1l0-The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 7, 2003 I S.k Amik OUGHTON, Mike Authrize by he FO fr Mie Boghtn 98-876640 Got a hot scoop? If Sn t71v& wls a cail at '(905) 878- 234 1, ext. 234. If office is closed, -iae lbave a message. u I P," 1 gnil By JASON MISNER The Champion Famniliar questions about thse potential CN intennodal facility and transit were sprinkled in between new questions about debt sud how to lobby other levels of govenient 10 get Milton issues on the front burner at Monday night's Ward 4 ail-candidates meetings. More tIssu 100 people attended the meeting at Milton District High ScIsool to hear nine candidates - seven for town sud swo for town and regional councillor seata - explain why they're tIse best choice on election day. There are two town seatsand one town sud regional councillor seat available. 'Me town councillor candidates are incumbent John Challinor as well as Wayne Casson, Todd Corradetti, Don Gordon, Del Oxford, Wendy Schau sud Darlene Wasilkowsky. The town sud regional councillor hopefuls are Ron Furik sud Bill MacKinnon. Following an opening statement from cach candidate, questions were fielded from thse crowd. Thse firat was about the CN intermodal facility - an issue that haa been up for discussion in tIse Wards 1 sud 2 meetings held st week. A resident askcd the candidates if tbey're "ready t0 fight" tIse mias- sive facility to be located south of town. Like the candidates from, the pre- vious ward meetings, none of the ward 4 candidates wanted 10 sec it open. Mr. Corradctti said, "I'm, def- initely not for it." "1, for ne, wiil not stand for major truck traffic tbrough our town strecta,' Ie said. -1There are enough trucks on the road." Mr. Oxford, like others, said thc fscility, if it's ever 10 open, should be relocatcd north of town. 'T7hat's whcre thc rail line goea.- Said Mr. Challinor: "I've been opposcd t0 this fscility since day one. I'm, not supporting anything that is south of the (Hwy.) 401. I'm confident we witl find s solution." A question about transit, orsa lack thereof, was raiaed. "It's a big comn- ponient of a healthy community," said Ms Schau. She sald fiacre are 317 disabled people in Milton sud some arc hav- ing te, rely on famnily 10 gel around town. Ms Wasitkowsky said a good transit aystcmi will attract ridera. "Why can't wc go sud find out how Guelphs did il?" she asked, noting it has a bus ayatem. "I wouldn't ride tIse systcmi we have now. t can walk there quickcr." Mr. Casson said people have told hlm they want 10 Isold the line on taxes, but if everynne agrees we need buses, "and our taxes go up a bit, let's do it." When asked about getting provincial and federal politicians to understand Milton issues, Mr. Gordon said orgaizing a town meeting involvrng those politicians snd residents would be a fsrst stcp. "They need to hear from you, the voters." Debt and how candidates would control it was poscd to ail. Somne responses included using revenues from Mohawk Racetrack siots to keep debt down. Edison Court resident Bemnie Gillis said part of the reason hie turned out ai the meeting was to hear the issues. He went to the mayoral candidates meeting st month, but because they had to share the stage witb school trustee sud regional chair candidates, he feit he didn't hear enougb of the local political issues. "This meeting was very good. 1 heard a wide range of topics," Mr. Gillis said, noting traffic is big on his liat of concemrs. Monday's gathering, hosted by the Milton sud junior chambers of commerce, was the lasi of the all- candidates meetings in the mun up to the municipal election. AIl of thera have been light on fireworks sud heavy on the issues. In total, nearly 600 people attended the meetings. Jason Misner can be reached at jmisner@miltoncanadianchampi- on.com. RE-ELECT GORD KRANTZ FOR MAYOR This election is about: Proven Leadership Experience and Vision Respect and Credibility Common Sense and Integrity Yes, this election is about choosing a capable and fiscally responsible Mayor who will skillfully manage this great Municipality's future and that person is GORD KRANTZ ON NOVEMBER 10, VOTE I SIZE 16 TO SIZE 4 Using hypnosis, -No EDiets -No Drugs *No Shots there are: -No Weigh-ins -No Supplements L it is an ali-natural -method. You use your own mind for safe, sensible permanent weight loss! *Weight Loss* -Learning Acceleration *Stress Management -Sales Mastery *Stop Smoking -Pain Management Cai Now for your FEE Consultation Positive Changes Hypnosis Centres stress ManagementA Stop Smoking Alcohol Free 35 Min St., South, Olde Downtown Georgetowffsleha~e ('Iwo duo mat of he Ti) Ban) PstvC ýiie, (905) 877-2077 "where Resuits Hp* Intermodal terminal, transit i1 amlong top issus in~ard4