12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday. November 11, 2003 it you hiave any questions inebe "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 Dr. Mark Croce! To othlal ik Il Towne Dental Group Mark Cross Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Sc., D.D.S. (905) 876-1188 Ask The Dentist 1 was ai an tnterestîng heminar st rnonth on aesthetîc dentistry presenied by a prornînent dentîst front a California dental schooi. You canit go to a semînar on aesthetic deniistry without spendtng qutte a lot of urne on îooth hieaching. He said the research shows that "ai home" hieaching systerus using customu îrays fabrtcated hy a dentîsi are generally very effective. Crest White Stnips aiso work very weii, easpeciaiiy the professions) sîrengih ones sold in dental offices. He said that the "paint on" bieachtng systerns do not work as weii. However, if you have your îeeth bleached, you must remember that îooîh-coioured fillinga and porcelain (veneers r , or crowns) will not change colour. 1 also appreciated bis eruphasis on the conservation of tootb structure when restoring îeeth for cosrnetic dentistry. He kept repeating the phrase "everything elientuaiiy breaks down." This shouid cornte as no surprise to us as it happens to our houses, our cars snd even our health. The mouth is quite a barsh enviroomient with incredibiy high forces generated front chewing and grinding. We would like our dental work to lasi forever, but the reaiity is that given enough trne it will eventually need to be replaced. So as dentîsta we are constantiy trying to strike a balance between making your teeth look as good as possible, while preserving îootb structure to keep future restorative options open. A dental "ýextreme makeover" cao look arnazing, but make sure you know what will be necessary to maintain it long-tenu. Comptete Design & Construction mait: info@mackînnsnpsndv.cam Tnt & Fax: (905) 876-2836 www.mackinnonponds.com Cett: (905) 876-5317 L The Faîl Closing. It's time to shut off the pump and put in the bubbler or heater. As the days get colder, ice starts toi formn on the pond. As it does, it is better to shut off the pump because the surface of the pond will freeze completely forcing the water out of the pond sud in turn will drain it. The fish have gone to the bottomn and will stay there until the water warms up in the spring. If you leave the pump running you will bring the frigid water To the bottom which is flot good for the fish. Make sure most of the leaves sud debris are removed as the rotting of the leaves will formn a gas that is harmnful to the fish. It is important to stop feeding the fish when the water reaches 10 degrees Celsius as they cannot digest the food. When removing the pump make sure it is stored in a bucket of water to prevent drying out the seals. This will prolong the life of the pump. Store the bucket somewhere where it will flot freeze. If you have put a net over the pond to catch the leaves, once they have stopped falling sud before the pond freezes, you should remove the net. There may be times throughout the winter when you have to adjust the bubbler or heater s0 it is important to check on it periodically. Next month we will start planning for next season. HALTON HILLS SPEECH CENTRE Northview Centre [7~~S1 211 Guelph St., Suite 5 I~I.JI Georgetown [j~j (905) 873-8400 www.haltonspeech.com Q: My child is having speech and tanguage d4fficulties and it was suggested ta me that 1 contact a Speech-Language Pathologisi. What services does a Speech-Language Pathologist providel A: A Speech-Language Pathaiogist is a professionai who iv trained ta assess and provide intervention ta, chiidres and aduits with speech and language difficaities. A Speech-Language Pathoiogist pravides a wide range of services ta assist people in the devetopment of effective communication skiis. These services inciade: * heiping people with speech soasds (articulation) difficalties; " assisting children devetop laspuage skiits, " heiping people ta improve foreign accent. aîtiiing the Comptas Prsnoancisg English as a Secosd Lasgsage Program; " hetpisg people who statter (dysfluescy) ta speak mare fiaentiy; " helpisg people with vaice disorders ta improve their voice; * assisting people wha have difficaities swailowing as a resait of iitsess or stroke; " heiping people with aphasia (language impairovent as a resait of head traama or stroke); " deveioping augmentative and alternative commanication systems for people with severe speec h difficaities; * consuiting with tndtvidas and commasity groaps in ways to, prevent speech and language dtsorders and ta enhance communication effectivesess iv everyday use. Speech-Language Pathologists practicing iv Ontario are registered with the Courege of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiotogistu of Ontario. Speech-Language Pathoiogists provide services in many dtfferent settings inciuding client homes, schoois, hospitals, chiinis, nursing homes, preschooi programs asd private practtce. If you wouid like fuether information ahout a Speech-Language Pathoiogist or the services that they provide please contact the Haiton His Speech Centre. Tino poney 17 vvilson Avenue CHSonfiEFRAneoz (corner of Wilson & Main) PHY5ITHERAI5T5876-1515 My grandnîother was over for dinner this weekend, and was complaining a great deal about pain in ber toes, and when I looked at themn, the big toe and second toe is completely crossed. Is there anytbing we can do? Altbougb toe joints are ornaT, they cao be very painful, especially if we bave abused tbemn over the years. usîîally by wearing shoca witb pointed tocs. Wben your grandmnotber was younger, ube may have worm shoes with very pointed toes, sud cramaned ber foot into tbem, aTT in tbe name of fashion. Many faubionabie aboeu îoday include pointied, narrow fronts, sud we as well may pay for ibis in the years to corne, like your grandmnotber. Tocs will sisal To, change fonu, To accommodate to ibeir environmnent, by crossing sud as well, boney cbanges will occur wbere ibere iv more pressure, rnainly on the inside of the foot over the firsi toc joint. These are often calied buntions. Wbat cao you do about it? Good footwear iv tbe key, witb isice round tocs sud lots of space in the toc ares. Trying to, wiggle the tocs up sud down To encourage movement in tbe sore joint rnay belp if there is stiffness. An ice pack over the bunion To help reduce the inflammation may be belpful as well. Sometimes seeing a physiotberspist for sornie ultrasound sud joint mobilization of the painful joint will belp. Orthotîcu inside your shocu may belp take tbe pressure off of the bunion ares as tbey correct how you watk on your foot. If you have bunion or toc joint pain, sud would like To try ortbotics or pbysiotberapy to reduce the pain, contact the I4ultem C'emmitnitv, Rt-bubilitatinn Centre. 75 Main St., Ste. 10 flMilton Medical Buildings 905-878-0800 Jillian itard Wetdy Cotk Cathisen Mlaish Ryan Weaver (lions.) S. Sc., RUT RUT RUT B.Sc. RUIT TENSION HEADACHES Tension beadaches are descrihed as pain assoctated wtth the hase of the sksl or any other part of the head and face. They are differentîated fromn vascatar (migraine) headaches and are patients' mosi frequentiy made compiaints. Due ta the masy causes of headaches, a case htstory must be carefutly considered ta, raie out organic dtsease and ta, ascertain the casse and type of beadache. Cotamon casses of tession headaches isclude tigger point referrai, msscle spasm, cervical suhissation, postural stress, and envirosmestai stress. Symptoms inctude a stiff and tender neck, and aching or vice- like pain in one or more areas of the head. The patient may aiso expérience rînging of the cars. reduced attention, and photosensitivity. Referred pain in the head most commoniy occurs as a ressit of trigger points in the neck and shostder region. For instance, the upper trapezios (shouider muscle) is the muscle consîdered most iikely in deveiop trigger points which refers pain hehind the car iota, the temple. Trigger points in the spienit muscles (hase of the skult) refer pain upward ta, cause a deep-seated headache that concentrates bhbind the eye and often estends ta the top of the head. Additionaily stemnocieidomastoid (V-sbaped muscles in the front of the seck) trigger points sot aniy refer pain ta the ear, temple, and around the eye, but may aiso cause dizziness, disorientatian, and the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia. Tenn oazte so f a es wim ingd phoolg ssese Sumger i very and swimmingap pool havue pen ord arsei theman poces ein ciruaioned. compne e of s. M the bges azarsto wimmirec stng d poo stes tantheouravious potientia tof aapet Efach yiiie in the lte failtans pr eufotnti BlessicaiiRyno ina the i t o thepeti ddedtoate weaib of he a stiong waern topsao the coer aue t he a povnte t venue D b i ofscrtyfo a kin s n c. th Droe Voo i winter.etrnay eicn For Onstoou ar o otret anSoure Mirond the oolan "nvi i fence i a grat da) b ec by. Se pet (mre aial for5 d875- Yurve8 rna3a cangie youadic on thi ariula p sube Aoer alenve ivo a afto ner cvr hsi cover tha ok as ikei rapol av fedo r intb sur roundingf decit clonceaOed sftuds igarnsur hatd you camn g goos advier ohn ths proust froma fa epte polnn contucti th comp ne ov Iac know tin thie tpe iv very dprsing 10 read, buatI cInnt sptres enuhe juide owfeatt this tragedy mcn bie. ,priual ftepe a eeoe a W