Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Nov 2003, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, Navembar 4, 2003-29 ........m i-- 1 FARM CLEARING AUCTION (9i15-335-1t55)(Owners înuuing ta Miltai) Consiaiing of Tractors - mid sizu equipment - toain - tome houuehatd items. (Ail equip- ment hau been watt cared for - aimays kepi ineide) Frlday Nov 7th et 12 noon Locatad: 4200 Derry Rd, midway between Walkers and Applaby Line, approx. 5 mi waut af Mltion Inlternational 684 diesel tractor witir OT 2250 luader 18.4 e 30 rouis 16500 (orig biru), Yammar ym 186 18 bp diesel 4x4 compact tractur ailb byd loader (702 bru). e Trantun 10 ft a 7 fIl bydraulic single aule dump truiler aith 3 i steel sides. Tandem 10f1 o 6 bt bd trouler, lot 530 masure uproader, Moteur 6 Il single augersanua blower (as now), InI 420 3F o 16' plua, 10 Il M.F. 520 3 plaie disc, 9' pool bale auger, M.F. 124 hay haler, M.F. #36 roto bar rake, P.T.O. 3 p.b. 2 rote fisOor robe, Hardi 300 litre 20 bt uplitter , 6ft 3 pin blade, 3 pIb lest upreador, 6 fI & 8 bt 3 pIb cuit, 200 gai truilerf uproyyere Sbp rototiller 6 stop portable stops, .D . CS56 14' cbain sa (as new), JOD. 000 teaf blower, 4 if front moont blade, steel fonce pools, 300 Il 500w fonce, 36» ruIler, cirainu, alum laddor, 3 bp hosty (Shark ý400) pressure asher, 2 bp ater p ump, portable air cumpressor, cirain finkt fonce, barh aire, 200 gui diesel tank & fuel, extenuion cords, misc baud & power toolu. a 4' o 8' pool table, aait gos beater (au nea), BB0, cuuch & chair, douk & chair, miuc houseiruld items. Cash or cbeque witb proper ID day ut sale. Jiaiii McOefleey Futa lle erice Lti. Wsterdewem: 9054m877 uwm.a@Ollesfld.coeneucrae KARA Jewelers BURLINGTON MAL MANAGER POSITON Management expenience Required We are seelcene motivated, dynanc individuats who ltke a challenge witin a rewarding envirotttfett We offer au excellent package whicb inctudes baae saiary, conmssiton and profit sbaning. Piease fortoard reaumne 10: KARA Croup Antention: Humas Resoarces 31i2 Dolomnite Drive #215 North York, Ontario M3J 2N i Fan 416-663-9475 SNOW PLOW OPERATORS REQUIRED aperate 4 a 4 anua plaaa in and amaund tire Milton areafor tthe7omng aeaaart indvdueasmastbe reti abrle, iardworing and honeat. ticepi anal rate of puy for thre nghti ndUvduen ou must he avat sOsie 7 deya a week throughaat tire w nier neanon. Pay rate between$13 Steanhou. InterSnteParecan fax a shoart sesame antà phase nembes ta 519-767-3250 as aei 905-854-1670 FREE TRAINiNG Drive 4 Us. Sohool Bus Drivers Wanted Cali 905-877-444n Laidlaw ia an equal opportunllt compafly Drivers/1 Owner AZ Local! Operators HWY Driver ~ Minimum 3-yrs. top. Required by Oakville hasutt transport cn. Needed lamediatof y! Excellent commund ut .78$We (VIS) English asiften! verbal * 2200-3000 mi/aiietk Cail Bre ai * Future dedicattdl 0-8516 * Paid base plates & permuts * All bridge toits aidl demn unie tractos w/ - (800)4676016 HEAVV TOW TRUCK Operator wanted. ExperOflOS an asset. Steady wage plus overtime. Good income potential. 1-~800-363-"2209 wW.#MAftAFCAREERS -COMN CANADA BREAD iaastjorpubic Canadian Corporaton andpartoftheMapl-Leaf Fonda family osf companies. Jr is Canadas Ieading produceroaffnbs andfrozen bakerypraducsfrn-spasta andsaaces. MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Reaponsible for thse overall supervision of miltorights and electricians, you toill enaure the sale, efficient running of out facility and maintain open communication toith other departments to maximize productivity. Leading saff in maintenance duties and training, you wmît also oversee/direct plant projecta. effectivetly manage employer! union relations and arrange for the installation and repair of aIt relevant equipment. Au our ideal candidate, you have trade certification us un Induatriat Electrician or Etectrical Engineer, a post-secondary education and excellent communication and computer akitîs. Experience as a maintenance supervisor, knowledge of food processing, HACCP, Continuoua Improvement Processet and Six Sigma, as unel1 as troubteshooting and maintenance akilta would be valuable usses. Itereated candidates should srnd their résumés to: Human Renourea, Canada Bread Company Ltd., Fax: (416) 767-1896. M &PEE& Loeklng for a job tltat provides coinngfl worc and competîtive copnsto? Consîder a position lna Sf11. Farm Agent's offce. insuranco Staff Position MUST HAVE LIFE LICENSE Assint wbth agentes marketing efforts; Provide qualiny service ta State Farm policyhoiders; Cou- dact needs-basnd suies interviews in the agents office; Prepare formen, poilcies and endorsements. Forgard your resume: State Farm InsuranCe.II. Allae: JefI Wright 5115 North Service Rosi srlngtei, ON L7L 604 e-mail: leff.wriglIt.19160StlelUnliCOm ACONT EClVABLE who le looldng t0 work part-dmn hours onty. QUAUUCATQN *Must be highly organdzed nsrcal *Possese thorough accounsrcial knoWedge isHave encellent communication and 0problem-selwing skills Interested candlidates should submit their resume in confidece fo: FRESH START FOOD)S lIlC. Attention- Human ResurCOs Fed 9M5789010 Auto Body rom. for eatteigel busg auto collisitn re- pais fucitity. Excel- lent atsking -conditions. Exe. ages and benef il packag Cali les41UU sr afflar 7pn call U"577-4177 Invontory C lerk/ Accountsý ReceivabI Must be able to handie general off ice duties. $1O/hr entry teve Cali Joile 905-827-S23 Msn-Fri, &W0' FREE 2 DAY SALES TRAINING SEMINAR Thren otf tire mont antabtinired automutiva deuters in the Burlîngian area ara offtas ing a fren 2 day satan training saminas 10 prospect for gaed natespeopia ta (ain their teas. Tio grat naminar iras 3 goules mind. 1. To giva tira right peupla a raietic look tt tira ratait auto induesgr; 2. To giva yoo tira sis ou naed ta tuccaed; 3. Ta show you airy we are tira rigirt place tai atarI us relacata gous casons. At the end of the neminar, we are prapared tai offes the rigiri candidate a naiary bonun and good banatits progra. Car salan aupenienca ta psepared, but nt a munt. Il gon ara in insusanca, seat axIale, computer, appfiance os cluthing nales, tris in a great opprtunity lu tukte gous casenrto the nea mxletva. Ail candidates, mont heauvaitabla for Iis irigir perfusmanca-nelling onrainar on Novembeir 101th & 111th from 9am ta 4pm. If u ani u tha ated aiti rspect, paid whut gossre austir and lent part of a team, we rag havesa positon for ou. Colis will bo accepted between 9am - 12 Noan only. Ask for Dan Murray or Christine McGillvray Phone number 905-333-3700 Fou resumne ta 905-333-3934 anît' Training by Mass Consultants Si Mr. Dean Sampano, one of Canada's top trainers. www.livemotivationl.com Guardian Induatrias Canada9CI 300 Main Straat Erin, Ontario NOS 1iTO Fax: 1-519-833-9749 Emali cohnstonCguardian,çcpm (112 hour asi ofGuelph on Hwy. 24/County Rond 124) No telephone caltas please. Oniy those seiacted for aninterview will be contacted.. e.O &DE FULLTIME s gnersLICENSED TECHNICIAN Needed for ait-make car and traiter Machine shop with sheet metal production lidealerahip, wilt conaider 4th or 5th needs neyeraI tool and die makers with year apprentice. experience on progressive dieu. Only top Benefi plan. Campetiuive toagea. d o e pply.To ex resume to Cari at: notch professionals need apply. Top salary, . 95708 Fuit benefits and open over time. Fax resume ta: (905)336-9428. . ELECTRICIANS For service and construction work. Muet hava PLO. Mator Contrai and LICIENSIED MECHANIC Canadien Industrial experienca. SmaIl shop. Steady clientele. Fax resume ta: Excellent woring conditions.' 905-846-1722 Flexible hours, Monday to Friday or amail: info@îIascaelacrbc.com 905-877-0064 Accountlng Contract Position ax v 5 epennu O eron cutr0'aut oppobnitf ai tire potenta for Par vija înduIn metnent employiient. 9054693-8127 se acondi reunsoiliatusn and analyoin; ps4ect budget reportes EntaI, support in otites ateausing aras an requlred. Minimum 3 yaaanocousnng eaperiente or completioi oi a Busesa or Accoaning diploma; ltnoMaetge of Exce, enpesienca dh Grat Plains Dynaide ai auxet. pleas foewrd yoar resume ta Accountlflg Maager, Adecultur Greengi ne., 775 Main Bisant Eut~ Mto, Ontario LUT 3Z3 or faxto N647-307 estea*Ie ere on= aad f a BOOKKEEPER Part-lime or longer NP, A/R, B/R, Payroll, > Monthly Government o s 5for small Georgetown business. Cali 905-873-6500 Promint Buieux Employer bas opporfonifr for Customer Service/CaII Centre Rep. This is u challenging opporonity for an independent, self-stadtes in aur Caîl C entre aho is ableto luork an- dependently aI self-directed lusko. The succosful applicant ailI bave tire reuponsihili fort providing. oas costomors aitb information relut:a ta tua services, billing inqoisies and goneral service proaisions. Sume of the key ufemonts aI Ibis hosy and chuttenging posi- tion ruaire prompt responses lu cusiomer inqoiros; Ibsiaug kntaledgeo f bustness pructices including ast-dot ccounl collection practices. In addition In oing t teus pluer, ua wili e n independnt Ibiker und ess strang inter pemaonal and com- munication siIls, excel lest arganizufinn and lime suni- agemeni skills. A minimum aI lau yeats tf caîl centre tertuce is essentiel for iis position. C ualIMted appîlicmts are levlld la sulmIl a de tallail resvome, la cmgelldec, la: P.O. Box 1001 ci The Berlin enpet Ma4 Malew, edîegiea. ON L7L 705 Rentames ebWibe accepled no tler llse Noebr1,2003 r - WORKERS NEEDED w ý-I PICKER/CHECKER pouitions uvailuhle. F/T $0 FULL TIME LUMBER YARD POSITION pesr h.Monda g - Fridag. Ail applicantu must have * 42 Hus week .guodasittOriOand Oral English Skills. *1 evening ta 9PM Attracbive Benebît Package, Profit Shauing Gompany - Rotating weekend noiredule Pleaee appl l e,1 o raeby fax * WIII train Atte -82 WU-970e9d PART TIME CASHIER 2M Soutit SerIce Ri. W., »vIille -2 evenings/wk 5-9 Rotating weekend uchedula PART TIME SALES ASSOCIATEPRDCIN EATMN .2 eveninga/ak 5-9PRDCIN EATM T " Ftotating weekend acheduta Fl, day shift, enfry 10001 position ati patd henefits * Painltraindhuase ap and tratning. Yoo are an energetrc, self motîvated * WitltraIndetail orienfed team plages aith effective commonicu Miltton Home Hardware Building Centre tion & basic Math okilîs, un ability ta do some lifting Milton, Ontario, Fax: 905-878-4049 & a desiso to psove yous Worth. E-mail: raiftonhir@pathc>m.c050 FLEXO PRINTER Eoperienced narrua aeh press operafur reqoised JOBS AVAILABLE FT, stoady dago, oatab. compan,îaid bevef ifs. Production aork la tht MILTON area. Forwerd resume la: KMARK LABEL $11-$12/h. Att shifts uvaitabte. 8 504#23 Legioli lias, Burlinglon, ON L7S 1T5S Fiau resame to: HCR i or by feal fi005-681-7072 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1,660 Junior Electrical TcnlgS Guardian has an immediate need for a good persan tike you ta jain aur TEAMI If you are eager ta jain a winning team in a grawth position. wve would tike yau ta, coma in and campiete an application. This is a 'handa on" position that provides support for the maintenance and operation of eiectricat/eiectronic equipment on a continuoua flow process line. Good work experience and background or educatior is neceaaary in order ta assiat and quiddly iearn instatiing, troubieahoating and maintaining equipment in an industria manufacturing enviranment. This poaition requirea a mechanical aptitude, expenience in etectrica schematic design using CAD and hand drafting, gaod work reterencea, a 'can do" attitude, ability ta effectively work wlth maintenance anc production, and a underatanding of production urgency. Project management anc mechanica engineering experience are definite assena. Dur empiayees enjay the stabiiity of their joba and wark for ane of the very bes in the fibergiaus manufacturing busineas. Are you a dependable. dedicated anc f- na-ios-rson? Send resume with reference information and aar I 'I

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