Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Oct 2003, p. 9

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Pit bull stolen from gas bar Crime Stoppers The Canadian Champion, Friday, Octobe A dog was stolen [rom s Guelph Line gaa station Wednesday at 12:30 a.m. 'Me owner of the dogbhad tied it to a pole while bie was talking with a friend. The owner then left the atation, forgetting the dog, a black and wite pli bull named Chopper. When the owner returned, the dog was gone. ls leash had been cut from the pole. 'Me dog is valucd at $300. Vehicle's stereo stolen Police were called 10, a Bronte Street South parking lot last Friday at about 10 p.m. by someone wbo noticed a male and a femnale boiter- ing near a vehicle. When police arrived, they found that the vebicle, a red 2000 Ford pick-up truck, had been broken int. The steteo and a pair of sunglass- en were stolen. The value of tbe stolen property is estimated ai $750. By JASON MISNER The Champion Miltonians will likely know within an hour of tbe pois closing on election nigbt November 10 wbicb candidates won tbeir seats. The Town will use a new auto- mated system with optical scan capability to count votes. Voters will be required to fill in an oval shape on die ballot located next 10, the candidatc's name. Voting results will be available on the Town's Web site at www.milton.ca. Police Blotter The male suspect is descnibed as white, with a tali, medium build and short bair. He was wearing a blue, green and wbite football jack- et, a white hall cap, jeans and rut- ning sboes. The female suspect bad bier bair lied back and was wearing a white bat. Impaired charges laid Police laid uxtpaired driving charges Saturday evening. At about 7:30 p.m., two cars becamne involved in a collision on Britannia Road, west of Eigbtb Line. A 20-year-old Burlington man was cbarged witb impair-ed driving and baving over the legal linit of alcobol in bis blood. Van window smashed The rear window of a van was Previously, the counting of votes was donc manually, and voters werc rcquircd to make a mark in a circle. "We hope to have ail the resuits returncd by 8:30 p.m. and quarter to nine," said Town clerk Troy McHarg. The pois wiil be open from 10 a.m. 10 B p.m. TMerle wii be two advance poi dates beld ai Milton Mail. Tomorrow, the pois will be open froni 10 s.m. to 6 p.m. and from 10 s.m. 10, B p.m. Wednesday. smashed ovcrniight last Friday by unknown suspects. The van was parked on Bell Street at the lime. The value of the damage ils esti- mated ait $500. Business door shattered The front glass door of JSC Tac Kwon Do was shattcred last week by unknown suspects. Tbe window of the Main Street East business was smashed October 23 at 2 p.m. The estimated value of the damn- age is $500. Car dented A car parked at a Sarah Street residence was damaged last week. Sometime between 8 and 11:30 p.m. Tbursday, unknown suspects walked on the roof and trunk of tbe 1998 Plymoutb Neon, denting the vehicle. The estimated value of tbe danm- age is $200. The visually-impaircd will be able to vote by rcceiving an audio ballot witb Uhc belp of an ear phone, but only during thos two advance poi dates. "Wc are encouraging; those wbo are visually-implaired to attend dhe advanced voting dates," Mr. McHa rg said. If you're not sure you're on die voter's liat, call the Town aI (905) 878-7252, ext. 2133 or 2130. Jason Misner can be reached at jmisner@miltoncanadianchampi- on.com. Compound broken into Halton Regional Police are investigating a break-in ait a Town facility. Sometime overnight last Friday. thieves entered the Town of Milton works comn- pound, located at 101 Nipissing Rd. They stole a number of blue and amber strobe lights and six LED lights, after dis- connecting them from the works depart- ment vehicles. 'Me total loas is $2,000. If you have any information that leads to an arrest in this or any other enatter, you may be eligible for a cash reward. You wiIl neyer have to give your name or testify in court. Crime Stoppers of Halton doesn't sub- scribe to cali display. Please coll J-800-222-TIPS (1-800-222- 8477) or check out Crime Stoppers' Web site at www.haltoncrimestoppers.com. 5SLLPv. Just take 7.5m1 (1.5 tsp) once in the morning, and again at night. EPHEDRA-FREE Miltoni( Chorirters CELEBRATE$ 35 YEAR$! The Milton Choristers celebrate their 35th anniversary - "Somsgs for a Celebration"! This group bas been a vital comportent of the Milton community. providing the Halton. region with excellence in choral music with a three concert sertes annaally. This year, prepace to venture down mnemory taxe, as we joarney back over the Choristers' history [rom its founding in 1968. This season offers new and exciting opportanities to both singers and aadiences. *"A Victorian Christmas" Knox Presbyterian Charch, Main Street Milton November 22 @ 7:30 pin and November 23 @ 3:00 pin "Out of the Ordinary - a Gala Performance" Opera Choruses The Royal Bank Theatre @ Mississauga Living Aits Centre Sunday, May 30, 2004 @ 2:00 pmî & 7:00 pmt "A Birthday to Remember" - a Cheilidh - Cape Breton Style! Gambrel Bam., Country Heritage Park, Tremaine Road, Milton Saturday, June 19, 2004 6:30 - 7:30 - dance workshop, PLUS a SILENT AUCTION! 8:00 - celebration! By parchasing series concert tiekets betore Navember 7, 2003, you can enjay a seasan of savings! CatI (905) 876-3203 or mail ix the order torm Check our website: www.miltonçhoristers.com A Victorian Christmas Out of the Ordinary A Birthday to Remember Miltonej. Chori7ýbtLrs Subscription reguest Please send me the following Subscription Series: Aduits iZ ZIat $40 = $ i Seniors/ jj at $32 = $ Students Chidren at $20 = $ E I Total suliscription oarder = $ Check off the performance you wish to attend A Victorian Christmias Saturday, November 22. 2003 @ 7:30 pmE Sunday, November 23. 2003 @ 3:00 prîtE Out ot the Ordinary Sunday. May 30, 2004 @ 2:00 pmE Sunday. May 30, 2004 @ 7:00 pmE Name: Address: Street and No._______________ City/Prov: ____________Postal Code:_____ Phone No.:_________ E-mail:________ Complete and mail along with payment to the Milton Choristers. Milton Choristers P.O. Box 405 Milton, Ontario L9T 4Y9 $15 $12 $8 $15 $12 $8 $20 $16 $10 $50 $40 $26 $40 $32 $20 Resuits expected to be in quickly on election night: new system Dr. Anqehk 1Çaedi I Cfuqrar Don't curse the darkness - ligbt a candie 311 WMarti. ,treet Miuut (905) 878-5165 r 31, 2003-O hill Pt toitial Hwi-ý1 Yot, E\ýi-ýR AsiýFi) YouiýsFiie'l'iiFsi, W liat iý lioldilig ilic liack 1'l-oni 111\ l'illi potclitial, lio\% cali 1 find finie to learli lie\\ thât \ýill ill(ý\c 111\ lite [Io\\ (il, 1 calil illoie iiiý)IICN. in ordcl- to bc t iil.lilcia11.ý 1 ýàii 1 llicct ollici. \\Ilo Alarc ýililillr dlàllcilgcý \\,11\ do 1 hcal. 111\ lim er icllilig Ille 1 11,1\c ilot \CI Si i0w Il Nrw C1()-ý,ci-ii IN i il Wofmý,,iioi-,, NILNIORING ANi) NiAwoiýmN(; 1 vct lý111()!ý;;iiitlliii ý,'5siou.ç \Vcdncýdi\ 29, 200.1 Tiicýda\ Nm cnibci- 4, 200ýi 1 tics(lýi\ No\eiiil)ci- 11, 200ý3 -1 11111-Nda.\ Nm cinber 20, 2003 \Vcdncýd.iý NoNciiil)ci- 20, 2003 :00 1):00 RAINIADA INN 101 (:Iliýlloilli Dr., Nliltoil ON Am qL1ý,lioliý t fiffliloi clit

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