Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Nov 2003, p. 13

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TheCan "heseirs T.mutnsNenuorhr 11. 2003-13 If you have any questions these 'Ask The Prof essionals' c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 ni Pay ta' R78-4943 JEWELLER - GEMOLOGIST M0111 111N il l s m 878-OM (4387) ý . Q: 50% off what ... How can 1 be getting the A: most for my money ifIi don't buy it on sale? A: Il doesn't serin possible. In faci. tise sehoe issue of price isas become a litie confusing. We'd like 10 tais te you epeaty about jeseellery pricing. As a jeseeltery isayer. yeu are faceti seisi many different prices fer sehat appears to bhe samne item. Wisety, yoe seant le puy as uitile an possible. Yet you kos tisai tise lowseet pnce isn't alseays tise most fer yoar meney. What you reaily seant is lise loseesi pricc COMBINED WITH QUALITY. But isn't ail jecvellery banicatty tise camne quatity? Notising coutti lx fuather front tise trenti. What ta te best kept secret in tise jewellery business? Accerding to studien. mess people jutige tise quality of jesettery by tise prie. Tise isigier tise price, tise hetr tise qnality. Jeseellers isnew titis. They aine kos tisas eveeyone loves a tirai. They have founi tisai tise eaiest seay to cr11 jesellety is to mark it up isigis. anti offr a big discount. Rrgaedtess ef tise quality. tt may be tise eanient seay te sell jesettery, but it sure isn't tise ist seay to isny it. Don't be minleti by infiateti peices that are always np te 70% off, or "TODAY ONLY SALE" aigus tisas neyer conme dosen. You ose ilt b yournelf te sisop aronutui anti compare qualtcy anti service an seel an prie. For houent value anti profennional service, vieit us. At Brancier, me don't speais loudty about price. We sebiaper. But Iif voll isten careknlv. we tltink vout like sebat yen bear. IThe Home Inspector is in the house. Andy Shsaw - Certified Home Inuspecter witi Halton Home Inspectton Service Deur Andy: 1 wiul he phoning yen seon to arrange for our Pre-Porchase home inspection. We have iseen looking as homes in the area andi wr are ready te bouy. Please isriefly mnswer tise questions listei iseiow te heip me prepare for the Inspection. J.M. Milton Shoul 1 tie at the Home Inspection? At Halton Home Inspection we prefer yen comte aiong on lise Inspection. It is yoor opportunity for yeuste hecome familiar wtth tise home, stus conditions, anti how te maisstaiu it. By attrnding tise Inspection, yen wiii get ativice. have ques- tons answered. and concemrs atidresseti. You may seant te hriug a notepati andi mrasuring tape te measare for furniture placement or taise window dimensions. At tise end of yens inspection yen wiii receive our comprehlensive, easy-te-read report anti a free cepy of The Home Reference Book. Tested and refined, renowerd for it's excetlence anti quaity. ose Home Reference Book is a home management tool for emners and prevides drtailed information on homes je a simple easy te accrus formaat. It has 16 chapters. 400 pages, 171 Illustrations in a 3 ring format. Hum long dues thse Home Inspection taise? A sypical Home Inspection weill taise heeween 2 and 3 houes. Some eider and or more coaples homes may taise longer. Who gels a cupy of thse Hume tnspection Report? We provide a cepy of eue repert te oar client only anti we cannes tiiscuss eue findings or release a repert te anyonr aniens mnstructrti iy yen, tise clisent. When dot r ail ynu te sehedule thse Home Inspection? Wr are typically calleti right after tise effet te parchase han heem signeti. Your offer shoult i mlude a clause sehicis maises yoar offr conditional upon a satis- faetory home inspection report. ~ Halton Home M.spection Service Erika Ristok BA, N.D. Diotr ofNawvedc eùe -Clinical Nutriton - Herbai Medicine -Homneopathy - Acupuncture ~ByA4ppoùstmnt (905)693-9837 WhaI tain 1 do to pratosit mysmil againhi 1th@ Ilu naturmllY? Influenza is a cirai infection ni lise respimlnsry tract. Symplnmn inclatit lever, ranny nase, coagis, headache, achinesa, lack of uppelile anti fatigue. Complicatins mag tiecelnp, especially in people ai risk fnr acentr diseuse. Generally houver, inflauza ns ils course in tiret e to ur tinyn. Tise nnlnrnpathVc appracis la lia prccenton incaices sappori t liste immunc sys- temr. A iseally immune nyclea seul malle yna lens susceptible la infections inclsdlng fia, anti specti yaur recnccsy lu lise evennltha yna tio gel nicis. Ganti nutrition la pracitie our boady iththlie essentiel bsuilding bslociss neodeti far yaur detente stlc in a cnmcrnlncc of nalumopaisic cure. Gond quality praleins (tits, ismon anti legamen, nusanmd scesis, nny fous, anti andarale amountis nf mmlt anti iny) praside amie acitin necmtsaty fcr anËisnty pmelactnn. tscnfal futs ane crncil tan immunc systcmt lanctnoning, andi cati lie aistainei irnmamw nais anti neetis, gead-qualty cils (inclading flan teeti nil anti cotra-cirgin olicc nil), ceid-sealerllish, anti legsmcc. Vilanint A, C, anti t, anthie minerais ziac anti seiesdua are crucial fnr a isealliy immune syutam. AtI of lise Important estiet cals he meunti n a dOct ticin nrganic frlush troite anti cegelahien. wisale grains anti gurd qaity tilt anti pan- teins. Vutiel nis e Wcy There are ntuny naurompathic lisempien laiutidren an acide influerza infecton. Antivirai herba necis an echdnacea, attragais, garlic ant i tcoice ail ligist influen- za veses. Varta, aeainetseet anti aider foeurm will haip la sedace a Itigs fouer. Ginger wifi sete an upuet niemacs. Specllic hemeepattic anti acupunc- tune treattuenin can aian he isaip in preveeting andtireng fla. Check ais peur natusopathlc doclor tn deteneine lise prevectin atndier treal- ment plane appmoprate for ynu. goto Rstek N.0 a unatrtapalhc lteupa iseldin claseal neltfln hersi a mline lemevtashy andaca serincenlacalhamilflpracf Elayne M. Tanner SB.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., DtP. SOC. ADM. Counselling & PsyChotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 Elayne M. Tanner www.etasolutions.com Q: I've done il again! Another relationship ended up just lte same au ai lte others. Why do I keep falling for lte same ldnd of person? Why do I keep maldng lte same mintakes? A: There are mauy answers te your questions. Tise short answer ia that we are programmed lu cisildhood te act certain semys if we seaut people te like us, and until we recognize sehat we are doing sud couscioualy change it, we continue te act lu tise saine way. Lt takes some seork aud introspection lu order te recegnize sud change eue unique 'baggage' sud 'dauce'. Iu respouse te many others seho have asked tise sante question that you asked, 1 arn holding an interactive daylong seminar. This day will be restricted te women, s I believe that the issues are différent for men. We will examine tise tepics of relationsisansd repeatiug pattems; communication styles; self-esteem;- auger sud impulse control; self-ideutity and hose it changes over time; streugths sud wisy they are te isard tei see; changing responsibilities as we change and much, more, As tise day will be interactive, it will reflect tise needsansd issues of tise greup. L silI be a fuin sud informative self-car day. Thsis seminar la fill- Elayor Tanner & Associates beautiful Coutselling sud Conférence Centre on Saturday November 29lh « 203, leae cal (05)854 0801 nose, <INTELLI3ENCE 251 Main St. E. Suite 201, Milton Head Orn~e. 5280 Stu O Mi. Saiett. 0, Nitsauu, ONULW 5%8 I l, AGMAC Compury 905 -87 S.72 13 John Cavan 877 -667 -5483 >ksA. No. Meetgagu Ceeultan wwwstroefreemortgmgOS.ca Make a mortgage broker a part of yotsr financial plan For mess Canadiens. haying a home is the largesi financial decision tisey seul make in sheir lifetime. Yet, consomners acrons lise country are more likely se painstakingly reviese dezens of investment pessi- hililies fer their portfolios than te scrstinize their mortgnge choices. The mortgage seoriti - liie tise invesmient eoriti - can sometimes he confasing. There is a vans nrray of choices - open, closed. fsxeti, flonting, long or short amertizasion, prepayment options. portahili- sy.. anti of course, lise rate itself. Mnking tise rigisi mertgage decisien can have a hoge financiai impact over tise long sern. Many Canadiens have an invesmeut ndvisor le hetp thens sort throagh their choices. Now, Canadiens are aise iseginoiag te tara t0 morigage hrokers se help thens make hetter mertgage decisiens. Canadians are ions 00W catching ap eitis their cetanterparts sents of tise border. sehere meutgage brekers atreudy arrange nppreximatety 70 per cent of meutgages for U.S. properties. Se sehas is a mertgage hroiser? Tise rote of a menigage iseeker is te understand yeue mertgage needs. seek eut tise ist options fer yeur situation, anti guide you througis tise tending precens. A mertgage itroiser does net seori fer an y individael institution or tender, but is isadependent, and han np-te-tse-miasote boan rates for a wide array of baniks anti etiser tending institutions. Unlike many meutguge representatives us tise baniks, moetguge bru- isers have ver cemprehensive training in mertgages. They are financial professienuts truinrd te give tendmng ndvice. Tisere sens a time sehen tise batiks exercised tise viese tisas they "eseurd" their customers, and moetgage brekers sere perceiveti only an n tanst renort for home buyers wti poor credit histery. But turnes have rhanged, and home iscyr in every isracket are leaening tisey can benefit feom tise professionul advice of n mertgage broker. A geod inveuliment advisor cati malle yen thousands of dollars. But a goodi mertgnge braiser seul SAVE yeu sisousnnds of dollars. Wiether yeu are buying a home or reneseing a morsgage, censidr maing a mottguge broker n part of yonr financial plan titis year. Jman Cassla aCaaal&mWil Morie anllget, wiw.UnJhmeotgge&ra. GREG J. LAWRENCE B. se., D. CH. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST 350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, L9T i P6 (905) 878"479 IL 1lA Princes Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 Grog J. Lawrene (905) 702-1611 PlS. D h omber of thea Ontario Society of Chiropoditafl and lTe Ontario Collage of Chiropodiats Q.Are se more proue te foot almenta lu wlnter montis? A. Witis tise colti seathrr quickly approaching, se ail must make chanages in eue lives. Wr atari to wear heavier cloîhing, often in layera, adding weight on our fret. Osir thora change te boots, whiicis arr heavier. Que activity level oftrn decreases seitis our mnabiliîy te eailk dur te tise cliniate. Titis may seunti like olti neses, hoseever, titis ic often thse time of year people drvrlop foot problemai. Many of us would agrer tisat osse activity ironts tecrease in tise wintee mootha. How might tbis pose a peoblero? Que fret are a vrry complex structure of twenly-six boutes anti numerees ten- dons anti ligaments. When se are net ut active tise soft titaues will tigisten. If yeu have net bren active for a whilr anti go fer that mille seall, an iisjury may resuit if yeu do net strrtcs. Aise, a change in footwrar, from sisors te boots is oftrn nrcesaary. Titis means more weigist anti net always more support. This eull fatigue tise soft tissue lu tise fret anti loseer 11mb. When atiting tise extra clothes for wartnth, you arr atidiug fuether strain en tise foot util sometltiug givra up. Il's net uauaily tise ches! This will offtrn accolant fer arcis pain, heel pain, bunien forma- tion, neuromas (pincheti nerves) anti may cause havoc up inte tise kuers anti iips. Stretching is vital for strenuous activities. Supportive sisees & boots seili iselp prevent tisese possible peob- lems. If yoe are tieing iutioor activities. il is vital sisal yeu wrar appropriate ches anti sîrrîcis before activity. Many peoblema arise titis time of year anti are easily treateti if tise diagnesis is doue early afscr tise sympsoms arise. The Cana

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