at yoÊujr own risk' The Kalloween dlsplay et 661 Chfldrn Dr. usnes most of the house'. aide Iawn. ItII's one of the, more elaborate dis- pirnys klds wlll see durlng tonlght's trlck-or-treatlng. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE ER 0=0 Res loin the many people Qrot wtto agree not le dr ek alcoltolic j drive eeye nthenr group homeS 5aîely. e Remova The Canladian Champion, Friday, October 31, 2003--5 We believe. in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. PLAS GIV -888-321..â433* I've Iived in Milton for the past 25 years and - watched if grow. 1 want f0 be parto h .o next town council to help ensure that devel- I N T ERNATIONAL Â opment in our beautiful Town does flot COSMETIC AND LASER CENTRE occur at the expense of its charm and character. SNE18 n a few days, my brochure will be delivered f0 everyone's Finaeoîeg avaîtable home in Ward 1. If ouflines where I stand on the key issues that 13 Charles St. Milton, ON face our Town and affect us ail. Please take a moment f0 read 905878-9113 through the brochure f0 learn about my qualifications. I also invite you f0 cail me at (905> 878-3182 with any other questions or concerns that you may have. BRAçtCIpNG *WYH AND * e'eemwheG Mil-TON$ uwX I a. - ON SAL SA- NOEME 1 OFI O R7 03 bulk barn*v Ai 2003 Hot Tubs Must go! *Save hundreds on aIl remaining 2003 inventory & floor models *Hot tubs from only $69 a month *Hurry.. when they're gone... they're gone. --MILTON -475 Main Strneet East E 'It 905.693.8909 HOUAS: Mon.-fni 1tOam-Epm: Sut. tOue 5pm; Sun 11 tom4pm, FRANCHISE OPPORT1JNITIES AVAILABLE, CALE i 877-lutin 877 ex01 35. Limîteit qooatitilot ovailotilo *On oppîovnd ciodil. H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *i lBSGASGR1LLSP00LfABL T1 OLSPLE i i i i i i i i i i i Premium Quality and Freshness Guaranteed a Fresh stock arrives weekly, over 4,000 items including: * 200 types of candies, chocolates, gummies and sugarless sweets * Baking supplies - raisins, prunes, dried fruits, sugars, mixes, nuts, spices, specialty flours * Snacks - over 100 of your favourites, snacking nuts and mixes * Herbai Supplements, Health Foods and Organic Products Canada's largest bulk food retailer & more.. . now 75 locations and growing Franchise locations available in Ontario and Atlantic Canada - (905) 886-6756 *Must provide oalid identification, Exodudes specials & gff centiticateti tOtale supplies lott On advertioed items wn renoive Ohe hgot to limit flontitiei. IIIern. mm .. p e e e e e e e e e e i ww.blknai7 si 18 ./Enter m