w- The Canadian Champion, Tuosday, November 4, 2003-31 Who Dnopv Tt Spcialing i &Zi Fltted ALUMINUM LIMITED £ahwuoe Sste AhoVlSyl haSfflt FSélY ad &en sAh.b"a Tshh al877-5383 betwen 9am & 9pm 5 YEAR WtRITI'EWARRAMTY ON WORICMSUP - PKitchons, Baths and Boyond mnc. New Showroom Supply * Deslgn e Installation Complote Llne of Products 18 Thompeo Raid, Mlton (Conu of MainfbMpeo) 905-878-6666 wwwoa:nmhomemmpmovomnts.om î> Professional Cleaming Service GUARANTEED Resîdential & Small Commercial Cali tell fre. 116&-827-5322 or c.11. 416-1714245 (UMD) V GARAG DOOR R&R Gamfl Dooiu - Eeciri Opene Ses erice mid Installal Wbndom, Enftuace Doors, Stonn Doons, Patio Doons TEL: 519-8532114 (ACION) 781 Main St. E. Units 18 & 19 Tel: 905-875-4247 CoUl: 416-984-1237 e~o SrigMilton & Aroa for j& ýiý -)1 ovr40 years W111L ~~NLEV SALES - INSTALLATION o P1AII High-Efflciency Furnaces, Air Conditioners, Gas Fireplaces HEATING & COOLINGi .LTD. (905) 8784821 503 Sicels Ave., uni #7, Milto I ....."I * S' I *Profoasionol coneroto work. diwways oor *Stamped colourod concrota dnnoeways & walkwoyo *Interb*okng and rotaining wal ofiotarns * Flgstono docks and fonceo *Walkouto, undorpfn ni anrd wotarproofiu Ne oa dditons with droromngs and pornoto *Cuoto finish, basomoenta *Kitchon oald batiron rermodolng COFITW MMM: T0EL (9.:<05 870.3748 F&X*,M5 81517843 HOMEWORKS COMMITTED TO QUALITY RESTORATION REPAIR RENOVATIO1N (INTERIORI/EXTERIOR) TEL: 905-627-3*752 EMAIL: HOM EWORKS(& SYM PATICO.CA . 'lU ÉI ifîe/eshl I Adiin E 4terprises h*ilIuured to do yeur work -, " Rtepaire & Renovaliomo to Yeur lioue <CL US N " Odd Job@ e Garden Worlt " Painting - Interler & exterler 90"-78475 1 24omae14 dkf 4"1W a«p&âff Conce Cak'inete $106 Kr&o & Vmntty CAbinto ~FREE Arcw,» nmt. _ LMon Customn Ma* M8 VM St. Eut, Un # 878-91771 flo M a alfn 0" M b ! i àu u i N o- alm t l q u Jee toud-Mffltue fful -- -- -- - --- eneiab - -llel - kauted akf@M 0 W& um mos um 0w IL Im hmu Pa *W MM fliam Llc*nced MaSte Plumber wM11 over 22 ymearxperlenc Cali: 90-459-7415 Fax:. 0-859-4367 - Rai Campkflvlla ON tOP 150 NOVM MANTENACE SERVCES Plumbing & Electrical Repairs Reasonable Rates t ýd cou Fat *. 903-S75-9427 RENOAI 1 FInrIag * Roc hum a Stee Stads * ek e Ruuuulmals Il Dra Coulag (905) 876-4023 mmm- Robrt Noble 0td SPTIC TANK Puu.IMPNG 180 FA of Hase For Crossing Lawns High Pressure Drain Flushing & Repairs Same Day Emergency Service 2 Truckcs to Serve You - Radio Dispatch (US9) 8534500O Act"u Answering Serie 90"-78-6869eU PO. BOX 773, ROCKWOOD Complot P eun tm MkiOr Team: n (95 5 4 1 AtodCoe Cen: (905) 6914-6118 THIS $POT COULD BRE N YOUR% FOR ý ýe CALL 905-878-2341 X224 110 ..............