nesa - Annufles - RRIFs LIFs - RRSPs - Mutuel Funds (M.S.L.L.) - RESPs Celebratlng 28 years of "Home Town" Business Bob Lee Kim Mitchell boixjrober"  mrbelolsran ~iiiii~~ C~Z~w ~n'~ Vaturaa;y, ~>% ~Ioo~ 10:00 ~ab. - Ç:0O p*I. Ti&~cte *QQ.00 Afu1ndraiser lunch is available from 11:15 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. at the Harrop Restaurant and Art Gallery (Serving warm open-faced grilled chicken sandwich with roasted sweet peppers and chevre, garden salad, warm apple and cranberry crumble with caramel sauce and tea/coffee) T ickets $15.00 each (includes taxes, gratuities and a $3.00 United Way Donation) Harrop Restaurant will donate $1 .00 for every glass of wine ordered Due to limited seating, tickets ItJM&I be purchased in advance. Dietary concerns with menu contact U. Office 905-875-2550 by Nov. l4th. 4 TICKETS FOR 8(Yfl ACflITIES AVAIL4BLE AT: FuriWre, Home Accent» & GIfte e Only 44 ctayet'il Chrietmae ~ *Itallarn Charm braccIetc * Chretmae Pecorationie Country CoIIectaI'Iec .Loto of Gift Idcac 935517