6 - The Canadian Champion, Frîday, October 31, 2003 ~ OMMENT THE CANADIAN CMMNIPoN Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Tire Cancilian Champion, pubiished every Tuesday and Friday at 191 Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Main St E., Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one of The Metnoland Printing. Publising & Dîstriboting Ltd. group of suburban companies whicir ~ 341ircludes. 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Adverdising is accepted on thn condition that in tine ruent ot a typo- .1111 Davis Editor -in-C/nef grapnica erron, tinat portion ni the aduertising space occupied by tino mmo- Karen Smith Editorneous item, togetter wînh a reasonabie aliowance tor signature, wiii rot Or changea loi, han lie balance ot the adunrtisnment wîil be paîd ior ut theo apptli- 'irendy MeNab Adieisin uianiager cable rate. Tino publistier resenues theno gît to caiegurize aduertîsements or Charlene Hall Circulationi Marnayet decline Offiîîe Mlaniager Tim Coles Plîîudîîuuî ti aiiaga'r Tino Mirton Canadien Chnampion is aOncyciabie Peoduci Future in your hands In 10 days, Milton residents will be However it's the one opportunity able to have their say about any local issues they're concemed with. Traditionally, to voters, municipal elections have ail the appeal of a dou- ble root canal without the freezing. That's somewhat surprising, given the fact the municipal level of gov- ernment is, or should be, the one closest to the people. Got a problem with your road? Call your local councillor. Upset with the transportation pro- vided by your school board? Caîl your trustee. Need a blue box? Cail the region. Want to, complain about the pace of development? Cail the mayor. These elected officiais are, or at least shotsld be, the first person to handle your concemns. Historically though, voter turnout for municipal elections is low. They're held in the m-iddle of fail when weather can be unpredictable and voters often use any excuse 10 not cast their ballots. every three years voters can let their opinions be known. We strongly encourage you 10 make an mnformed choice and believe that you forfeit your night 10 complain if you decide to abstasn fromn the voting process. We can't stress enough the impor- tance for voters; 10 know the issues and where their candidates stand on them. Our town will face many seni- ous challenges in the commng years. Mie direction and face of council could potentially be altered greatly n this election and il is up toi you - the voter - t0 separate the grand- standers, egomaniacs, radicals and uninfonned from the candidates who have the town's best interests at beart and can offer reasoned opinions, rational arguments and solid leader- ship. Milton deserves no less, but on November 10 its future is in your hands. We ask only that you choose wisely. I j *OUR READERS WRITE Main Street land should be protected,9 says reader Dear Editor: The lead-up to the municipal election is a good time to discuss lte fusture shape of Milton. The proposed 500-unit subdivi- sion on Main Street west of lte LCBO is a key issue. This Iand is located past the rail- wsy overpsss toward Tremaine Road. it consista of a meadow, horse pasture and a few homes and farmis that are a part of Milton's rural character and natural environ- ment. Milton bas designated enough land for 20 ycars of residential development. It woutd be pro- foundly sad and single-minded to, put yet another subdivision in the shadow of the escarpmient. 'Me developer and our outgoing town counicil have taken us on a patb that'would make this land part of the Milton urban are. As far as t kfl0w coufidil made a decision to support this develop- ment at a provincial hearing three years ago. Since that decision, our mayor and various counicillors have said that they would make a differ- ent choice if they bad an opportuni- ty 10, do il over again. Our next council bas a chance 10 take a new position when the malter cornes back before the Ontario Consolidated Joint Board. During Ibis election peniod, spe- cific matters such as these catI for clear declarations of intent from candidates asking to represent us. Chris Myers Chflds Drive Reader says that Malboeuf's e-mail was Iow-Ievel poitics Dear Editor: Perhaps the next lime hie contemplales pulling Ibis If I ever needed confirmation as toi wby I wouldni t sort of stunt bie sbould take a course in public rela- vole for Rick Maîbocuf for mayor, bie bais certainly lions 10 1. Milton doesn t deserve, and sbould neyer provided good reason wiUs Use preposterous e-mail condone, Ibis sort of low-level polisics. tbat be alleges be sent 10 Use current mayor as a John McDonald friend offering advice. Miliside Drive Eco-Tech way1 of thinking hopefully just the start Now that's what îrm talking about. The concept of the Eco-Techt Village project, that is. As many probably know by now - and for those that don't, that's a real shame - the Towsn is moving ever so closely to seeing the construc- tion of a unique environanmentally-sustainable sub- division. Think of il as development on a diet. It cails for ways toi use less energy and reduce waste as well as encourage transit witb less dependency on the automobile. Unlike anything else that bas been done, it will pool these targets into one planned area. Also, the Town bas engaged in a wind study that could eventually see wind turbines generating clean and afforidable power. Bear in mird, Mattmy Homes will only build the subdivision if it feels it can attract willing bome-buyers. t'm desperately hoping it does. Thtis is tse kind of progressive tbink:ing that separates guod municipalities frum great ontes. Evert if Use plan proves fruitful but is difficutto1 mass-market, ait least something bas been attempted - sometbing bas been accomplished. The Eco-tech concept brings me t0 my wish today. As ail of you should know by now, there will be a municipal election November 10. You eligible voters; out Usere must cast your ballot, t don't have to remind you about Use gratitude and debt we should have for living in a democratic socie- ty. That said, te next coundiil - whicb wilt bave sorme new faces - wiIl face a daunting task of steering Milton through, what I believe, wstl be one of the most tefimg times of its existence. Development bas been made an issue in somne of the ail-candidates meetings beld of laIe. It will certainly drive many agendas, during the etectiont and throughout lte next three years of political office for Usose voted in. But t hope, aside fromn issues like Usat, Usas counicit members remember what Eco-Tech is striving to do. It's striving toi create new ideas, a new way of Usinkdng. Is it flawless? Probably not. But it's a kind of mentality Usat's outside of Use box. TMat's wbat I'm hoping toi see from Milton's next counicil in dealing wiUs Use smallest of issues, let alone Use big onles. Whether a candidate is campaigning on con- trotling devetopmrrent, dealing wiUs parking woes or tigbtening govemmuent spending, provide unique solutions. And sink your teeUs into those solutions. Look around, see wbat others have donc and better Usat, better yourself and better titis town. Doesn't Milton deserve it? Teri Casas