Public meeting is set forJa.8 cikecrs the ood? three years ago when Central Milton was tîrst looking for approval for the developmnent. 'he board detenrnined a public meeting will be held January 8 at Town Hall, and Central Milton is to re-submit a revised concept plan to the joint board, the Town, Halton and the NEC by January 30. In an interview, Bert Amnold, a lawyer representing Central Milton, said the concept plan took into account commenta made to the Town at a July public meeting regarding the Sherwood Survey draft plan. "The dctailed concept plan picks up on that and reflects that," he said. But Jason Thomne, executive director of the Coalition on the [)c,îu-..c ilircIL \.15 1111 dIleci plicî consultation on the concept plan, the proposaI should be dismissed. Should development ultimately occur, though, Mr. Best said the land must be used wisely to act as a buffer between the downtown core and thc escarpmnent. If it's allowed to bccomne a houa- ing dcvelopment, he fears that, amnong other things, traffic will worsen along Main Street and storm water mun-off will pick up things like oiù on driveways and eventually flnd ils way into ncarby Sixteen Mile Creek. "We have a unique aspect with the escarpmnent - lct's do it night," Mr. Best said. But Mr. Thome said he's akepti- cal of how much Central Milton's concept plan will change. IIC Iîlîol i I.I Iii dC1,k DLII nothing of major consequence. "AIl we have is a fait a compli proposal in front of us. Wr expect- cd to be involvcd at the blarsk slate stage, working together to devclop- ing a plan." Mr. Amnold, rcprescnting Central Milton, sald the public meeting will be taken scriously. "Wr will take mbtc account the conccms they (Town, Halton and the NEC) have, as well as thc pub- lic, and, wc will document those concerna for the board." Residents can call thc planning departmnent at Town Hall at (905) 878-7211 to view Uic concept plan. Jason Misner can be reached ai jmisner@miltoncanadianchampi- Councillor opposes traffic light e from SCHOOL on page 13 was being planned, Robarta Drive was aligord wiUi thse wcst school entrance. Then thse traffic light could have been sharcd. "They desigord thc subdivision s0 it docan't line up. I feel somneone made a mistake," she sald. Ms Minkhorst sald she was told Uic sooncat town counicil could dis- cuas Mr. Lino's report is January, because of Uic municipal clection. Ward 4 Councillor John Challinor sald putting a traffic light in front of lIse school would have tittîr impact on rcducing dangerous traffic situations Uiere. He said collisions happeord before the Octoher 14 accident and will continue to happen cvcry once in a while no matter what's donc. 1I dont think ifs good planning te, have another ligIsi on Main Street," he sald. One of tIse solutions proposcd by Uic Town was to make Uic rear of Uic sehool parking lot accessible to a road Uiat could be built bchind thc school, Mr. Challinor sald. That way, students could exil via Uic side road and exiting traffic woutd bc controlîrd by Uic already exiat- ing light at Pearson Way/Harris Boulevard and Main Street. "t personally favour constructing a roadway bchind Uic achool,' Mr. Challinor said. Mr. Corradetti said Uiat would take too long and Uic road would be located bchind a track and sports field, making it a long and inconvenient drive out of Uic lot. Stephanie Thieaaen can be reached ai .sthieaaen@miltoncana- LTo lve longer. By oadkiýg th he cn, gahed a h-Ih4 e, The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 7, 2003-23 "The business that considers itsetf immiune to, the necessity for advertising sooner or later flnds itself immune to business." 3Chef 9oatt~ &7-Sandwich 'Trays e Cheese 'Trays 0 Fruit 'Tay ' Sa(aés Mlixed Greens u4tli rBosamc rDressing e fPotato * qreek e Pasta e Caisar III %mato and Bocconcirti e 9Jarinated Vegetab les SeaJoodSaladA!Lso A4vaifa6(eti Pasta Entrées HoiaeLasagna - Mveat, Vgetab6k or Seafoo (Fresl Pasta) r" 5lommaé Cannelloni or9Janicotti (Tresl fPasta) rPenne wvith Sausage and Tomato F -< iettuccini A0lfedil (J#esk !Pasta) s 5Pentne alla Vobdka ~Meat Entrée.s 'VeafParnýgianùa *CIiickfn Cordon Bleu e CIhicken Parmiana, * Cliickçn Florentine III q(a6obs-Cliden, Beforork e .sfek(Strtplotfl) , Brededsof, càmlii rimps, Safmon and Rainbow'Trou t 4 1 D3essertsIl qom i Tramisu* IIssorted Pastnes e Frtuit 'Trays Peeie48 hours notice for bookt:ngs. 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