2-The canadian Champion, Fniday, November 7, 2003 OPSEU calis for end to study on contracting out -p41 - * Registered Nutritional Consultant on staff *Lose weight eating real food * Boost metabolism, feel healthy and energized *Focusing on a lifestyle change * Maintenance programs ELECfTO.MUSCL TONH TRETUNT eReduce 12 to 30 inches in 5 weeks *Build muscle tone and reduce the appearance of cellulite C eondense 9 hours of exercise into 40 minutes Firm up those hard to t one areas VE L I ?/~'#ft. Ilarnr9crne#JI <4~,1rei NO ENROLLIENT FEU' i ~ ~ ~ r 5- 0um - N 110 5 zî.--N11 Z By JASON MISNEI The Champion The union representmng tbe 300- plus employees at Allendale as well as tbe residents and tbeir familles want to balt four staff layoffs and a controversial study of contracting out jobs at long- tenn-care facilities. Terry Moore, representative of the Ontario Public Service Employees' Union (OPSEU) for Allendale, said people are upset by two Halton Region decisions tbey fear will disrupt care for the elderly. Last month, the Region decided to, elim- mnate a total of four positions in hairdress- ing and foot care, effective January 2. Alto, regional counicil approvedl a motion for staff to do a four to six-month study to tee if lasandry, maintenance and/or bousekeepmg positions sbould be contract- ed out. T7hose positions combined repre- sent 35 employees. Adelmna Urbanksi, Halton's commnission- er of social and community services, said tbe decision to, lay off four employees was made because Halton it one of tbe few long-term-care facilities in tbe GTA tbat bas staff positions for hairdressing and foot care. ".We are doing everything we can to work witb those specific individuals to offer education and upgrading opportuni- Also, because Halton will open two additional long-termi-care facilities in Rurlington and Oakville over tbe next year or so, Ms Urbanski sai now was tse beat finie to, study Use moat cost-efficient way to mun tbemn. It's just beissg investigated and 1 want to stress that no decision bas been made," Ms Urbanski said cf Use tiree departments being considered for contracting. "We want to do it very, very carefully. We can appreciate it can provide a real anxiety to people. Lt bas notlsing to, do with Use quati- ty of work staff are performing." Excellent quality of care is wbat Allendale resident Lois Walshe, 69, sald shte receives from Use current hairdressers, and sbe doesn't want to lose Usat. Bundled in a winter coat and bat, she braved Use cold weather yesterday to sPeak at a rally and picket outaide Allendale, located on Ontario Street SouUs. Lt was beld to support Use Allendale workers and to, make Use two issues public. "I don't know wbal to expect (from con- trators)," sbe said, amid passmng cars boning Useir boms. OPSEU bead Leah Casselman attended Use-rally in support of Use employees and to, voice bier displeasure wiUs Use study. -1Tbe figbt is far from over," sbte told about a dozen people. Jason Misner can be reached at jmnis- ner@miltoncanadianchaspiol.com. Ourinq the monthb of Noeremler & Pecrnira makee, a dionation of kreitteei geeul, mon peihaMre foodi & amy other doneatiorre te our "Mitteni rrce" for the hiaitom Worneri e 5helter and you wiII 5ce enterenlir ou torc cntet. anta's magic &y on rdtl GdtOne FREE!* pen ouse eent, Nov & SI~hKeepsk î ý«d ot S Ol $25-95srd lWpOI Open House event, Nov 8 & 9 Milton Mai Walker Place Millcroft Centre 55 Ontario 9t. 3505 U ýper Middle 2020 App1efy Lime 875-3776 33V-4274 33Ïe-01e72 ELECT RON FURIK Your Regional and Local Councillor Wards 2 and 4 ProvenR Leadrship Proven Experience, *Only a 3% Increase lis proPerty taxes over the past e12 years elected experience serving as Ward 4 Councillor. 12 years and tbe lowest taxes ia the OTA. e 12 years of serving bis constituents witb *Instrumental in refîing tbe Grants to Groups honesty, lntegrlty and common sense. process (Community Fund) that bas seen over *12 years of invaluable experlence serving $1 .2 million awarded to Miltonians. on numerous Town Committees. *Worked bard to make tbe Milton Sports Centre a reality ______ and suapports a new live Arts and Cutural Centre. V tm ± ~ ~ ~ X T Photo by NICK PERRY oppoeed ta contracting out serIeS,ý Aliendale resIdent Lois Waishe spe ber mind to OPSEU head Leah CaseIlman outeide the iong-teM-care fàcility ysterdaY. I <«7Or0E-lut 5 4et'c', 0 * Holid Open