Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Oct 2003, p. 8

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S-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, October 31, 2003 HIGH iSCHOQL RPORT uOL E Corne and meet your Mayoral Candidate AiVolpe Sunday, November 2 2-4 p8 t S8ecchnovs Restaurant 500 Steeles Avenue, Milton, Ontario Complimentary hors d'ouvres & refreshments wlI be served ""I teck jîerward te hearing yeur cencervu and an<iwering yur que<stLen&" 7-" ogeth we a n a a dif rn c ' K j MILTON DISTRICT D1SE SCEGOL "MUSTANGm MESSEMUER" Well, bore we are agaîn, at Bbc end of Bbc week, and it seems tbîs Fniday bas sprung even foaBer tban lasi, whîcb may bave something go, do witb tbc arrivai of Halloween, TonighB Bbc sreets of Milton will ho flooded wiBb ghoulish and garisb sigbts as children, (and innyhe tbc occasional bigh scbool student fromn EC Drury or Bishop Redding), compete go, empBy Bbc coffers of ncigbborbood candy sup- ply in tbc old-Bime fun and games of Brick or Breat. However, MD afudents will ho celebrating Bbc season in a "mature and ordcrly" manner witb our annual pumpkin carving contesi and costume frcnzy. You might just ho sur- prised ait wbat you'll find roaming tbc halls of Milton District. In addition Bo, ahl of Bbc Halloween fun, one mighB flot counit il a coincidence oua Sr Mustangs are net for a re- match quarBerfinal agoinst tbc Oakville Trafalgar Devils later today. 0f course we can expect ail Bbc hosB from Bbc football Beam, as their recent victory againsB Bbc Georgetown Rehols is sure Bo leave Bbc Devils tremhling. Earlier bat week Sr. Mustangs polished off Bbeir first round of playoffs againsB Bbc Rehols wiBb case. MD's defense smoBbered their rivaIs in an intense running and passing game and wiBb a final score of 59-0; iB is obvious offence put uap a fight, clinching Bbc 'Stangs anoBber Briumpbant Win. On a more somhor note. students at MD survived a gruel- ing round of literacy tests. Thanks and congrats to Bbc staff snd students for completing Bbese testa wiBbout any appar- ent casualties. AlBbougb results will not ho available until nexB year, our students are certain to make teachers proud, Soon afier Bbc tests, senior phys-ed students were seen disappearing hastily mgto hig yellow huses -it wsn't Bbc stress of Iiteracy tests Bbat drove Bbemn to make s quick exit, but rather Bbc promise of a 3 day camping adventure aB Bbc Pinery. Stay tuned nexB week for pîay hy pîsys of Bbeir exploits. Finolly, hefore you head off trick-or-treaBing, just a reminder Milton District wilb ho sBing a dinner and live silent auction ait Bbc Leisure Centre on Novemhor lat St 6pm. Tickets are available for $40 each. For more details contact Janice Gregory at MDHS (905-878-2839). Have and fun and safe Halloween! Alicia Visconti John Petoerson E.C. DRURT Beu SCEGOL "HeyJhgeswa er 'wh lca otl! "Try net oe gel 'cdimbutduing thteef yer Drry gels aitie cray." "What do you mean?" "Weil ice rryhasbeen around for'oemay year, i's haued by a umbr of crea- tures and ghot." "Pff! No way Alicia, you'oe nîts." "tc (rue 1 con proue tl. Lot Fniday, lthe girls batanibal tan travelled to North Boy ta play ini tte Chîppmaca Sr. Girls oe'ttatona bo',ketbail ionimoitnt. 1 uccear during one of teir suspeiiafu ganus ia ccagtioi osit thlln, in soring baset. 'Alicia do yoo need to sil dowa? ue girls havc tremendoaa sktll Soine ghostu 500 spcak of. did tttoy lookt trottgety ujoilar te soome of oui players?" "No John! Wel. ota..maybn..." "i ba, litailb there weeoma exciig events in tha iockar boy on Wednesday." "Vati! 'lte, viel Pampat heads eerywhnrr! Thia, iran evn one thot ccuembied Ma. DaCosta, anc cf ou, eachtcn. Non, thatis gona ha the motta of gnbtins." "...Gobltnî ne ittidents yes. The Mr. DaCoita pampkin won the amnd for mait ccc- otite pnmpkin.I itasn'titheonly one ibat eumrdoan awan, priant vient atseogicnnout ta tbe bail pomptaini in the caiegariai of: Scariest, mont schoat ipitei ond Bannirai." 1i diin't koan kilt caatd crate things so frighieatng. bot 1 orin that is a gaod expia- nation. Tharr onothcr tbing fii sand me, thaugb." "WhataamwAlicia?" "Watt ban, do you expiaint thon, Brighîraiag pictura in the yrbnotat?" "Ohaco n !I woaid have thoughi evenyoucuilfigre tat ot. Thte faghenng pîcioue mode optlant yae Haitamara Dance page, in mhicb suadralu main dmuised ap ttent okcaly. Sprataing of yam hantai, did yen and ap baying on, tant yen,?" "Oh n!!! 1 loaliy Bargai. Arr lhry tti acaiabir?" "Wby yai! Balb Digital ond bard coer yeae hantai anc suitl avaîtohie thraagh Mr. Fiarial" "Are yaa sare, John? i mouidai moant ta have misord the appaaiaty tiohay lant yai' ya hooa. Abter ait, il troua grat yean." "Ye Aicia.l'In sue." "Great! i con nitl gai my capy Ibmn. Db, mati you may haie bran able ta aiptain ltai. hat ham abtheoac lii the lichent tama iuddeniy mora fuit, and ltai tha tdenit tramt loba happiar? fIbatas GOT ta bh inmat of stma miiehievnua ceaturai!" "Watt Alicia, hoa yoa acluatty tara any of thon, ceotorat?" "No..." "Te abvi eîptanatin t hal oaa TAns are bacta in action! Mony suadenta mare ecstalie t tee ltae TAis came haca ta montim paît menta, and me areai nthappy thai an agreement mn, rrchnt." "Oh..yen..1 tanmn litai,. i gurus tharats nny ane lting rfi ltai terrifites me." "Whai'i ltai?" "Mili-ieran." "Nnmthatisa cy hgh!" "Siadents have bran mortaang loaant achieving the bail mark possible ta their mid- Iern evainatin. Imaaid likta la ay gond auct laryn, and tarap p lt ar onimot forldie condhâtif of the term" "Weil said Alicia! Welti1have ta go, bui bafara do ltia praient ana tiviia inclin." "-Airighl. Attrcait it mii bha las ronhghîrniag bhing l*e ien tIm meat." Lait week'a question: What ana to structurai features that are unique ta E.C. Driry? Animai: nie barber hay oint pool. iWr'ra tara there arc mony mon, bai thesa Iwa derh- aitrty stand aut) This week's questnr What play mon parfnrnnd in 1987? "THEru ROYAL REIPORT"g Preston MacNeII Liana-Darla Pressé DISDOP REDINO BIBI SCIGOL Thus ends thc Ociober montb, as weii ai o week filird wifb many fes- Bivitiet and ceebrationt. Siudeni Govemmeut kepi siodenti btlisg wiîb Houioween acîiviiiet. On Monday moming, ibere waî Hollowcen Trivia, won by Mft. Longitits fit period cioa tabo received grenus foc iheir knowiedgc. Tueîday daning lnches, o donui-eouing conicut wou tieid, witb many wiiiing participants ond mony îiicky faces and floori. Wcdnetdoy, Stuideni Govemment and tbc Fine Arti Councit, hoîîed o greot Haanîcd Honte, On thc stage were horrifying pfops, iettingt. and cosumes, wiib an admission coul of oniy $1. lB was a greai nucceis for cveryonc. Todoy wos Bbc onnua Pttmpkia-Corving conicît, wiBb home- rontn classes compeiing once again, and Bbc Costume Conteit, wbere many original ond fantastic costumes wcrc viewed. Tbnrtdoy morked Bbc Acodemic Excellence Doy. Sîndent who achicved an average above 80% wcre placcd on Bbc Honour Roll. During Bbc day, Bbc igudents were penniticd Bn dccii iemi-formally ond atiend on omozing breakfast providcd by Bbc cafeteria. Dnring Bbc evening, Bbc cofeteria was tmcd uno an auditorium, whcrc a banquet wos beld in honour of ail Bbc sBudenis on Bbc Honour Roll, os weli os Bbc sudent rcceiving awordt, CongratulationstoB ail awsrd winncrs, ond Bbank yon go ail who hclpcd make Bbc event an magnificent. One of Bbc fiant pcp i'allieste Bbe teen in a tahile aB Binbop Reding wos hald un Taaiday durin g second period. The Siodent ABbleBic Association pcovided entergsinment and activities Bn honour Bbc foul sports mamris, and winh gond lack Bn Bbc Boy'u Varaity Football and Boy'u Varsty VolîcybalI teami. A pie-eating contet, football Brivia, a cbcer by Bbc coaches, speeches by cach of Bbc fail sports teami' cap- tains, and an cncouraging performance by Bbc Royalu' aocot tacre each reflected by Bbc bard work and preparation of Bbc members of S.A.A. Last Tharsdoy, Bbc Boys' Vnrsity Voîlcybali tcamn plnycd Loufer B. Pearson tn flgbt for Bbc fit-pinco Bigle, Tbnugh it endcd in an anfortu- nage defeat, Bbc pinycat put forBb a consitent trong effort. Seain MaBbe, wiBb excellent bitmig and offensive skillt, and coptaint Rend Jobnsion and Mont Mastrangelo boBb exbibiting fantastic offensive and defensive playing, particuarly sunte in Bbeir antemptu. On Tharsday. Bbc Boy'î joarneyed for ibeir fiat playoff ganne. The Boy's Varsity Football Boom tacre taccetaful ian Bbeir ntruaggle lasB Friday againat St. Tbomas Aquinas. Incredible playing by Mikle: Rego. Nick Party and Greg D'Annbmii, along with two toucbdown catcbes by Marcos Gray and an additional Boucbdown by Pul Leoni, contributed Bn Bbc Boys' ta'iumpbant defeot, The Boys' journeyed Bn Oakville Boday Bn play agniont Iroquonis Ridge. Gond lack Bn boBb Boums On Monday, utudentu wcrc pleaued Bn reccive ycarbooksthBaî tacre banded out tn igudengu. Oraduotot may reirieve Bbcir yenrbook fron thBb Main Office now, Quogalion of the Week: "A minuge'n nuccess paya the failure of years." - Robert Bmowning

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