The Canadian Champion, TueÉday, November 4, 2003-5 V ~ «-. <*IIIMIIi;II ~UJL IzI il PJ«LU at firet'i2hters' trainig facilitv It's lime to à. J By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Normnally, fîrefighters simulate emergency situations in their train- ing bouse on Nassagaweya/Esquesing Town Une. But earîy Friday moming, tbey were called to the real tbing when the training facility caught tire. Milton. fire personnel received the eall at about 2 arn. Wben they arrived, the bouse was fulîy engulfed ini flamnes and its exterior had already bumned. to the ground, said firefighter Matt Smitb. After personnel frnm, Mtion's tbree tire stations doused the train- ing bouse with water, the only thing left was the chimney, Mr. Smith said. "By the time we put it out, there was notbing left," he said. Nobody was inside tbe bouse at the time, and no l'ire personnel were injured. It went well," Mr. Smith said of tbe tire figbting efforts. 'h was a small bouse and we bad lots of water, 50 we put it out fast." 'Me cause of tbe fire baan't yet been determined, altbough vandal- The Red Cross is callig on Canadians 10 belp tbose victinsized by recent flooding i Britisb Columbia. On tbe beels of massive summuer forest tires, floods bave adversely inspacted tbousands of BC residents, and despite govemmnent assistance tbere's still plenty ism is suspected since ibere was o bydro l'o tbe bouse. Tbe bouse sits on land owned by Dufferin Aggregates - at tbe dead end of NassagaweyalEsquesing Town Line - beside two otber abandoned bouses also used as training facilities. Firefigbters used tbe bouse for rapid intervention and searcb and rescue training, among otber types. Smoke macbines created realistie: conditions. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiessen@miltoncana- of belp needed. Those wishing to make a donation to tbe BC Flood Response Fund cao do so by calling 1-800-418-1111, visiting or dropping by tbe Red Cross'North Halton brancb at 100 Nipissing Rd. w.inrerize,4, TUNE-UP DID YOU KNOW? " The Legion bas sponsored tbe construction of 9,300 seniors and veterans bousing units. " Over 2,790 Cadet, Scout, Girl Guide, Cub and Brownie groups are sponsored by Legion Brancbes. rI SIT2ENCE IoýNT A 1I' Tuesday,IV November I ith Acee et PICAR NG HOER SOIE h * 2004 - ÀCZ - Chevrole Cavalier Iinancing uplse MOMt 2004 - £:L;7p Chevirolet Blazer "O- 2004- Chevrolet Malibu Buranin§ mg le48 ,o.Uh Chevirolet Piclk-upu Chevrolet Venturse Vans Optot 2004 - £,'D - Chevrolet Impalla Serving Milton For Over 3 Generations Thse sensible way to buy a car or truck VH *OAC. Select Models. See salas advisor for details. RIcaRDSGN CHEVROLET-GLDSMOBILEa HWY. 253S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON -."Va " A1 6 -b i , u1 4- r i i Çb 1 Help needed for BC flood victims T CASM