,/Hart Jr. enjo~ tune-up t .1or ti By STEVE LeBLANC Thse Champion If Matt Hart Jr. wasn't a fegiti- mate Ontario championship con- tender before f ast weekend, hie cer- ' m tainfy is now. Ib is fmnal tune-up to the provin- cial ahowcase in Samia, Miîton's up-and-coming junior mid- dîeweight knocked off tast year'a silver medalist and bel d bis own agaiasst the defending national champ af the inaugural Amie Bhoeam Boxing Cf astic ini St. Catharines. This collective performance - and the bronze medaf that went with if -bas onf y served to bofster tise focal pugifiat'a high confidence levef heading into bis biggest challenge to date. "It's definitel y what I needed (going into provin- ciala)," sald the 26-year-ofd. Hart Jr. began the weekend foumnament againat 2002 Ontario silver medalist Andre Azcunza, whom he'd scored a spliti decision oaver juaf fwo weeks earfier. This time around the margin of vicfory was much wider, as the Milton fsghter dominated froro stars f0 finish and booked passage f0 round fwo wifh a unani- mous decision. ýs impressive le provinciais Said Hart Jr., "I wanted toi put ~\ Mail arsy doubts about our first fight fo Hat r rest. 1 had a much casier fime beat- HatJ. ing him compared toi two weeks ago." While fafling short the next day, a strong showmig and nasiow Ioss to, defending nationat champ Jonathan Bouchner was hardly cause for disappomntmnent. Hart Jr. fortified bis efforts as the split decision bout wore on and in the process, made a number of amateur boxmng experts ait up and take notice. The Bouchner-Harf Jr. cflash was deemed the most excit- ing of die foumamnent, and raiaed the local flghter's status for thia month's provincial s. "I thiss if if had been a four-round fight I coufd have pulled if ouf," suggeated Hart Jr. "Overafl I I thnk I had a great two-day performance ansd can't wait for the provincial s. Everything is coming together these days." The Ontario championahips witf he hefd November 20 to 23 in Windsor. A top finish there will put the focal boxer in fine for a spot on the national team. Steve LeBflanc catI he reaclîed ar sleblanc@halton- search.com. The Canadîan Champion, Friday, November 7, 2003--25 LEADERSHIP & EXPERIENCE RE-ELECI KW7 KFATIFS IceHawks vs. Burlington Game tinse: 7:30 p.m. at Memoniaf Last meeting: Burfinglon won 2-1 Who to watch: Since retung froin a M lengthy supsension, Ryan Silveira bas established hinseif as a well-rounded performer and coutid be a difference maker in this evenly-matched tilt. The skinny: Look for the IceHawks te, COUNCILLOR step things up and topple the Cougars in a key ture-u for big encouniters with W R Oakville and unbeaten Georgetown. Protectingq aur Future Champion's pick: Milton by two. Preservîng aur Past OUT A FRESH START. G.t SOLUTIONS now for. 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Each year, 79,000 Canadians die from huart disease and stroke. To leamn how to to reduce your risk of heart disease, attend a free seminar entitted "Cholesterol and Vour Heart" on Thursday, November l3th at 7:00 p.m. at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre in Milfon. the seminar is being presented in partnership with the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The event was made possible through an educational grant from Pfizer Canada with appreciafion to the Milton District Hospital Foundation. Dr. Guishan Sawhney, Interniaf, on Active Statf at Halfon Heafthcare Services - Milton District Hospital, seul be presenting. Attend f0 learn more about the risk factors tor heart disease; the differences between good and bad cholesterol; and how to reduce your risk of heart disease. According toi the HSFO, over 60% ot Canadian aduits are at risk of devetoping heart disease or stroke. One in three women and one in two men Iel develop heart disease during their lifetime. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance made by the liver or tound in meat, dairy producta and eggs. Alfhough ils serves many important functions, too much cholesterol in the blood can be dangerous. High cholesterot is one of the major is factors for heart disease. Currently, one out of two aduit Canadians is at risk of developing heart disease. You can lower your cholesterol level by eafing a heaithier dief, being physically active, and reducing your alcohol consumrption. Learn more about the risk factors and sfeps you can take for a heaithier ifestyle to reduce your risk of hear disease, as wel as management recommendations. The free seminar will be held on Thursday, November i 3th at the Milton Seniors' Activify Centre located at 500 Childs Drive, Milton. Light retreshments and displays wiul be available between 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. and the presentation wiul begin af 7:00 p.m. To reserve a seat, please cali 905-338-4379. ASL inferpeter services wiIl be available if booked by November 10 by emailing cpopp @haltonhealthcare.on.ca or taxing 905-878-0498. If you are unable foi attend this event, but would like more information on this topic, speak with your physician and contact the Heart and Stroke foundation of Ontario Heatthline af 1-888-473-4676 or visit www.heartandstroke.ca I*UG TR1UCKSi~A INCLDES XTR APPEARANCE PACKAGE: lermonth/36monts orCaUhpWV.h.. 17" Aauminm WheeIa - OWL AT Tires with $3,250 down, ncoîoa Keyed Moulded Rsrnxixg Boxards, $475 socurt and F xnt Bamper Egg Crafe Gril, Mirror Caps $3 9 9 $1,045 feigh 301 9 ond Wheeî top Mouîdixgs ________________ 003 MODEL CLEARANCE PIM CES OR PLUS O OTFNANCINO CASH13ACK vmnanig 2003 FordF-150 p,,,chasefi nncing or lea vegular CabS SuperCab of nnost ne in-stock rernaiing M HE D1 EST PURCNAS FINANCINQO F TH1E and now on SuperCrew modeler 2003 Ford F150 v44,0144 YEAR ON 2003 SUPERCREW RM NOW1 ifisnnoavleý, Lesi, oed ooi 'l' ee.44 a 4404Shak n43 'I4, "'o I 44" 4. 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