The Canadian Champion, Fnidav. October 31. 2003-21 MILTON"S 14ATO HILSPLAC 3090 STEELES AVE. W., MIILI»*U - A *-' pr ~y ide çÇ4OÏ%< eue o %V 0 SIC siZýj 500 Steeles Avenue, Milton kisgla W* 4q Buon Appetitoli CALI US TO BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY SParties up ta 1 20 on-site e Full offsite caterrng for I any number of guests NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WhGK FOR BREAKFAST, W LNCH & DINNER NEW HOURS Men. te W.d. 7am - 9prn I hursday 7cnn- 1 Opi, Mrdey 7am - 11 ipn Set 90M -11Pm, Sun. 9am - 11Pm Infofnoltion on Daily Spmols, SSpedal Uvent, Coon9 orRsvaon COU 905-878-8511 isit aur Wbsità nt www.utechinm.Som~ Presents an Elegant Fali NOVEMBER 1si1, 2003 $10f0.00 per personl pairticillv ti-l rci ptcLL . t> àt 6:30 PM j lnei t 7-01 To Bunofit... um1.Mm -a- For Tickets & Informaion Pieuse Cmii 0058707014 w 00570230 as. 717o "Il PhNmo preseot coupon befor ordening. Not oaid with ooy altie coupon or specl ofctée. DINE UN ONLY - NO CASH VALUE Lic.ns.d DinIng Room 50 Market Drive e 905-876-3313' Delivory 1-866-439-0439 q/wC 76 Main St. <9m)878-4171 FRESH FJSH A Homt Mon. -FMil :0cn -3 r Large Voriety of & SaShimi 3006 Deriv Priva Room, Rd. M Bes Costume lny Rd.e *0~ 1 - 9«ýý_1uee -se- SA«T. $150.00 for Best Costume PLUS win an Alexander Keitli's Beer Fridge