434-Tho Canadian Champion. Frndav. November 7- 2flflS R rlVast Colcin It' eou C ie Do you prefer the fiexibility of arranging for your own household waste collection, or woul you prefer to receive waste collection, from Halton Region? The'Region of Halton and mhe Town of Milton are conducting a survey of rural households that do flot currently receive waste collection services from the Region and our contractor to determine if these households want waste collection services. Residents, currently flot receiving mhis service do flot pay taxes for this service. To Ieam more about mhis service option, please attend one of the Open Houses: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 The Beyne Cemrnunlty Centre 2287 Britannla Rd. (east of Reglenal Rd. 25) Milton 4:30 pin - 9:00 pin Wednesday, November 19,2003 e Nassagaweya Cernmunlty Centre 11264 Guelph Llne Brookvllle M ad 4:30 pmn-9:Oprn Lcok for the survey in your majibox the week of November 10. The Halton Region Administrative Centre at 1151 Bronte Road in Oakville is the Region's Election Headquarters for the 2003 Municipal Election. After the close of polis on Monday, November 10, election resuits for the position of Regional Chairman will be posted in the Council Chambers at this location for ail who wish ta attend. The resuits will also be available on the Halton Region web site at www.region.halton.on.ca and via phone message at 9054825-6000 or toîl free at 1-866-442-5866 - chcose option 5. Ongoing election resufts will also be broadcast on COGECO cable and CH TV in Halton. YO AR *NIE TOPATIIPT City of Guelph Water Supply Strategy Class Envlronmental Assessment ArkeIl Sprlng Grounds Municipal Wells The City of Guelph has requested comment on a proposai to increase the welfflid capacity at their existing Arkel Spring Grounds by 6.4 m3/min to 20 m3/min (approximately 1,400 gallons per minute (gpm> to 4,400 gpm). The Planning and Public Works Departmnent of mhe Regional Municipality of Halton is invlting staff from mhe"Cty of Guelph ta attend a Public Information Centre specifIcally for Halton ressidents in mhe vicinity of the Arkel Sprlng Grounds to *identify mhe potential Impacts mhat in*reased water taking at mhe Municipal Wells may have on mhe pivate weIl supplies servicing Halton residents in North Milton. The Region invites you to attend mhe Public Information Centre to leam about mhe Class Envimonmental Assessment and your opportunity ta comment under mhe. Ministry of Environment Permit ta Take Water Process. Regional staff will also be present ta answer any questions that you may have conoeming the Region's own groundwater investigations and Aquifer Management Plan. Please contact the following individual should you have any questions or require additional information. LeeAnne Jones, R Eng., Manager, Infrastructure Planning Regional Municipality of Halton 11 51 Bronte Road OkieONL6M3L1 Phone: 1-866>-4HALTON (Il4-66-442-5866) Fax: 905r84-2192 tfj,.- E-mail: jonesla@regic;n.hàlton.on.ca Ï1 71, Mev 10 1-3 pin Nev 18 9:30 arn Nov 19 9:30 arn Nov 19 1:30 Pmn Sterling a Small Business Info Session, Halton Regional Centre ($20 registration) Healfth & Social Services Commlttee Planning & Public Works Commlttee Adminicmlratinn A Finanna C'nmmittna