6-Te Canadian Champion, Fnday, November 7, 2003 6-COMMENT +THE C,4VADIIN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Milton, On (905) 87~ Editorial Fax: Advertising Fax: Classified: Circulation: Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Jili Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Charlene Halli Main St. E., Tht Canadien Champion, published every Tuesday and Friday an 191 t.LgT 4N9 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., L9T 4Na (Box 24t), is one of Thte Meinnianit Printing, Publishing & Distributing Me. group of suburban companies stricti includes: Aax/Pickrering Nems Aduortiser, Alliston HeraldlCourier, Barrie 9-23 4 1 Advne, triton Enterprine, Brampton Goantian, Burlington Post, Burlington Shopn Nems, City Panent, City of Ynrk Guaian, Collingwond/Wasaga Con in atYork Mirron, Brin Advncate/Ctuntry Boutes, Etnhicoke 905-878-4943 Gualian, Flannbnrnugh Review, Fnrever Ynung, Georgetown 90-76264 Idopendentltecton Free Press, Haltten tusiness Timon, Huronia Business 905-8762364 Tmes, Lindsay ThsWeek, Markham Economint & Sur, Midand/Poretang- 90-7-30 ioln Mirror, Miton Shopping News, Misssanga Business Times, 905-75-300 Mssisauga Noms, Napanen Guide, hannagaweya Noms, Newmarket/Aurora 905-878-5947 Era-Barinet, Northumberland Nes, North Tonte Mirror. Oalivilie toaver, oaves hopping Newn. OldtimenO Hockey Noms, Orilla Today, Publisher Oshawa/Whitby/larington/Port Prry ThisnWek. PeerborughTis W k, Ausociate Pubiuher Mirror, StoufBoille/Uxbnîdge Tribune. AdvrOining n acceptait or the condition than, in the tuent ut a tyrpo- Edircnr-in-Chief g raphical error, thon podtion oC the advrGîinar space occupiod by the erro- Editor neou0 item, togethot with a reanonable alinsanco Con signature, miii rot ho chargea Cor, but the balance of the adveodinoment wiii ho paid Cor at the appli- 1dvernising Manager cable rate. The publishor ronoruon the fîght to catogorîto aduertinoments or Circulation Manager decliroe. Teri Casas Office Managr Tino Coles Production Manager ne Mitton Canaien Cheamp«o ts a Oeopotab Peoittý We can't ever forg-et There has been much media coverage of late about the upcommng municipal elec- lion. We encourage ail residents to exercise their right to vote but, at the samne time, remember the men and women who gave us that freedomt of choice. Tuesday is November 11 and while we may don a poppy and offer a donation, our war veterans would also appreciate the priceless gift of remembrance. As time drifts by, tbere's fear among war vets that younger generations won't understand the rea- sons why so many brave souls wilmigly went to war for their country. Will the cbildren of tomorruw be able to recite In Flanders Fields and know that Canadian physician John McCrae penned this moving poem? Will the cbildren of tomnorrow know that thousanda of Canadian soldiers lost their lives in the D-Day campaign? Will they know where D-Day took place? And will dhe children of tomorrow fully comprechend the atrocities of war and its ever-lasting effects on families. Will they remember? It's our responsibility to ensuit that the sacrifices made by armed forces and navy personnel are neyer forgotten. While today's enemy is far leas identifiable in geographical termas and, therefore, barder to defeat, it poses no less a threat to our freedom. In 2001, Canadians again answered the cail to military action to protect us from. those who would threaten our way of life. Now members of the Canadian Armed Forces are commidtted to preserving peace in war-tomn counitries including Afghanistan. Just as we support the ongoing efforts of today's brave men and women, we must neyer forget those who went into hate so long ago. We sbould show our respect to our veterans not Just on Tuesday, but anytime we should encouniter them. By attending an upeoming service or simply offering a heartfelt thanks to a veter- an, we can spread the message we have not forgotten and neither will the children of tomnorrow. OUR R FADER S WRITE Milton Jaycees chairman says thank-you to ail who helped with Meet the Candidates. evenings Dear Editor: I would like tu take this opportu- nity to thank everyone who was mnvolved in our recent Meet the Candidates nights for making the proceos such a success. A considerable amount of work is required to stage one event such as this. To stage four différent evenings in the time span of just over a week was a very dauntmng task. The support of the Milton Chamber of Commerce as well as a number of very dedicated volun- teero was the key to allowing these 1 would like Bu tbank the candi- dates for their participation and co- operation. I would also like to send a great big thank-you out tu the public front each of the wards for attend- ing. You are why the Jaycees have been doitg this in our community for the past 25 years. Congratulations go out to Mike Luzar and Tracie Harbum for doing a great job as moderators, as, well as tu Ryan McVey and Doug Goodhuc for acting at the Sgt. at Amis. for allowing us an opportunitly tu put our mission statement into practice, which callB for the isycees to "contribute to the advancement of our community by providing the opportunity for young people tu develop the lead- ership SIS, social responsibility, entrepreneurship and fellowship necesoary Bu create puBitive change." James Krane, Chairman of the Board Miton Jaycees Hockey Canada Week kind of like Christmasjfor me IB's bard Bu imagine that we need a national hockey week in Canada. After ail, Bbere's rarely a time wben more Bban a couple of days go by - mucb lets seven - Bbai we sports nuts aren't immnersed in this country's most trcasured pastime. And that includes Bbosc summner mondis, wben in lieu of watcbing games we're ccrtainly talking about bow our favourite teams look for Bbc upcoming season - be Bbcy aithBe junior or pro- fessionai levels. Nevertbeless, Hockey Canada Week begins tomorrow - somcBbhing 1 wouldn't bave known if not for a poster at Memnorial Arena, my beloved homie-away-from-bome Bbis time of year. This notice got me Binking about ail Bbc peo- pewbo factor into Bbc Milton hockey scene, and idrcymake my job as your local sports scribe senjoyable. 0f course the players are tbe unes wbo usually get the attention, but perhapB over thse next sevett days we sbould make an effort to recognize al those behind-tbe-scenes individuals wbo make local hockey possible. Let's stssrt witb newly-appointed Multon Minor Hockey president Joe Bruno, who's certainly bad bis hands full rccently implementing; a flve-year plan to address Bbc organization's ionpending growtb - not Bu mention bandliasg issues that require more immediate attention. Tben tbere's 2003 Beaver Tournament chair- man Ron Puallman, wbo will nu doubt nced a vacation after running tbc annual holiday basb. Catch up on your leep now Ron, because tbc December 27 to 30 tounsament is going to be extremely time-consimisg. And bow about ail Bbe other executive mem- bers who bclp steer Bbc Milton Minor Hockey Up fron t ship, or Bbc bundreda of rep and bouse-Icague coacbcs sud managers? Sure coacbing is one of Bbc more funs formai of voluntecring, but Bbese hockey enthusiasts are still giving of Bbcir time just like any other community-minded person. Wile we're at it, lcB's not forget people like Arme and Tammy Paricels - wbo reccntly left the local hockey acene after many ycart as a respectively. They did an awful lot for the organ- ization and deserve a nod. of recognition, as do many others wbo are far too numerous te, men- tion bere. I mysclf played minor hockey in town for a short time - the higblights of which would make for a great bloopers reel - but it's only in the past few years that I've truly come to realize how much I benefit fromn these type of people. Altbougb it'll neyer actuaily bappen, if ail these coaches and other vulunteers suddenly disap- peared t've have to flnd another formn of empluy- ment - une tbat would probably feel like work. So bey, bats off toi ail of you wbo keep me writ- ing and keep those kids enjoying; our great Canadian pastime. Thanks for ail your efforts and keep up tbe good work! E-mai ail your letters ta the editor ta miltoned@&haftonseafch.cOm. J