B-mTe Canradian Champion, Frlday. November 7, 2003 mie. 500 9--hi1dis L~ie Vit -958518 I È Wfàcej NOVEMBER ACTWITIES MILTON DENTUR CLM Laboratory ln fleur- Repaire 1 hour *Same Day Relines , Soft Rlubber Liners *Complote Dentures , Tempaeary Relines *Partial Dentures - Repairs *Implant Dentures * Relbes *Rebaalng * Lost Dentures *Immediate Made ln 24 Hours Dentures * Cuatom Gold Work FRIEE CONSULTATION THE DENTURE SPECTALIST EDEN HOUSE CARE FACILITY INC. One storey building Iocated on beautiful spaclous grounds situated between Rockwood and Eden Milis NURSING HOME e RETIREMENT HOME 519-856-4622 SERVING HALTON AND AREA SINCE 1908 ' ~ *Sales & Service *Software &e Assories *Authorlzed Service DepaI. LEXM>J4 e Network Installations *On-Site Corporae Service TOSHUBA 751 Main St. East, Suite 2, Milton 905-878-4651 1-800-268-0034 Fax: 905-876-1013 Store Hours: Mondey - Frlday 9-:3Opmn, Saturday 1O-2pm wwwm mlltnwn-com - . - "~t~Tuesday. November 11 Corne along with Chita is coming, the Seniors' Activity Centre's "Lunch -and so is the Creative Bunch" and enjoy a local dining experience Fingers Craft Club s Annual with good food and friendly conversation. Craft Sale and Bazaar. Doors open at Cost is the cost of your meal. 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 8. In hrdyNo addition to beautiful crafts, knitting,-, Thrda. Neber 27 The "Diners and Christmas decorations, there wiîî Club" enjoys good food and camaraderie at be a Silent Auction, Bake Sale, Books,1 an area restaurant. Caîl the Centre for infor- Jewellery and White Elephant Tables. mation about this month s Lunch and light refreshments will be outing. Carpooling.%., - vailable for hungry shoppers, too! can be arranged, and your cost is the cost of your meal.Z DO YOU ENJOY.. GONTRACT BRIDGE? The Centre oftera tthlsfun program &FRIDAY MOOUNS AT 10O00AM. Cost la onty $1.50 for menibers, or $2 for non-members. "cA&WMp LVIUE EVINS EU111 PARTIE" at 0 A Dmo Lions Hall In Cainpbtivhhle will be beuli The ooaellios nak.ad the conversation rufrnhhng W PRIÎZES AWMDOEO. COST: $2 *'0 PER PERSON wrrTTT~. Seniors' Cèinemýas September Performancese A Il performances begin at 1:30 p. m. * Cost is $1 - Refresbmnents servaitd e Thursday, November 13 My Big Fat Greek Weddîng (Comedy) .Thursday, November 20 Bob Hope - America's Entertainer (Biography) e *Thursday, November 27 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Action/adventure) le Thank you to, Rogers Video for its generous support of the Centre s Seniors Cinemas. One Stop Christms Shopping at thse Centre In addition ta everybodys favourite "Titneless Treasures" Cookbook, the Centre lias a number of mouth-watering items for sale, including cheese. Christtnas cakes, fuge, truffles, short- bread cookies, ad bread-making kits. The persan on your list who lias everything, might enjoy a Gift Certificate for a year's ntembership at the Centre - on/y $20 for a w/tale year's worth of nîerbership privileges at t/he Centre! And watch for ourAnnual Bazaar on Saturday, Norember 8th. for beauti- fr1 ltand-made items at bai-gain prices. Profits fr-on these findraisers are used ta make aur Centre eten better t/tan it is already! THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND LIMITATION. ITHum nTAmiL-t fn ACTIVITIRA CALL 905-8 ROBERT PIE) LEE INSUIANU AUNIT Bob Lee15M tnS. bobO robertlelnsurance.com 15Main t. Kim Mitchell Mlo klmOrobertleelnsurance.com 245 COMMERCIAL ST., MILTON 19T 2J3& 75-1681 l INI CLUDES I/Sx^AM1ONAtIO5 FRANI ^ RME FAST COAT EFICIer4y W 1 EAR FRAME SERVICE WARRANTY <>HERITAGE HOUSE Comiortable Retirement Living é Long & Short Trm Acconmmodations e 24 Hour Nursing Assitance Available IIAil Services and Amenities Provided Cou or Stop by for tee andea tom; we'd love to .show you oround. 5 Min t. aoe878171(519) 822-2006 2113 Gordlon Street, Guelph eMl Cà, / IL"f-l IUC-0 - Main St. 0 (m) 878-4171