22-The Canadian Champion, Frnday, N4ovember 7, 2003 t, ,ersn prns "a Reelc a Ihro h Icol in Mito Coic Icols " ,i Reeette addt-wt he Region plans offers recommendations to improve youth services in Halton In May Halton regional council endorsed a series of initiatives outlmned in the Region's Youth Services Plan, entitled 'The Truth About Youth: Making Services Better for Youth'. Recently council took the next step in supporting the work. -Youth face many of the saine issues as other sectors of the community, such as the need for housing, transportation and recre- Last fail, ilalton Region dedicated Bronte Road / Regional Road 25 as the Veterans Highway as an enduring tribute to the sacrifice of our veterans. In fightmng for our liberty, our Veterans' hard-won efforts ensured the quality of life we are so privileged to have today. This Remembrance Day and every day, we honour those who sacrificed for us. TH EEANS HIGH are overlooked," said Adelina Urbanski, Halton's commissioner of social and coin- munity services. Through the Truth About Youth plan, Halton youth, as well as individuals and agencies interested in youth, have corne up with 27 concrete recominendations to fos- ter greater awareness of the issues and real- ities facmng youth and to enhance services for youth. The Youth Services Plan was launched to the community in June of this year, when moethan 100 individuals from various sectors, includmng youth, service providers, parents, educators, businesses, police, and others attended a forum to discuss how each could contribute so implementing the recommendations of the plan. Recommendations mncluded the need for a recognition of diversity, the need for multi-purpose youth centres, appropniate and accessible housing, support for parents and enhanced policc-youth relations. Working; groups made up of community partners and volunteers have been estab- lished to address these various priorities, and have developed tenus of reference as well as strategies and timelmnes for action. At its Octoher 8 meeting, regional coun- cil approved the allocation of $60,000 to the working groups to assist with their work. You can learn the Truth About Youth in our conssunity by visiting www.region.halton.on.ca/scs/Youth or cail- ing (905) 825-6000, ext. 7085. rhsoheait - Massag II U 1 lLW Theti1'is